Chapter 295

Zhang Yi took Diao Chan to the north gate, his goal was Jiuyuan City.

Jiuyuan will be their first stop, and then they will go to the Golden City.

But before they left the city gate, someone came to stop the two of them.

"It's already evening, no one can leave the city waiting!"

At this moment, several officers and soldiers had surrounded her, and they stared at Diao Chan unscrupulously. Of course, they would not let such a beauty go by.

At the same time, he looked Diao Chan up and down.

Someone whispered: "Boss, this woman is not bad, I think...!"

As soon as these words came out, some people burst out laughing. The beauty of Diao Chan is well known, and people will inevitably have inappropriate thoughts.

Then a big man stood up and said, "Come down, you two, we will conduct a routine inspection!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yi's eyes narrowed, and then he said: "Get out of the way, or die!"

At the same time, Gu Yi Dao is already in his hand, as long as these people dare to harm him, he will definitely keep their heads here.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, everyone laughed.

"Boy, are you afraid that you have taken the guts of a leopard? How dare you be so presumptuous! I will give you a chance to keep that woman, and you can go!"

The man's words startled Diao Chan, and at the same time shifted his gaze to Zhang Yi.

She was afraid that she couldn't do without being here at this moment. Knowing that there are all officers and soldiers around here, how could they leave?

How could Zhang Yi let Diao Chan go by himself?He's not that kind of guy, and these guys won't last a round in his hands.

"That's you courting death!"

"Yeah, the buddies are looking for death, you let us die! Hahaha!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a cold light flashed, and the man's head fell to the ground.

This stunned everyone, they paused for a few seconds before reacting.

"Bold, dare to kill my Luoyang officers and soldiers! Kill him!"

Everything began to besieged, and at this time someone had already begun to close the city gates.

Zhang Yi had no time to entangle with these people, and immediately rode his horse to break out.

But how could these people let him go and tried to resist, and the people on the tower began to come down, and the archers on the wall were also ready. As long as Zhang Yi went out of the city, he would be shot by the archers.

"Go away!"

With one swing of Gu Yi Dao, one person fell directly, and another waved, and another person died.

He didn't have time to fight with them, on the contrary, he wanted to leave here as soon as possible, before the city gate was closed, he would be in big trouble if he wanted to go out.

You must know that there are thousands of troops in Luoyang City, no matter how powerful and powerful he is, how can he resist it?Even if he was asked to slay hundreds of people, how would he face the attack of siege weapons, how would he face the continuous attack of enemies, and finally he could only use the card of the golden dragon? .

"That guy is too powerful, let's withdraw!"

"Close the city gate quickly, and don't let him leave!"



The Han army began to get busy, and the gate of the north gate was about to be closed.

Diao Chan on Zhang Yi's chest was already trembling with fright.

"Close your eyes!"

Because the scene was too bloody, Zhang Yi had to ask Diao Chan to close his eyes, not to watch the blood, so as not to dream at night.

This is only a small-scale killing. If it is a big scene, she, Diao Chan, must learn to get used to it. After all, there will be large and small battles in the future that will not stop.

kill kill kill
Zhang Yi gradually became red-eyed, and people kept coming to his door to die, and he would not be polite.

But the heart is still above the north gate.

In the end, no one dared to move forward, so he headed for the north gate.

He rode his horse and began to charge towards the north gate. The speed and endurance of this horse was good, no matter what, the horses raised by the Hu people were naturally not bad.

Da da da

Finally, Zhang Yi left the city at the last moment when the city gate was closed.

However, his leaving the city did not relieve the danger.

Because someone started shouting, "Shoot an arrow at him!"

Now all the archers began to fill their bows and released their bows and arrows.

How could that Zhang Yi make them happy, so they rode their horses and adopted a snake-like manner.

The first wave of bows and arrows fell to nothing.


"Don't be afraid that I'm here!"

Zhang Yi protected Diao Chan in front of him, no matter what attack came towards him.

But when he finished speaking, a bow and arrow was shot from behind.


It was too late, but soon, the bow and arrow had already attacked Zhang Yi's back.

When the people on the city wall were about to celebrate, they saw that the bow and arrow fell directly as if hitting a hard object.

Everyone's expressions froze directly

Because they clearly saw that the bow and arrow had already attacked Zhang Yi's place.

Why did the bow and arrow fall directly to the ground?

Not only the first bow and arrow, but also the second and third.

Now everyone panicked, because bows and arrows were useless against Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi was getting farther and farther away, and he might run away if he didn't think about it.

"Husband... Thank you for your hard work!"

Diao Chan caressed Zhang Yi with some distress. It was really hard for him to resist hundreds of people alone.

"It's okay, with me here, we can definitely return to Jiuyuan safely, and then I will take you to the Golden City to see, it is our home!"

Diao Chan nodded heavily.I am afraid that no one is more credible than Zhang Yi. He has a natural appeal that makes people feel at ease.

But at this moment, a large number of ballista vehicles appeared from outside Luoyang City.

They aimed at the location of the two of them. If they were shot by them, they would probably stay here forever. Even if Zhang Yi's defense was amazing, he might not be able to defend against the ballista cart, right?

Zhang Yi turned around to look, and said silently in his heart, I'm fucked!

But the performance is calm, at this time, he can't panic.

Still using the irregular snaking method, in this way, the enemy can capture his trajectory extremely well. In this way, no matter how strong the enemy's firepower is, I'm afraid they can't keep him here, right?

At this time, war drums came from Luoyang City.

Immediately afterwards, the army began to rush out.

Zhang Yi turned around and saw that the leader of the army was Dong Zhuo. This guy really didn't give up and decided to keep himself here.

It is true, if Zhang Yi is left here, then the four cities he occupies may not last long. After all, without him as the backbone, all development may lag behind, and it is difficult to guarantee whether his own people will turn against him. Camp, after all, they serve Zhang Yi, not others.

He could see her anxiety from Diao Chan's eyes.

So he comforted: "Nothing, just a little while, we will be safe!"

"I believe in my husband..."

Apart from trusting Zhang Yi, Diao Chan probably has no choice!
Zhang Yi looked at Diao Chan, this kind of trust moved him very much.

The horse under the crotch ran faster...

(End of this chapter)

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