Chapter 293


This made Wang Yun unable to reply.

Dong Zhuo said: "Wang Yun! I didn't expect you to be collaborating with the enemy. Now I will give you a chance to kill Zhang Yi. You are still a good servant of my man. If not, I will definitely read a book for you from the Holy Majesty, so that you will never die." No peace!"

Dong Zhuo's heart is really dark, so he directly threw the multiple choice questions to Wang Yun, and it depends on how Wang Yun arranges the choices.

Wang Yun's heart was in turmoil, so he could only look to Kong Rong, hoping to get a response from there, even if it was a solution.

Kong Rong moved his mouth and was about to say something, but was cut off by Dong Zhuo.

"Wang Yun! Hurry up, everyone is watching! Hahaha!"

And Zhang Yi didn't expect Wang Yun to be persuaded to surrender by him. From his hesitation, he saw the result.

Why he hesitated? That's because, one, Wang Yun couldn't beat himself.Second, he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Zhang Yi can be used by him.

"Dong Zhuo, let you run away last time, this time I will definitely keep you here, and you will not exist in history from now on!"

At this time, Zhang Yi was riding a horse on his lower body. This horse was obtained from a barbarian, and it was extremely fast.

He wanted to deal with these more than 100 people first, so he wanted to take the initiative.

The Guyi knife in his hand was ready, and his expression was very firm.

Just because I was recognized, I can't stay here, so I'm afraid I have to leave here at night.

"Presumptuous! Let's see how you will return to the Golden City!"

Dong Zhuo shouted, and at the same time drew out the sword in his hand, commanding a hundred people to quickly surround Zhang Yi.

"Hmph, small tricks! Come on, let me let you taste the power of the ancient knife in your hand."

The light of the saber under the sunset glow was extraordinarily warm, but it exuded a murderous air.

The people around have been shutting their doors for a long time, for fear of being affected.

"kill him!"

Hundreds of people immediately surrounded Zhang Yi. These people were armed with spears. The spearmen were the nemesis of the cavalry. As a result, Zhang Yi might not be able to break out of the encirclement.

But he didn't want to stand out, he just wanted to keep all these people.

So he waved the ancient knife in his hand and greeted everyone.


The blades collided with the spears and made a sound, and then the spears instantly broke into two halves, and the pointed side fell directly to the ground.

"What! What is this knife?"

"Our weapons... are gone..."

The soldiers rushing to the front were puzzled, but how could Zhang Yi give them time to wonder, just to strike again.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and five people fell to the ground.

This surprised everyone present.

Dong Zhuo was even more shocked, and at the same time kept yelling: "Kill him! All of them!"

"Hmph! I'll kill you first!"

Zhang Yi tightened his grip on his horse and went to Dong Zhuo's place, intending to fight Dong Zhuo.


Zhang Yi had already killed, and Gu Yi Dao slashed towards Dong Zhuo, thinking in his heart that this guy must die.

Dong Zhuo raised the sword in his hand, intending to fight Zhang Yi, but before he raised the sword, the sword in his hand was cut in half.


Dong Zhuo obviously did not expect the Guyi Dao to be so powerful, and directly cut off the weapon in his hand, which refreshed his own cognition.

"Dong Zhuo, take your life!"

Zhang Yi took the opportunity to slash and kill Dong Zhuo.

Unexpectedly, the knife hit an empty space, but Dong Zhuo was no longer there.


He looked around, and at this moment a figure appeared under the horse, it was Dong Zhuo himself, and he was already running towards the direction where the soldiers were.This guy is really afraid of death!
At this time Dong Zhuo was really in a panic, before Zhang Yi could turn around, another soldier came to assassinate him.

But how could these little soldiers be his opponents? In a short while, half of them were killed or injured.


As the hunting continued, Zhang Yi became more and more courageous in his killing, and people were constantly hacked to the ground by him. As a result, the soldiers who went forward became more afraid, and did not dare to go up to fight Zhang Yi. In the end, they fought repeatedly and retreated. This is obviously unreasonable, a large number of people were bullied by one person.

Zhang Yi's heart was not on this, but on Dong Zhuo. He stared at everyone on the field, but Dong Zhuo was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Dong Zhuo!?"

He questioned the soldiers below, only then did they realize that Dong Zhuo was really gone.

Since the backbone was missing, he began to escape in all directions.

It's really funny that Dong Zhuo left here at a critical time, and it's no wonder that his strength is too strong. If it were someone else, he might be exhausted.

"It's scum!"

Zhang Yi said coldly, and looked at Wang Yun and Kong Rong, they immediately dodged their eyes, not daring to look at Zhang Yi.

Facing this killing god, they didn't dare to get along with him, and even started to back away.

But Zhang Yi rode a horse and walked towards the two of them step by step.

Wang Yun first said: "Young Master Wuji, we have no hatred!"

Kong Rong also said: "Yes, we are looking for you, and we will help you find Lu Bu."

They were afraid of Zhang Yi from the bottom of their hearts, this god-like existence.

"I, Zhang Yi, am not an unknown person. I just want to ask you one question, are you willing to come with me to the Golden City! Serve me as master?"

In this way, it is instigating rebellion, but Zhang Yi also knows this well.But he still wanted to make one last effort.

What if the two agree?

At the same time, I have made a decision, now I must leave Luoyang City!Otherwise, there will be soldiers coming, and at that time, it will be difficult to leave.


The two hesitated, this question is not easy to answer.

To agree to Zhang Yi's words is to betray the whole big man. These two people are big men at their core. Although the treacherous ministers are in power, they never thought of betraying.

If you don't agree, you may lose your life. You know, just now Zhang Yi broke up nearly a hundred soldiers with his own strength.

Right now Dong Zhuo was beaten and fled.

Below them, dozens of officers and soldiers were watching, watching what choices they made.

"Say! Will you?"

The big knife in Zhang Yi's hand has already come out, if he refuses, he may kill people to silence him.

At this time, Wang Yun's soldiers immediately protected the two of them. They had also seen Zhang Yi's strength just now, but no matter what, the character of these two men was worth their lives.

Then someone said:

"Master Wang, Master Kong, you go first, we are here!"

Wang Yun and Kong Rong immediately retreated.

"Hold on! Let's retreat first!"

Zhang Yi said coldly: "In this way, you have made a choice? That's good! Don't blame me for being rude!"

After speaking, the knife flashed, and went to where the two were, intending to kill them.


But at this moment, there was a blocking voice.

Only then did his broadsword stop, because he attached great importance to this sound.

(End of this chapter)

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