I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 287 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 287 Lost the wife and lost the army

Zhang Yi was taken to his room by Diao Chan and many maids, and everything was under Zhang Yi's control.He pretended not to be conscious, wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

Zhang Yi's weight is not very heavy, but it also makes these people very tired.If he hadn't lightened the burden on these people intentionally or unintentionally, it might be more difficult for them to send him back to the room.

Finally, Zhang Yi was put on the bed by Diao Chan and others.

Diao Chan said to the maidservants: "You all step back!"


The servant girl smiled subconsciously, and then backed out.

Afterwards, after the girls left, Diao Chan sat beside Zhang Yi, and looked at Diao Chan ecstatically. On that firm cheek, she could even feel the dragon spirit on Zhang Yi, and she couldn't help but feel Get closer.

"Young Master Wuji, I'm really sorry, I have no other choice!"

At this time, Zhang Yi was very sober, he wanted to know what tricks Diao Chan was going to do, he just adjusted his breathing smoothly.

Diao Chan gently left the bed, and walked lightly on the side.

It was dark at this time, but she didn't intend to go to bed.

Zhang Yi instantly understood what was going on, he had watched too many plots of this kind of TV series.

Just wait for tomorrow, then Wang Yunding will break into the door, and then there will be a lot of bangs, and the final meaning is to make Zhang Yi responsible.

And Diao Chan will pretend to be wronged, so their wishful thinking can be calculated.

snort!If that's the case, then I'm sorry, you, Wang Yun, are afraid that you will lose your wife and lose your army, and you dare to hit Zhang Yi with your idea, it is simply a miscalculation.

Dare to use drugs to drug me, but I am possessed by dragon's blood!Break your drug in minutes!
With a thought in his heart, those medicines had already turned into gas and disappeared.

"Diao Chan!"

When Diao Chan heard Zhang Yi calling him, she quickly turned around, thinking she heard it wrong.

Because as far as she knew, Zhang Yi was sleeping at this time, and her first reaction was that Zhang Yi must be talking in his sleep.

At this time, she still called her, a trace of guilt rose in her heart, maybe she shouldn't do this.

But Wang Yun asked her to do this, she dared not disobey.

But when she turned around, Zhang Yi was already in front of her.It was precisely because of this turning around that she fell directly into Zhang Yi's arms.


Diao Chan was very surprised, and at the same time faced with the big chest, she was very shy.

"Master Wuji..."

From her tone, Zhang Yi heard panic.

Before Diao Chan could react, he had already embraced her in his arms.


Diao Chan was so ashamed that her face was extremely rosy, especially under the candlelight, she looked even more charming.

"Curious? Are you curious why I didn't faint?"


"Tell me, did Wang Yun ask you to do this?"

Diao Chan was startled, faltering, not daring to speak.

Earlier, when Wang Yun also talked about this matter with her, although she disagreed, there was no other way, she could only agree.

Now Zhang Yi has seen through it, and that feeling is uncomfortable.

"I know it must be him, but it doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that you are now in my hands."

Diao Chan's face turned even redder, Zhang Yi's intentions were very obvious at this time, what happened next, she would never forget.

In order to prevent harmony, [-] words are omitted here, and the exciting parts are made up by myself.

At the same time, Diao Chan's eyes were wide open, she was playing too much now, she originally wanted to wait until dawn to sleep next to Zhang Yi, but now I'm afraid everything has to be brought forward.It was a feeling of being seen through, which made her very uncomfortable.

At the same time, her heart beat faster, it was a feeling of heartbeat.

From the first time they met, Zhang Yi could already feel Diao Chan's heart, and after getting along for a period of time, the two were quite harmonious.

At this time, Zhang Yi's dragon blood began to boil violently, and he could no longer suppress himself.


After one night, Diao Chan lay in Zhang Yi's arms, very happy.

"Husband... I..."

She wanted to say something, but Zhang Yi preempted her.

"I know what you're going to say, I'll handle it later!"

Zhang Yi looked confident, feeling that he knew the whole world in his chest.


At this time, I am afraid that Wang Yun and Kong Rong are still in the dark. They probably have to wait until dawn tomorrow, and when the effect of the medicine wears off, they will start to implement some so-called plans. will let them fail.

He couldn't wait for them to come over, he wanted to see what their faces would look like.

How dare they dare to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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