I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 289 White Dragon Upgrade? Go Catch It!

Chapter 289 White Dragon Upgrades to Catch It!
The so-called relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, Zhang Yi's trip is still rewarding.

A huge harvest, that is the woman Diaochan, as the number one beauty in the Eastern Han Dynasty, she also bowed down under his majesty.That's the pinnacle of life, right?

For this road, he will continue to walk!

Afterwards, he left the palace and looked towards the north gate of Luoyang.

Because he had heard from Wang Yun that they had launched a search around the east and west gates, but they still hadn't seen Lu Bu's whereabouts.

Therefore, he wanted to try his luck from the north gate and the south, maybe he really ran into it.

He rode a horse and searched all the way around the north gate, all by feeling.

Jin Long once told him that if Bai Long was within a radius of one mile, then he would have a feeling and be able to find out his whereabouts thoroughly.

So he walked aimlessly and in a serpentine manner.When he will start from one point, and then will go all the way from the north gate to the surrounding area, as long as Lu Bu is in Luoyang, he will be able to detect where Lu Bu is.Of course, it also depends on luck, maybe if you miss out with Lu Bu perfectly.

Even so, the entire city of Luoyang is very large, and it would take at least three or four days to complete the journey on horseback, but he was not in a hurry. After three days, if Lu Bu could not be found, Then he took Diao Chan back to Jiuyuan City completely, because at this time he had probably left for almost half a month.

Within half a month, he learned about the war in the north.

The north is also not very peaceful, especially Dong Zhuo, but he has been transferred back to Luoyang City.General He Jin was almost about to completely defeat Beigong Boyu's army. He only waited for Beigong Boyu to surrender. Next, General He Jin might withdraw to Luoyang.

When He Jin returned to Luoyang for the first time, the emperor of the Han Dynasty was very likely to attack him, because the main force had already been transferred back, if he was not in Jiuyuan.I'm afraid Huangfusong, Lu Zhi, Cai Yong and others cannot resist for too long. After all, their army is not large, and they don't have a strong backing support like him.No matter what, he still has that space backpack.

Therefore, if Lu Bu cannot be found after three days, then he will leave Luoyang with Diaochan without hesitation.

The people in Luoyang City are very busy, and people are a little out of breath for their lives. No one pays attention to Zhang Yi's appearance, and there are quite a lot of idlers like Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi searched for a long time, but didn't get any results.

He communicates with Mieshi, and the experience value on top of it is: LV14-10271-15000
Obviously, it really became extremely slow. At this time in the past, it was about to upgrade, but now it is not so fast.

And the golden dragon scales on its body revealed another color, turning into two-color dragon scales.

He was completely focused on destroying the world, and suddenly there was an explosion sound from a distance, he had heard this sound before.

He exclaimed at the same time as Mie Shi.

"White Dragon upgrade!"

That's right, that was the sound of the dragon's upgrade, and once this sound came out, it was basically in the late stage of the upgrade. At the same time, Zhang Yishi followed the sound on his horse and left the city.

Just to the east, he seemed to see a wave of white shaking.

That's right, that burst of white was Bailong Wubu. At the same time, a large number of people followed him out of the city, and they also wanted to see what happened.

At this time, a voice came from Zhang Yi's mind.

"I feel that the white dragon is getting stronger! We must rush there, stop it, and fuse it! Don't let it upgrade, it will be difficult to deal with in the future!"

"What! Become stronger!? This is not good news!"

It was only a short period of time since the last time he missed with Bailong. Zhang Yi was also at a loss as to how it became stronger. Maybe it used some strange methods to become stronger.

This time it must not let it grow, because once it grows, the first thing to do is to attack yourself, which is probably not a good thing.

"Yes, Bailong is an existence two levels lower than me, but if it rises to a higher level, it can be comparable to me!"

Mieshi seemed to have awakened a new memory, which is why he said so.

In its memory, dragons are divided into three colors, gold, silver and white. Gold is the existence at the top, and white is the existence at the lowest level. Of course, this is only a fragment of its memory. Never mind.

If it said so, it should go all the more.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Yi rode his horse to the east gate, and, in order to avoid trouble, he quickly rushed into a hidden place.

People were only looking at the whiteness in the east, and they didn't seem to notice Zhang Yi's departure.

A moment later, a golden dragon soared into the sky. It was a golden dragon more than ten meters long. When the people saw it was a golden dragon, they knelt down one after another.


After the dragon chant, everyone had the urge to kneel down, but because the distance was too far, this coercion did not make everyone kneel down.

But people are still full of worship.

"The golden dragon appears! Hurry up and kneel down to pray for good weather!"

"It turns out that the golden dragon really exists, and it must be a good omen to appear at this time!"

A large number of people speculated and looked at Jinlong's location at the same time, but because it was too far away, people didn't realize that there was another person on Jinlong at this time, and that was Zhang Yi.

Now is a special period. Even if the golden dragon is discovered, Zhang Yi doesn't care. At this time, it is the right way to fuse the white dragon.It needs to be upgraded, the stronger the better, after all, there are other dragons in this world, not just one, if there are stronger ones, then they have already far surpassed the golden dragon, that's why the golden dragon and Zhang Yi are like this in a hurry.

This time it happened urgently, and the advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

Therefore, he summoned Mie Shi and sat on Mie Shi's body.

After another dragon chant sound, Jinlong took Zhang Yi to the east.

The people in Luoyang City must have spread the word here, and the news will probably reach the ears of the emperor.

So there was a saying circulating in the palace, saying that the birth of a golden dragon and its departure from the capital is a bad omen.

Some people also said that the golden dragon came from the dragon's veins, and the dragon's veins disappeared, so the emperor of the Han Dynasty might not be the emperor soon.

The whole Luoyang went crazy.

Of course, these are all done by people with intentions. How could they know that this golden dragon was driven by Zhang Yi!
At this time, he was riding on the golden dragon, he was simply a very cool existence!


After a burst of dragon roars, the golden dragon disappeared from people's sight.

More and more people chased after him, and as for Zhang Yi's horse followed directly, this guy has already understood human nature.

(End of this chapter)

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