Chapter 292
That afternoon, Zhang Yi returned to Wang Yun's home. He had just entered, and when Wang Yun heard the news of his return, he approached him with a playful smile. He did not forget to bring Kong Rong with him.The two of them seemed to have no memory of what happened in the morning.

Wang Yun said: "Young Master Wuji, where have you been all day? We have worked so hard to find you!"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zhang Yi was very anxious. He must have something to do, so he said, "I didn't go anywhere, I just wandered around Luoyang City."

Wang Yun and Kong Rong exchanged glances.

Kong Rong said, "We found a person at the north gate of Luoyang City at noon. This person is exactly as you described. He stands out from the rest of the crowd. He must be Lu Bu! Now I have sent some officers and soldiers to check there.

I wonder if Mr. Wuji is free to go with us? "

When Zhang Yi heard this, it was a good opportunity. If Lu Bu was really present, he would summon the golden dragon and swallow Lu Bu and the white dragon. In this way, the golden dragon could be upgraded, and his own strength would grow stronger. many.

So he agreed with all his mouth: "Okay! Let's go there immediately!"

Wang Yun and Kong Rong didn't dare to neglect. If Zhang Yi was taken care of, then it would be easy to talk about following.It's a great thing for them.

Wang Yun yelled: "Come on, prepare your horse!"

The entire palace began to be lively.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people took Zhang Yi to the North Gate to find the so-called Lu Bu in their mouths.

At this time, Zhang Yi is also the golden dragon of communication.

The Golden Dragon had already arrived in the Kunlun Void Center and was devouring the spiritual energy bead.

It opened its eyes slightly, after hearing Zhang Yi's words.He said: "If that's the case, that's great, I'll trouble my father!"

"It's a trivial matter, and we, father and son, are united, and we will surely win the world."


After the communication, he followed Wang Yun and Kong Rong to the north gate. When they gradually approached, there was no word from the golden dragon, which meant that it could not perceive anything, nor did it find the white dragon. breath.

During the period, Zhang Yi asked many times, but could not answer.

Wang Yun and Kong Rong just kept talking, at the front.

But this is all going to the city gate of the north gate, if it hasn't arrived, it will come to an end.


Finally, Wang Yun and Kong Rong stopped and pointed to the house in front of them.

"The person you are looking for is in this house!"

When Zhang Yi heard this, he shook his head and wanted to leave.

"Don't lie to me, it's not Lu Bu inside!"

It wasn't Lu Bu here, because Jin Long had told him in advance that within a radius of one mile, he didn't notice any aura about Bai Long.


Wang Yun and Kong Rong were dumbfounded.

Why didn't Mr. Wuji go to investigate and immediately concluded that this was not Lu Bu?

But they didn't believe it, so they ordered people to surround the house.

Then ordered the officers and soldiers to rush into the house.

The people inside shouted for help.

"Why catch me, help me!"

It wasn't until this person was caught that everyone realized that although this person was tall, his body was very weak. He couldn't even hold a hatchet, let alone a big knife.

Wang Yun went over and asked: "What's your name? Where are you from!?"

"Villain Li Shao, from Luoyang! What do you want to do? I didn't commit a crime, why arrest me!"

When Li Shao said his name, the two believed Zhang Yi's words. This person was not Lu Bu.

"Let him go!"

Li Shao quickly rolled back to the room, not daring to come out again.

The two felt extremely puzzled and asked Zhang Yi for advice.

Kong Rong asked, "Why did Mr. Wuji conclude that that person is not Lu Bu?"

Zhang Yi just threw out a somewhat mysterious answer.

"Because I can feel Lu Bu's breath!"

Hiss...breath, what is that?
Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

Then Zhang Yi said again: "Lu Bu is very fierce, he fought with me, and he was undefeated in dozens of rounds! That man can't hold on for a moment in my hands!"

It doesn't sound like he's bragging when he says it, but it sure sounds like it.

Not to mention the height and strength of this person, but he can't hold on for a moment with his height, so he is indeed very strong.They had seen Zhang Yi's strength before, and they didn't question anything.

"So it's not Lu Bu! Let's look for it tomorrow!"

Wang Yun was a little disappointed. After all, he was full of confidence just now, but now it seems like this again.

Now Lu Bu has become the top priority of the two, because they urgently need to use Zhang Yina for their own use.

Zhang Yi didn't get too entangled with them, so he turned around and left.

"Master Wuji...wait for us..."

The two also followed.

Soon, everyone returned to outside the palace.

Just as he was about to enter the mansion, someone from afar suddenly exclaimed.

"Zhang Yi, why are you here?"

Zhang Yi looked up and saw that the road to Encounter was really narrow. There was a fat man looking at him in surprise. This man was Dong Zhuo.

Zhang Yi wondered why he was not in the north and ran back to Luoyang.

This guy passed by the palace on horseback, and he was carrying hundreds of elite soldiers.

Calling him is to recognize his identity.

It seems that it will be early to leave with Diao Chan.

But facing these hundred people, he was not timid at all.

But this frightened both Wang Yun and Kong Rong.

They quickly asked: "Dong Zhuo! What are you talking about? Who is Zhang Yi?"

Dong Zhuo said coldly: "That man is Yi Yi, the leader of the Golden City, and the dragon army he brought with him tried to rebel in the northwest of our great Han world, which is not allowed by my emperor!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yun and Kong Rong were shocked. They never expected that the young master Wuji they were talking about turned out to be the city lord of the Golden City.

If the current emperor knew that the two of them had something to do with the city lord of the Golden City, they would probably be punished.

"This is impossible, he is Zhang Yang, Mr. Wuji! Not the lord of the Golden City!"

Zhang Yi didn't hide anything but said:
"Dong Zhuo, you have been attacking my city for a long time, and now you have the face to return! I feel ashamed for you!"

This is Dong Zhuo's weakness, which cannot be said.

He shouted angrily, "Bold thief!"

In this way, the results have been confirmed.

Wang Yun stuttered a little.


"That's right, I am Zhang Yi, the city lord of the Golden City! This time, I am here to find Lu Bu, and the second is to recruit you for my own use!"

He didn't shy away from it at all, and said it loudly, deliberately speaking to Dong Zhuo.In this way, the retreat of the two was cut off.


They still wanted to recruit him. Wang Yun didn't know what Zhang Yi meant, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

(End of this chapter)

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