I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 294 For Diao Chan's sake, I'll let you go

Chapter 294 For Diao Chan's sake, I'll let you go

"Master Wuji..."

When Zhang Yi heard it, it turned out that Diao Chan had appeared, and she was walking over anxiously.

He immediately put away the Gu Yi Dao, and at the same time his expression softened, changing from the cruelty just now.

He has no resistance to this woman, and he doesn't want her to see some cruel pictures.


Diao Chan's words were full of pleading.

"Please don't hurt my father!"

Although he is only an adoptive father, the kindness of nurturing is beyond heaven. Diao Chan came out to prevent Zhang Yi from killing the two of them, and there was nothing wrong with it.This is also human nature!
Zhang Yi smiled, his expression changed instantly, and he changed into a harmless appearance.

"How come, I am pointing out a way with them."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yun and the two took a breath of air. I'm afraid only heroes in troubled times would do this, right?This is not pointing out a way, this is simply sending them on the road!That shining big knife is no joke!
As soon as Wang Yun saw Diao Chan come out, he said: "Master Wuji, I will give Diao Chan to you as a wife, please don't embarrass us!"

Wang Yun once pushed Diao Chan into the fire pit and let him intervene in the relationship between Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo, and finally killed Dong Zhuo, which was very prestige.

That means that I don't have this goddaughter in my heart, she is just a pawn of myself, and I can give up at any time when necessary.Therefore, there seems to be nothing wrong with him saying these words.

It's the same now, Diao Chan didn't say anything, Zhang Yi smiled, sure enough, these people can give up anything for the benefit.

He also saw Wang Yun through. If he was really recruited and allowed to stay in the Golden City, it might cause some unnecessary troubles.

Diao Chan said: "Young Master, I am willing to go with you, I hope you can let them go."

"Hahaha! Good! For your sake, I can agree! Come up, Diaochan!"

Since Diao Chan has said everything, let's sell her face, after all, whoever gets her also wants to get her heart!

Just in time, Wang Yun's words can break Diao Chan's thoughts and make her follow Zhang Yi himself wholeheartedly.

Wang Yun and Kong Rong felt relieved.


It was too dangerous just now, and thanks to Diao Chan's appearance, otherwise, they might have been left here.

Diao Chan's beautiful eyes flowed, and her lips were light, making her look extraordinarily moving.It feels like they can be harvested at any time, but the situation is urgent now, otherwise Zhang Yi must go up and kiss her. How could such a beauty be missed here?

"Come on! I'll take you away!"

Zhang Yi stretched out his hand.

Facing Zhang Yi's outstretched hand, she looked at Wang Yun, and then held Zhang Yi tightly.

That is no hesitation!


As soon as Zhang Yi pulled, Diao Chan was pulled onto the horse by him.

This woman's skin is indeed very good, she is naturally beautiful, and Zhang Yi is a match made in heaven.

At the same time, Zhang Yi also reacted, and of course the feeling of enthusiasm was more obvious.But because of the previous release, this dragon's blood reaction was quickly suppressed.

Diao Chan also felt a burst of heat on his back, which was the temperature of Zhang Yi's body, and then his face became more rosy, as if he remembered the good time of last night.

But now, it's not the time to think about that stuff.

Diao Chan said: "Father, thank you for your kindness in nurturing! I'm leaving!"

"Let's go!"

Wang Yun waved his hand and said, he wished the two of them would leave quickly, don't wait until Zhang Yi suddenly changed his mind, they would die here.

Right now, Dong Zhuo has already left, and he is probably going back to bring reinforcements, this place cannot stay for long.

So Zhang Yi said, "Let's go!"

He took Diao Chan for a few steps, then turned around and said, "If you think about it one day, you can come to the Golden City at any time, and the Golden City is open to you at any time!"

That's what he said, but he didn't expect these two people to agree to him and surrender to him.

After speaking, he rode his horse and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a sharp arrow was shot from the side, hitting Zhang Yi's back, but the sharp arrow was bounced away as if it hit a hard object.

Such a powerful body surprised everyone present.

Zhang Yi turned around with a very angry expression on his face.

"Hmph! It really hurts! I forgot to tell you one thing, I am invulnerable, don't try to shoot me with this kind of bow and arrow, it's useless! I'm in a good mood now, don't make me anxious, I will kill you all!" Kill it! Even Diao Chan can't save you!"

Zhang Yi's words were full of coldness, and he felt that the surrounding air seemed to drop several degrees. It was obviously very hot, and everyone was shivering with fright.

Wang Yun is a fine person, how could he let something bad happen.

"Who shot it! Pull it out and cut it!"

With this order, someone was pulled out.

Wang Yun directly ordered that the man be chopped off.

So the poor man was hacked and killed on the spot, without even giving him a chance to defend himself.

Zhang Yi smiled coldly, and sure enough, his physical strength frightened them.

So he turned his horse's head, not forgetting to look back.

"You better not follow me, because if I'm not happy, you'll die!"

Then he laughed and moved on. At present, the sky is not dark yet, so he should be able to leave the city safely.

Facing such a powerful Zhang Yi, how dare they do it a second time.

He even dared not chase after him, for fear of being killed.

So many people were swaggered away by Zhang Yi, probably only this time.

Diao Chan was like a frightened bird. Just now, she was also taken aback. She didn't feel relieved until she confirmed that Zhang Yi was fine.

The two rode a horse together and headed for the north gate.

On the way, Diao Chan was afraid in Zhang Yi's arms and said:

"So you are the lord of the Golden City, no wonder I felt something different when I saw you!"

Not everyone has the feeling of being a dragon, but Zhang Yi's performance is different.

Zhang Yi was happy, and said to Diao Chan in his arms:

"Hahaha, as long as there is my world, there will be a place for you, Diaochan! Because you are my woman! What is mine is yours. What is yours is also mine!"


When Diao Chan heard it, her face blushed and her heart beat faster.

Then he buried his head further in. Although the two of them met different and suspicious looks from everyone, they didn't care, just like a couple.


"Call me Husband, I will marry you as my wife when I go back!"


Diao Chan yelled shyly. Obviously, she wasn't completely used to it, but she got used to it after a few times.

"Good good!"

Zhang Yi hugged Diaochan tighter with one hand, and held the rein with the other, then clamped the horse's back tightly, and headed for the north gate.

They left behind everyone waiting behind them, staring stupidly.

To be happy in life is to be happy, I want the world, and I want beauties!Zhang Yi is also enjoying it.

(End of this chapter)

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