I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 290 Golden Dragon VS White Dragon

Chapter 290 Golden Dragon VS White Dragon
The golden dragon's speed was extremely fast, and Zhang Yi who was riding on it felt a little strenuous, because it seemed to be very anxious to find the whereabouts of the white dragon.

But in the end, he still held back. Of course, he also hoped that the sooner the better.

It flew straight into the sky, trying to fly as high as possible, so that no one would notice it, and when it flew about a hundred miles away, it found a mountain appearing in front of their eyes.

There are traces of destruction everywhere, a large number of stones fly out, and a large amount of mud is sunken, like the impact of a huge shell rushing into it.

Obviously, what should have been experienced just now.

"where it goes?"

When Zhang Yi saw the bottom, it was blank, and he didn't see Bailong's whereabouts.


The golden dragon took a deep breath, then jumped down, and the two reached the ground.

However, as soon as the golden dragon reached the ground, it slammed into the ground, and a large amount of dust was raised.

It was like the end of the world. At the same time, a voice came from Zhang Yi's ear.

"Why do you keep chasing me?"

This sound was accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant. Zhang Yi Dingqing saw that it was a large white dragon nearly 20 meters long. On the top of this guy's head was:
The sixteenth level was obviously upgraded just now.

Wait, level [-], he saw the golden dragon behind him again, level [-], which is two levels lower than the white dragon.

At the same time, he quickly noticed the difference, that is, the white dragon's scales revealed three colors indistinctly.

The three-color scales had one more color than the golden dragon, and at the same time he had an idea in his mind, that is, the dragon's strength was determined by its color.

Looking at the person under this dragon, it is Lu Bu.

Looking at Zhang Yi, Lu Bu's face became a little pale. After all, the fact that he was defeated by Zhang Yi made it difficult for him to let go.

This guy was originally here, no wonder he couldn't find him in Luoyang.

Zhang Yi understood something now. It turned out that Lu Bu had been hiding here all along. No matter how hard they searched, they probably couldn't find Lu Bu's whereabouts, right?


After Mie Shi let out a low growl, he said, "Why? That's because of your lowliness. Because of your lowliness, you should be integrated by me and be accomplished by me! I am also the strongest existence of the Dragon Clan!"

Bailong's body is much larger than Mieshi's, but in terms of momentum, there is not much difference.

"Dream! I'm no longer mine. My current level is completely above yours. It's like your blood is stronger than mine. So what? For me, it's still not enough. Just right, I'm going up to level [-] , your appearance can add a lot of experience to me, I am not far from the seventeenth level!"

"Really? That depends on whether you have the ability!"

The two dragons were communicating, and at the same time, the imposing oppression completely fled the surrounding animals. This was a dialogue belonging to a kind of supreme fetish, while Zhang Yi and Lu Bu, who were under the two, had nothing to do at all. Yi Hao said that he is possessed by dragon's blood, but Lu Bu seems not to be afraid, which proves that he is also possessed by compressed blood.

"If you don't come after me, maybe you can still live for 1 years, but now, hehe, if you dare to come after me, I will let you never return! I will make it happen!"

Bailong's aura suddenly rose, and there was a wave of air around him, and the wind blew wildly.

At the same time, a sense of life and death came towards Zhang Yi.

This breath, like a knife, cut through the surrounding stones, revealing the white stone foundation.Some smaller stones were blasted directly.

It can be seen how powerful this move is, but Zhang Yi ignored it because he believed that Mieshi would help him block it.

Sure enough, with a well-heard sound, that puff of energy was melted into nothingness.

"Interesting, then this trick!"

Bai Long also made a move, towards Jin Long.

"Bailong, let me fuse you!"

"Jinlong, who do you think you are? Your strength is inferior to mine, yet you still dare to speak wild words!"

"See the real chapter!"

The conversation between the two dragons made Zhang Yi and Lu Bu feel fine.

When they disagreed, they started fighting.

This white dragon has an icy aura all over his body, which is the opposite of the golden dragon's fiery heat.

"Icicles! Freeze everything."

I could only see a large amount of white frost spraying out from its mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the frost turned into a huge icicle.

This icicle was what it called a icicle, a 20-meter-wide icicle that rushed towards the Golden Dragon's place overwhelmingly.

The surrounding air instantly dropped by about ten degrees, and it started to snow on the side.

"Small tricks! Rootless fire! Burn everything in the world."

Not to be outdone, Jinlong spewed out a rootless fire the size of a hut, heading directly towards the icicle.


The fire burned, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply, as if you were in a boiler.

One ice and one fire, they collided directly, and for a while, no one could do anything to anyone.

Ice freezes everything, and fire burns everything. If you want to decide the winner, I'm afraid it depends on who is stronger.


Golden Dragon Space increased its bargaining chips, and more rootless flames spewed out.

It made it difficult for Bailong to deal with it, but it was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the icicles also became bigger at the same time.

The scope of the two is constantly expanding.

In this way, life within a radius of one mile is surrounded by ice and snow on the one hand and scorched by fire on the other.

One white and one red are constantly entangled.

The two sides unexpectedly fell into a stalemate in a short period of time.

Because the strength of the two was too strong, Zhang Yi and Lu Bu couldn't help, so they had to look at each other.

With the strength of the Golden Dragon, Zhang Yi has reason to believe that it will win.


The battle between the two sides began to spread around. People far away in the sky had already discovered the change here. This was just a skill competition between the two sides. If the two sides fought together, it must be very exciting.

Some people who are not afraid of death actually started to go to this place on their own initiative.

But the recent people want to come, it will be half an hour later, at that time, the winner may have already been decided.

Finally, the Rootless Fire still gained some upper hand. It broke the balance and began to devour the icicles.

Startled, Bai Long shouted wildly.

"Impossible, my level is two levels higher than yours!"

"With me, there are all possibilities! Die!"

The golden dragon's coercion suddenly increased, causing the white dragon to shrink a bit, but after all, it is also the existence of the ancient dragon, and it escaped from the control of the coercion, and retreated to the back.

It was precisely because of its removal that the icicle was directly ignited. It would not take too long for the icicle to be completely burned.

If the icicle is burned out, it means Bailong's disastrous defeat.

The clever white dragon bypassed the golden dragon and tried to use physical attacks to attack the golden dragon. In terms of skills, it may not be as powerful as the golden dragon, but in terms of physical strength, it can be stronger.

"Hmph, just come on!"

The golden dragon had already anticipated Bailong's trick, on the contrary, it was not in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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