I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 284 Is Kong Rong in Difficulty?

Chapter 284 Is Kong Rong in Difficulty? (first update)
Zhang Yi and Diao Chan chatted a lot, and then they became more and more involved in the chat. At the same time, the two discovered that they had a lot in common, and they felt like they hated seeing each other late.

Both sides saw something interesting about each other, but they didn't say it clearly, but they knew it well.

But the happy days are always short-lived, and the two haven't been together for a while.

At this time, Wang Yun had already entered the mansion in a hurry, with a slightly wrong expression on his face.

Then a servant came to report and asked Diao Chan and the others to arrive in the hall to obey orders.

Zhang Yi heard that there must be something urgent, so he followed them to the hall.

I saw that Wang Yun's subordinate Kong Rong was also there, as well as some people he didn't know.

Wang Yun first said: "Some time ago, because Kong Rong rescued me, the news spread to Zhang Rang's ears. According to our people, Zhang Rang wanted to convict Kong Rong, but he hadn't implemented it yet. I asked you to come here to let everyone Prepare your belongings and luggage, we are ready to go to Chenliu."

Wang Yun knew that they couldn't beat Zhang Rang. When Kong Rong was about to be accused, he made a decision to leave Luoyang, go to Chenliu to change his face, and come back after the turmoil is over.

Kong Rong also said: "Yes, today's treacherous ministers are in power, and we cannot resist them. I made this decision after discussing with Mr. Wang."

Wang Yun said again: "Brother Wuji, I'm afraid I can't find Lu Bu's position for you. I'm afraid you have to do it yourself."

Wang Yun couldn't protect himself, how could he have time to take care of him?But what he said was really from the bottom of his heart. It wasn't that he didn't help, it was that he couldn't help.

Zhang Yi was thinking in his heart that now he still has to rely on the influence of the Wang family.The Wang family and Kong Rong cannot fall, and they have not been recruited yet, and Lu Bu has not been found yet.So, he has to do this favor.

Helping them is just a little effort, and he has already thought about how to deal with it at this time.

So he stood up and said: "The matter may not be that serious! I have a solution!"

This time everyone was surprised.

Wang Yun called directly: "Brother Wuji, do you have a plan?"

If that's the case, they don't have to leave here.

Zhang Yi nodded and said, "That's right, but I have to implement this strategy. Others cannot participate in it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar, especially some people he didn't know had already started to hate him.

"Hmph, what can you do? You're just a warrior!"

"You're an outsider, it's better not to talk! This is our palace's family business, don't worry about it!"

"That is, don't involve the palace in a dispute, do you take the responsibility?"

Since he entered the palace, he could already feel some unkind eyes.

In particular, these people who spoke had a big prejudice against him, probably because he received far more attention than these people, right?These people are the disciples of Wang Yunfeng as honored guests, they are proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts, and of course there are some people who fish in troubled waters.They depended on Wang Yun's support, when they had trouble, they would contribute their strength, and if nothing happened, they just messed around in this mansion.

These people didn't think about how to solve the problem at the critical moment, but Zhang Yi came out to make a plan.

But Zhang Yi doesn't stay here permanently, and doesn't care what these people think.Who made his fist bigger?Who dares to refuse to accept, just serve with fists!
He completely ignored the words of these people until Kong Rong asked, "What's the plan?"

Zhang Yi smiled.

"Don't spread it outside, after tomorrow, you will know!"

He pretended to be mysterious, but he whetted the appetite of everyone.

But if he doesn't speak, no one can make him speak.

He didn't say that there must be his reasons, some strategies cannot be known to him, otherwise, once it is leaked out, I am afraid that the strategy will not have to be implemented.

But this made the diners unhappy.Some called him mystifying, others called him impractical, and still others attacked him directly.

"Enough is enough, you can't come up with any strategies on weekdays, but you will look down on people like this when it's critical! If you can, come and tell me, what strategy do you use?"

Wang Yun's words made everyone shut up and retreated, because these people were really noisy.

Then Wang Yun said again: "I'm sorry, Brother Wuji, this... how sure are you?"

"Very sure!"

No matter what the plan is, no one dares to say that they are very sure, but Zhang Yi acts as if he is determined to win.Now many of the guests didn't say anything anymore, because they were just beaten by Wang Yun, they would only be scolded if they talked too much, so they simply stopped talking.

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes flowed, looking more and more satisfied with Zhang Yi.

"Master Wuji, you...not only know martial arts, but also plan?"

Zhang Yi still smiled, nodded and said, "You can find out tomorrow at the latest. If there is no result tomorrow, it's not too late to leave."

Therefore, everyone didn't ask any more questions, and it was up to Zhang Yi how to deal with it.

Wang Yun said: "Then there will be brother Lao Wuji!"

"Small, just wait for my news. By the way, Kong Rong, come with me."

Everyone didn't know why he was looking for Kong Rong, but they didn't ask much.

The two went out of the room, because those people were too noisy just now, some things should not be known to them, if something goes wrong, I am afraid that this plan will not be implemented.

Then Zhang Yi asked in a low voice: "Give me the addresses of Zhao Zhong and Zhang Feng. I also want some detailed introduction of Zhao Zhong. I can't let other people know about this, so I'm looking for you alone. You understand ?"

"Yes, I understand!"

The two began to communicate, and Zhang Yi got some news from Kong Rong.

Then he left the palace and went to the residence of Zhao Zhong and Zhang Feng.

When Kong Rong returned, other people also asked Zhang Yi what he was asking about, but he refused to tell.

Therefore, people will not ask any more questions.

It was only later that Kong Rong reported to Wang Yun to make a decision.

That is to let all the doormen stay in this room and not let them out until night. The purpose of doing this is to prevent these people from being other people's eyeliner, just like they can know in advance which card will let them go. Seeing Kong Rong in front of the emperor is the same.


In this way, until the afternoon, when Zhang Yi had returned, the crowd were surprised when they saw him coming, and some people thought that Zhang Yi must have come back after going for a walk this time.

Seeing Zhang Yi appearing, Kong Rong asked, "How?"

"Everything is as expected, and the result will be known at night!"

"Ah? So fast? No matter what, I still want to thank Brother Wuji for your hard work."

"It's a trivial matter, let's wait for the good news."

Kong Rong was more concerned than the others. After all, Zhang Rang was targeting him this time, not Wang Yun. Zhang Yi was willing to help. This kindness should be kept in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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