I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 283 Beauty Matches Beauty

Chapter 283 Beautiful Things Match Beautiful People (Part [-])
On the second day, everyone was in a tense state of alert. Zhang Rang expanded the scope of the search, and many people were imprisoned because of this. Zhang Yi did not expect that this was only his temporary intention. Zhang Rang used it as an excuse to frame people who disagreed with his political views.

The whole turmoil was great, but it had nothing to do with Zhang Yi. Another point was that he was in the palace, and no one would dare to investigate here. He seemed to be isolated from this matter.

And Wang Yun also started to find the whereabouts of Lu Bu for Zhang Yi. It can be said that he is very hard to find a relationship.

This matter was left to him, and it was rare for Zhang Yi to be free. He wandered in the back garden when he had nothing to do. Since he came here, he began to live a fast-paced life. It is rare to have this opportunity to steal some leisure.

Coincidentally, he saw that Diao Chan was there, and of course many maidservants were also there.

As soon as Diao Chan saw Zhang Yi coming, she got up and said, "Diao Chan, I have seen Mr. Wuji."

Many maids also saluted.

Zhang Yi waved his hand, signaling them to be excused.

He said, "You're welcome, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing else, just paint some pictures here."

"It turns out that you also like to draw, come, let me have a look."

Zhang Yi tried to see, but was blocked by Diao Chan, but this time, the two had a little contact.

Diao Chan threw herself into Zhang Yi's arms, which was terrible. Zhang Yi felt that his whole body was about to explode, and the dragon blood in his body was already boiling.That dragon's blood doesn't care about human love, it is affecting Zhang Yi as the most primitive impulse.

His whole body immediately became hot, making Diao Chan immediately push Zhang Yi lightly.

The two gradually left, and at the same time they blushed, like a flower waiting to be picked.

As a result, many maidservants hid their faces and laughed.

At this time, there was a voice in Zhang Yi's mind, that was to occupy her!

How could Zhang Yi let Dragon Blood gain the upper hand.

Coupled with Diao Chan's escape, he felt certain.

Suppress me!

The influence of the dragon's blood was only slightly eased. Although it did not disappear, it also made him recover a little bit of sobriety, just a little bit. Once caught, I'm afraid I will be treated as a prostitute.

The two fell into extreme embarrassment, and there were still many maids watching.

After a while, Diao Chan said:
"Young Master, Diao Chan's drawing is not good, so don't look at it."

Diao Chan was very secretive, not wanting Zhang Yi to see what she was drawing, but how could her speed match Zhang Yi's.

Only then did he realize that the original purpose was to look at the paintings, and the more he was not allowed to look at them, the more people would want to look at them.

When he looked forward, he saw that the painting on the white paper turned out to be his portrait.


Diao Chan's face turned even redder.

Zhang Yi was overjoyed, but because of one sentence, Diao Chan's embarrassment was resolved.

"This painting is not bad, it looks very much like me. The miss is really meticulous in her observations."

His words made Diao Chan calm down a little.

"Your...Young master has won the prize."

"I think this painting is pretty good, why don't you give it to me!"

"Young master likes it, just take it..."

"Good good!"

Zhang Yike was not polite, and directly took away the painting. There was a fragrance in the painting, which belonged to Diaochan.

Hand painted, hand left fragrance.

This thing can't be taken for nothing, just as he got some good things from Zhang Rang, it's better to give it to Diao Chan, the so-called beautiful things match beautiful people.

So like a magic trick, a glass hairpin appeared in his hand.

This glass hairpin is very beautiful in shape, and there are a lot of pearls connected in series on the side. It is not cheap at first glance.

He said: "Miss, you gave me a portrait, and I have nothing to give you. It just happened that I got a glass hairpin recently, but I couldn't find a suitable person to give it to me. It just so happens that I think this glass hairpin matches you. So please miss me to accept it."

When Diao Chan saw the glass hairpin in Zhang Yi's hand, she was immediately attracted by it. She gently raised her hand, and picked up the glass hairpin with her slender fingers.

This glass hairpin can actually bring out her skin whiteness, she put it in the palm of her hand, full of joy.

"Thank you, son, for the gift."

For women, the things they like are nothing more than things that add points to their appearance, such as some rouge and gouache, headgear, and clothes.

Zhang Yi got a lot of these things from Zhang Rang, and planned to take them back to his two wives and two concubines.

They all followed me, there is no reason not to give anything away, I believe, they will be very happy.

"you are welcome!"

At this moment, a maidservant with knowledge and interest first said: "Miss, I'll help you put it on!"

Diao Chan nodded and lowered her head, the maid impatiently inserted the colored glaze hairpin into her bun.

At the same time, he dragged Diao Chan to the edge of the mirror-like water and took a photo.

I have to say that this glazed hairpin directly added points to Diao Chan. Even if the palace is rich, it doesn't have everything, especially such exquisite things, let alone Zhang Yi's gift.

"Miss, this glazed hairpin is so pretty, it really matches you!"

"is it?"

"Yes, it's really beautiful!"

"Master Wuji really has vision!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi felt secretly refreshed.

And Diao Chan came over again, and said, "Thank you, sir, for the hairpin!"

In her opinion, Zhang Yi really liked the glass hairpin because it was given by Zhang Yi.

"Hahaha, you're welcome!"

"Young Master Wuji, I heard that you once traveled all over the world. Diao Chan wants to know something outside, can you tell me about it?"

"Of course you can!"

"That's great! My lord, please, how about we talk while walking?"

"to make!"

The two walked along the rockery and the pool. Zhang Yi's knowledge is not comparable to that of Diao Chan. His two lives, whether it is the scenery or the script of the story, are countless. As a time traveler, this is It is his advantage.

Therefore, everything he said made Diao Chan yearn for it.

During the period, Zhang Yi revealed from time to time that there was a place where the city walls were as golden and resplendent as gold.It is where the Golden City is located.

Diao Chan actually knew that place too.

"I know the place you mentioned. It is rumored that the owner of the city is named Zhang. He is a hero of the generation. He dares to stand in the troubled times. He is a true hero! If we can see each other in our lifetime, then we will have no regrets in this life!"

Zhang Yi couldn't say that Diao Chan had no regrets on this trip, because he was the city lord, but even so, he felt refreshed for a while.

In this way, I am afraid that Diao Chan is interested in her, and if he mentions taking her away, maybe she will also be willing, but the question raised is not now, it should be after Lu Bu is resolved.Finding Lu Bu is his top priority!

(End of this chapter)

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