I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 288 The ghost is fascinated

Chapter 288 The ghost is fascinated

Chapter 297 Lost his wife and lost his army and was blocked. It is about Zhang Yi seeing through Wang Yun's strategy and following the plan.

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes moved, she hadn't spoken yet, Zhang Yi already knew what she wanted to say, and at the same time looked at Zhang Yi very surprised.

She leaned her face against Zhang Yi's chest, and put her fingers on his chest. At this time, the sky was already bright, and after a night, they were like husband and wife.

Diao Chan must be thinking in her heart, who is this person?Why is it so powerful... When I thought of this, my face turned red again, so I didn't dare to think about it any further.

I can only think about Zhang Yi's force and strategy, and even think that the ancients did not have the usual romance.

From the first time he gave her the glass hairpin, she felt that this man was unusual.

It's not that Zhang Yi is always in love.It's that he has seen too many similar episodes.

From these plots, how does he know how to capture a woman's heart?
He applied what he had learned, and applied it to Diao Chan, who was just in love, and achieved great success.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the dragon blood on his body, he is possessed by dragon blood!
It is the fatal attraction brought by the dragon's blood. No matter what he does, he will definitely become the object of all beauties' admiration.

Also, he really looks good, even better looking and more masculine than any young fresh meat today.

As a result, Diao Chan thought a lot, and then fell asleep slowly.

Until the door was awakened by a noise.

"Come on, open the door! My daughter Diao Chan hasn't returned all night!"

There was a noise outside, at this moment, Wang Yun and Kong Rong rushed into the room.

But at this time, Zhang Yi had already got up and sat on the side.Facing the rush of the crowd, he didn't panic at all.

However, this frightened Diao Chan to immediately cover her body with a quilt, so that she would not be seen by outsiders. From today onwards, her whole body was changed and she could not be seen by others.Otherwise, I'm afraid I will feel sorry for Zhang Yi in this life.

At this time, Wang Yun also saw Diao Chan on the bed, and he couldn't help being surprised, because it was completely different from his idea. He originally wanted Diao Chan to pretend, but he didn't expect it to be a fake show in this situation. .

At the same time, there seemed to be a burst of anger in my heart, but everyone is here, so don't you want to say something?

So he said.

"Brother Wuji, what are you doing? Diao Chan is my daughter, you are ruining her innocence. You have to be responsible..."

Zhang Yi licked his lips and said, "Responsible?! That's a must. I want to marry Diao Chan."

What Wang Yun didn't expect was that Zhang Yi would take the initiative to say that he wanted to marry Diao Chan. This was completely out of their control. In their opinion, Zhang Yi must have some excuses, at least to say something. After the chaotic sex and so on.

But no!Zhang Yi said bluntly that he wanted to marry Diao Chan as his wife. The so-called hero deserves a beauty since ancient times. Zhang Yi, a hero, is definitely worthy of Diao Chan.

The scene fell into a three-second pause, and it was Kong Rong who broke the silence.He said: "Brother Wuji, you are so reckless and reckless, it makes it difficult for Mr. Wang to be a man!"

Unexpectedly, it was Zhang Yi who said: "I know what you want to do in your heart. What kind of medicine was in the wine yesterday? You know better than me, right?"

As soon as he said this, the two of them were speechless for a moment.


But even if they were beaten to death, they refused to admit it.

"Ming people don't speak dark words. I don't want to tear myself apart. I have too much trouble with you. I know that you have always wanted to recruit me and let me work for you. However, I entrusted you to find Lu Bu for me, but you have never heard of it." Luo Luo, just wanted to recruit me through this method. This obviously doesn't trust me, how can I obey you? It doesn't make much sense for me to stay in this place any longer!"

Zhang Yi got up to leave, of course he was pretending.

Not only Kong Rong and Kong Rong, but even Diao Chan was very impatient. If Zhang Yi left, what would she do?
Obviously Zhang Yi has already agreed to give herself a title, if he walks away, her innocence will really be ruined.What about her future?
Of course, it was Wang Yun and Kong Rong who were even more shocked.

Wang Yun said:
"Brother Wuji, you misunderstood, we didn't mean that."

Kong Rong also said:
"We are deluded by ghosts, and I hope you will understand."

Zhang Yi didn't give them time to reply. He said, "Three days later. I'll take Diao Chan out of here. Of course, if I can find out where Lu Bu is, I can consider your words."

He had a premonition that he would definitely find Lu Bu in three days. If he couldn't find it, he was going to go back first. After all, it was not a good thing for him to be in Luoyang for too long, in case someone recognized him , then he may have to use his hole cards.

At the same time, he didn't say anything to death, giving people room to maneuver.

He left a word and walked out the door. Diao Chan's face flushed again, it turned out that Zhang Yi didn't lie to him, and he was coming to pick her up in three days!
As for Wang Yun and Kong Rong, there was nothing they could do about Zhang Yi.

In terms of force, he can fight 50 people by himself and still not lose the wind, and he will beat all 50 people to death.

In terms of strategy, he once turned Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong against each other, but he was still at large.

In terms of courage, I am afraid that few people in this world can match his courage.

Such a perfect person, they have no time to please him, how could they dare to oppose him?

Zhang Yi didn't stay, and left the palace directly, and they didn't dare to stop him at all.

After he left, only Wang Yun, Kong Rong and Diao Chan were left on the bed.

Wang Yun shook his sleeves and sighed.

"Hey. This is a lost daughter and a broken army!"

It was a good move, but because Zhang Yi saw through it, they made a mess, which made them want to die, but what can they do?Human calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations, and they are not as good as Zhang Yi's calculations.

This can only be considered their bad luck.

This is also impossible.

Kong Rong said straightly: "It seems that I have to concentrate on looking for Lu Bu!"

"I have no choice but to send more troops to find Lu Bu's whereabouts! There must be no mistakes!"



The two of them left Zhang Yi's room. They probably couldn't stay here any longer.

As for Diao Chan, she got dressed.She also walked out of the room slowly, but her walking posture was a little bumpy, and she almost fell down several times because of her soreness.Fortunately, her physique has improved a bit, this soreness is really nothing.

But when she thought of Zhang Yi coming to pick her up after three days, she was overjoyed that these pains were nothing!She is also willing, after all, her surname is not Wang.

She is only Wang Yun's goddaughter, and now she is Zhang Yi's woman.

(End of this chapter)

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