Chapter 285 I Did It All (Second)
Let's say that that night, a major event happened in Luoyang City, a major event that could shake the entire Luoyang City.

Because at this time outside the east gate of Luoyang City, Zhang Rang and Zhao Wuzhong each led a large army to meet each other, and they fought very fiercely.

The city was full of wind and rain, and at the same time, the news quickly spread to the palace.

At the critical moment, Zhang Yi didn't know where he went.

Wang Yun and Kong Rong were already very anxious. They kept looking at the door, but they still didn't see Zhang Yi coming back.

About an hour later, Zhang Yicai and Diaochan returned to the mansion together, which made everyone wonder, what time is it, and there is still time to pick up girls?

But seeing that Zhang Yi came back, they didn't care too much. Wang Yun and Kong Rong just joined together and kicked out everyone in the hall, leaving four people in the hall.

Wang Yun asked directly: "Brother Wuji, do you know? Now Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong are fighting."

"I know!"

"Is this what you did?"

Zhang Yi nodded in affirmation.

Diao Chan asked in surprise, "But Mr. Wuji didn't go anywhere with me this afternoon!"

But Wang Yun said: "He left for a while, but came back again!"

But this is not important, the important thing is that Kong Rong asked: "Master Wuji, can you tell us, what method did you use?"

But Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "It's not enough to make a small plan."

Kong Rong exclaimed: "This plan is really not a small one! The plan to turn the two treacherous ministers who are called brothers into enemies, and fight each other in battle, is probably beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

The dragon has reverse scales, those who touch it will kill it.

In their opinion, Zhang Yi must have touched the rebellion between Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhongzhong, and made trouble from it, and then the two met each other in battle.

Kong Rong suddenly remembered something, he said: "Could it be related to the things Zhang Feng and Zhao Zhong love?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "That's right."

At this time, the two were extremely impatient and kept asking.And Zhang Yi looked around.

Wang Yun knew that he was worried that the wall had ears. After all, Zhang Yi was fine alone, but Wang Yun and the others were probably busy. If Zhang Rang found out, it would be over.

So Wang Yun said: "There is no one around here, you can tell."

Then Zhang Yi said with confidence: "I killed Zhang Feng and blamed Zhao Zhong. After I let Zhang Rang know, the two had a dispute because of this. In this way, Zhang Rang has no time to take care of us." It can be said that Mr. Kong's life is not in danger."

You must know that once the two treacherous ministers fight, it will be dark and dark!They each have their own army maintenance, the military strength is equal.

Wang Yun exclaimed: "Brother Wuji! You really are a man."

You must know that at that time, Wang Yun had prevented Zhang Yi from letting him be as knowledgeable as Zhang Feng. He didn't expect that now he would kill Zhang Yi with a knife.

Kong Rong also said: "Brother Wuji! You are a real man. You know that you killed Zhang Feng, which touched Zhang Rang's heart, and that Zhang Feng's wife is the queen's younger sister, He Shi. It will anger the Holy Majesty. And you actually put the blame on Zhao Zhong, this time I didn't expect it."

At the same time, they also expressed concern.

Wang Yundao: "What if someone finds out that you did this?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry! They can't find out."

Facing Zhang Yi's calmness, the two seemed to believe it.

Kong Rong sighed. "Forget it, we'll just wait for it to change. I'm afraid this is the only thing we can wait for now. We'll wait until the final development of the matter before making a conclusion."

Zhang Yi laughed again.

"Things will only develop in a bad direction, and the relationship between the two of them will not be good!"

"What!" The two exclaimed at the same time.

Diao Chan was also on the side, with a surprised expression.

Wang Yun asked: "Brother Wuji, what did you do?"

Zhang Yi said slowly this time: "Actually, it's not a big deal. Just kill Zhao Zhong's younger brother and blame Zhang Rang!"

As soon as these words came out, the cognition of the two of them was refreshed again.

What audacity!Ordinary people can't do this kind of thing!Zhang Yi actually did it.

The two looked at him again, and shuddered at the same time.

It was Zhang Yi who ended the discussion first.

"Okay, this matter has come to an end, let's wait and see what happens! Mr. Wang, the matter of Lu Bu will trouble you!"

Now the crisis in the entire palace is directly lifted.As for Lu Bu's matter, you can restart it and look for it again.

At this time, Zhang Yi's image in the hearts of the two of them was raised to a higher level.

In their hearts, this young man named Wuji, no matter in terms of martial arts, intelligence, or courage, is an existence beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At the same time, they also thought in their hearts that it was fortunate that they did not oppose him, otherwise, they would have no bones left, and Zhang Yi's image would be deeply imprinted in their hearts.

"Naturally, come here! Then look for Lu Bu's whereabouts!"

Wang Yun conveniently said that this time the search was restarted.

And so on until night time.

There will be another message sent back.

It was said that the matter between Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong was brought up to the Holy Majesty, the emperor was at a loss for a while, and summoned the ministers to solve it, but some ministers just couldn't get rid of their illness. Who let Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong get along with each other? The relationship between the ministers is not good!
Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty once called Zhang Rang his father and Zhao Zhong his mother. The parents were fighting. As an emperor, it would be very difficult for him to be caught in the middle.

But in this way, the court officials were even more ecstatic.

Once the two treacherous ministers confront each other, they will be less concerned about dealing with them, and the atmosphere in the court seems to improve.

It was like Kong Rong was temporarily safe.

Because, compared to the revenge of killing relatives, Wang Yun's confrontation and Kong Rong's rescue seem insignificant.

In this way, it took another three or four days, and finally, under the mediation of the Emperor Han, the two ended their dispute, but there was a grudge in their hearts, and they were at odds ever since.

But these have nothing to do with them, they sit back and enjoy the success, and wait and see, anyway, Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong are going to die in a few years.

In fact, Zhang Yi also did a good thing, that is, he emptied Zhao Zhong's warehouse, and took away all Zhao Zhong's belongings.

He thought to himself, at this time Zhao Zhong must be burning with anxiety, right?No one would be calm when their belongings disappeared for no reason, but they spent many years collecting them.

As for why Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were not killed directly, it was because Zhang Yi wanted the whole man to be as chaotic as possible, so that he would have more room for development.Without the two of them, and ten permanent servants, there will be no chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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