Chapter 282
Ever since Zhang Yi saw Diao Chan, he felt at ease, just like any man seeing a beautiful woman.So he immediately made a decision in his heart that Diao Chan must own it for himself.Thereby suppressing the boiling of dragon blood in the body.

What Kong Rong said in the future, Zhang Yi's ears felt like chewing wax, which was tasteless.

At this moment, he was eager to end it soon, but Kong Rong could talk about everything, so how could it end?

It wasn't until Wang Yun asked people to come and let the two go to the mansion that Zhang Yi felt that this nightmare was finally over.

So the two of them went to the main hall, at this time the food and drink had already been prepared on the dinner table.I have to say that this table of wine and food is very rich!Ordinary people are also year-round, and I am afraid that they can only eat such a sumptuous food and drink during the New Year, but it is not uncommon in the palace.

When the two appeared, Wang Yun went out to greet them.

At this time, Wang Yun changed into a suit of clothes, and his whole feeling was completely different.It is completely the temperament of the noble family, which is different.

He greeted Zhang Yi and said: "Brother Wuji, please come and sit in the table."

So Zhang Yi sat down without the slightest politeness.

"Come, come, come, there is nothing to prepare, it's just some simple food, don't look down on me if you don't want me!"

"Where is it, this is already very rich, thank you, Mr. Wang, for the banquet!"

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries, they exchanged cups.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The three of them chatted casually, but these words were as tasteless as chewing wax in Zhang Yi's ears. At this time, he was thinking about how Zhang recruited Kong Rong and Wang Yun, and how to recruit Diao Chan. Take it for yourself.Others, he didn't particularly care.

He had to find a suitable way to talk about it with Wang Yun and Kong Rong.

But he is soft-spoken. If he is in the Golden City at this time, there may be great hope. If he shows his identity, the success rate of recruitment can be increased by at least 50%, but it is really not possible now.

Now he can only be regarded as a recruiting target by them.

At this moment, Diao Chan came in from the door, and he immediately saluted the three of them.

"Diao Chan met Father, Uncle Kong, and Young Master Wuji!"

Wang Yun smiled and shouted: "Come, come, Diao Chan, dance for our Mr. Wuji!"

"Yes! Father."

Diao Chan raised her head and saw Zhang Yi in her eyes, and the two looked at each other again.

Suddenly, she brushed her fair face, and it instantly became very rosy.She looked more alluring under the candlelight than under the afterglow of the setting sun.

I'm afraid that at this time, he is not alone with Diao Chan, otherwise Zhang Yi may not be able to control himself, especially the boiling dragon's blood in his body, which is already difficult to suppress at this time.


He exhaled lightly, suppressing the boiling of the dragon's blood, his face was already flushed, as if he had drunk too much wine.

Diao Chan smiled and jumped onto the dance floor.

Someone started to knock the music, accompanied by the rhythm of the music.When Diao Chan danced, she lingered in people's hearts like flying into the sky.Zhang Yi was dumbfounded by her dancing.

His performance made Wang Yun and Kong Rong smile at each other when they saw each other.

Diaochan followed, like a butterfly, dancing gracefully, such a beautiful thing, probably only at this moment.

Her every frown and smile are all captivating.

It can be said that Zhang Yi is very satisfied with Diao Chan.

Just at this time, Wang Yun raised the cup and said: "I am fortunate to have Mr. Wuji's help today, otherwise I, Wang Yun, may die in the downtown. I am afraid that the world will decline, and then I, Wang Yun, will not be able to do anything for the court. Contribution...the world is in chaos today, if a capable person like Brother Wuji can contribute some strength to the court, will the world be in chaos?"

After Wang Yun said so much, he just wanted to recruit Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi, the lord of the four cities and the future lord of the world, has a much higher vision than Wang Yun.

Moreover, since his two lifetimes of human experience, since he arrived in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there is no reason to rely on others as the master!No matter what you say, you must create your own country.

Now Wang Yun's active recruitment made him unable to answer.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Master Wang, I want to travel around the world and not be bowed down by others. We will discuss this matter later."

This is a major event, and it cannot be decided lightly.

Zhang Yi's face-to-face refusal caused Wang Yun's face to change slightly, but then returned to normal.

At this time, Kong Rong said: "Mr. Wuji is at ease, but the affairs of the world are still controlled by the big man alone. If you want to travel around the world, you have to belong to the stable country of the big man. If the big man's country is unstable, then what about traveling?" There are wars and chaos everywhere, and there is not enough food. What development are you talking about?"

Zhang Yi chuckled.

"What you two said is true! In fact, I came to Luoyang to find someone, and everything will be discussed after I find that person."

He hadn't thought of how to recruit the two of them yet, so it was impossible to be recruited by the two of them, so he had to adopt a roundabout tactic.

Moreover, relying on one's own strength, it is not impossible to find Lu Bu, so it is better to directly borrow Wang Yun's network in time, maybe there is still some possibility.

That's much faster than looking for it by yourself, so he said that, presumably the two of them will definitely help in order to let him stay and serve them, and, considering that he saved Wang Yun's life, this He must help.

"Oh? Who are you looking for, maybe I can find it for you!"

Sure enough, Wang Yun took the initiative to say.

"This person's name is Lu Bu, and his height..."

So he told Lu Bu's information, Wang Yun heard it, and said straightly: "Maybe I can help you find out this, after all, there are not many such tall people in this world."

"Hahaha, then thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Where did you say it? I will arrange it immediately tomorrow."

Everything can only be discussed after finding Lu Bu, so everyone let it go and did not mention the recruitment.

At this time, Zhang Yi has been thinking about how to recruit Wang Yun.From what he said just now, this person is loyal to the big man, even if he is framed by Zhang Rang, his determination to the big man cannot be shaken.No, he had to find a way, otherwise he had to... kill them.

"Come, come, drink, drink! Let's get drunk!"

Zhang Yi said later that he would not drag the topic further.

Several people chatted for a while, accompanied by Diao Chan's dance, Zhang Yi learned that Wang Yun originally wanted to leave Luoyang and go to Chenliu to stay for a while, but now because of his arrival, he changed his mind.

And he wanted to take advantage of Wang Yun's relationship, so he agreed to stay in the palace for a few days before making any plans.

(End of this chapter)

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