I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 286 Want to Get Me Drunk?

Chapter 286 Want to Get Me Drunk? (third change)

For several days in a row, Wang Yun also tried his best to help Zhang Yi find the whereabouts of Lu Bu, but Luoyang City is too big, and there is no trace of Lu Bu for the time being.

It was as if he was procrastinating on purpose, which made Zhang Yi very soft-spoken. He himself went out to look for him in his free time, and he couldn't rely too much on others for anything.

So, during the day, Zhang Yi was looking for Lu Bu outside, and at night, he chatted with Diao Chan, so he was happy.

The performance of the two, in the eyes of everyone, was very envious. Zhang Yi had made a plan some time ago to let Kong Rong out of trouble, so Wang Yun valued him even more deeply.Others did not dare to say anything.

That night, Wang Yun suddenly called Zhang Yi and Kong Rong over, and held a big banquet.

Zhang Yi didn't understand what the intention was, so he asked first, "Lord Wang Yun, what is the whereabouts of Lu Bu?"

Zhang Yi lived here for a while, and for some reason, he couldn't find Lu Bu's whereabouts, which made him a little anxious.

Wang Yun said: "There is no search for Lu Bu's whereabouts in the past few days. Most of the entire Luoyang City has been searched. I believe he will be found in a short time."

He said this to comfort Zhang Yi and calm Zhang Yi's mood.

Kong Rong also came out and said: "Master Wang Yun is looking for it with all his heart, but that Lu Bu seems to have evaporated from the world. We have looked for the whereabouts of Lu Bu suspected of being Lu Bu before, but we were all in vain. Mr. Wuji Don't be too anxious."

Zhang Yi said: "How can I not be in a hurry, if I can't find it again, I'm afraid you will have to borrow someone to find it for me."

During this period of time, he and Diao Chan got along relatively well, and there were a lot of common topics. It can be said that he lived here relatively peacefully. However, he came to Luoyang to do business, not to talk about love. If you help him, you have to direct yourself, which may be faster.

Wang Yun said: "Don't worry, Brother Wuji, I will definitely help you find Lu Bu, just give me a few more days."

Wang Yun and Kong Rong exchanged glances, Kong Rong understood and said, "Yes, we have a lot of eyeliners in Luoyang City, we can definitely find Lu Bu. By the way, Lord Wang Yun called us here today because we have something to say. "

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Wang Yundao: "Actually, it was about Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong. Brother Wuji, you have done a great thing for me! Now that Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong have turned against each other, the whole court has settled down a lot. Conscripted me, let me reinstated, so today I am happy, let you celebrate with me."

Zhang Yi heard that Wang Yun had been reinstated as an official by the emperor. If he came, the difficulty of recruiting him would skyrocket.

Then Kong Rong interjected: "Brother Wuji must have never seen Diao Chan's dance, why don't you come and enjoy Diao Chan's dance today?"

Diao Chan dances well all over her body, and she has a very good appearance, as long as she moves, she can be charming.But it is famous far and near, but it is because the royal family is a famous family, who dares to let the daughter of the royal family dance for them?Therefore, not many people have seen Diao Chan dance.

Zhang Yi had already discovered that there was something wrong with Wang Yun and Kong Rong, but he didn't tell the truth. Since there are singing and dancing, it doesn't hurt to just watch.

At the same time, he had already decided in his heart that he would go to find Lu Bu by himself.

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't respond, Wang Yun clapped his hands. At this time, Diao Chan came in from the door. She was dressed in a green gauze, as agile and elegant as if flying into the sky, which made Zhang Yi a little obsessed.

Today's Diao Chan is clearly well-groomed, and the glazed hairpin he gave her is in the most obvious place, and it really matches her.

At this moment Kong Rong came over to toast and said, "Come here, Brother Wuji, let's have a drink."

Zhang Yi drank the glass of wine directly, and then found that his head was a little heavy, and saw that Diao Chan had already walked in front of everyone.

She walks like a fairy.

This feeling, under the influence of alcohol, moved Zhang Yi a little.

Wang Yun saw it, and said with a smile: "Brother Wuji, today I will ask Diao Chan to dance for us, come and start the music!"

Diao Chan bowed slightly as a salute.

All instruments are included.


The sound of the piano falls together.

dang dang...

The other musical instruments followed, and the melodious sound lingered in the ears.

Accompanied by the rhythm of the music, Diao Chan stepped onto the dance floor when it was calm.

she.Clean-faced white shirt, green silk dyed with ink, and colorful fans are elegant, like immortals and spirits.

It is also like snowflakes flying all over the sky, and the fairy who grows lotus every step of the way is radiant.

Long eyebrows, beautiful eyes, slender fingers, and waist are all captivating. With the flowers on her bun and the pleated skirt around her waist; with her delicate dance steps, she dances the joys and sorrows in the song.

She is also like a water elf, as if walking from a dream.

At this time, Diao Chan felt like first love.

Kong Rong kept coming over to toast, Zhang Yi suddenly felt certain, looking at everything in the cup, he knew that the wine had been drugged.

Otherwise, with his drinking capacity, in this ancient times, there is nothing that can make him drunk.

He has never encountered this kind of wine that he can feel after just two glasses of wine.

Wang Yun and Kong Rong made eye contact, and Zhang Yi saw it and knew it long ago.

However, there was dragon blood on Zhang Yi's body, and all the effects of the medicine disappeared in a flash.

But he acted as if he was drugged, pretending to lose his center of gravity, as if he wanted to fall.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw Wang Yun and Kong Rong exchanging glances again.

So Kong Rong stepped forward and toasted again.

"Come, come, Brother Wuji, have another drink!"

"What kind of wine is the wine in Master Wang's house? Why is the wine so strong?"

When Zhang Yi asked such a question, the expressions of Wang Yun and Kong Rong changed slightly, and then Wang Yun said: "This wine was specially improved by me, it is very mellow!"

Zhang Yi immediately waved his hands and said:

"No wonder, I can't drink anymore, I can't drink anymore!"

Diao Chan was still dancing on the dance floor, dancing lightly, but Kong Rong couldn't help but want to drink Zhang Yi's wine.

Probably drank for a while.

Zhang Yi finally fell down.

At this time, he was more awake than others.

At this moment, Wang Yun came over and shook Zhang Yi.

"Brother Wuji, come, come, have another drink!"

Zhang Yi didn't answer him, Wang Yun smiled at Kong Rong and said, "Daughter, send Brother Wuji back to the room!"

Diao Chan understood, and immediately called a few maidservants to help Zhang Yi into the room.

Afterwards, Wang Yun smiled and said, "This time, maybe Brother Wuji can be kept by our side?"

Kong Rong said quickly: "My lord, it must be possible! This is foolproof!"

"Thanks to your strategy... It's all thanks to you!"

"My lord, for the big man, this is what we should do!"

(End of this chapter)

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