Chapter 296
Before the two of them could get far away, there was a cry from behind.

"Zhang Yi, don't run away! You are already surrounded by us, you who are sensible, surrender quickly!"

Dong Zhuo was high-spirited, and the army he led was at least 5000 people. With 5000 people chasing Zhang Yi, this was enough for Zhang Yi to blow up for a while.The whole scene is very exciting, just like a scene from a blockbuster movie, but these are all true!The chasing soldiers are also real, unlike the ones in the movie, which are all fabricated.

However, Zhang Yi didn't listen to Dong Zhuo's words.

"What time is it, you dare to take a woman away, you Zhang Yi is really an idiot!"

Dong Zhuo said again, and ordered everyone to start chasing Zhang Yi.

This horse has a degree of fatigue. Once it is overtired, it will no longer be able to run fast. The horse under Zhang Yi's crotch is like this.

Zhang Yi also expected this situation, within 5 minutes, the horse would definitely slow down, and at that time, he would definitely be caught up by Dong Zhuo.

So he must think of a way, otherwise he will use force to solve it.

But there are no people around here, and they don't have their own army. Could it be that they have to rely on Jinlong?

Not to mention whether summoning the golden dragon can solve the problem, but once the golden dragon comes out, it will inevitably attract some unnecessary attention and scare Diaochan, but if you don't do this, whether you can escape here is still a huge question mark .

In any case, he must find a way.


He suddenly thought of a method that might be useful.

So he communicated with the golden dragon while riding the horse.

"Destroy the world!"

When he called Mieshi, the number above Mieshi's head was already infinitely close to 15000 points. Given time, he would definitely be able to break through and reach level [-].

Mie Shi is frantically absorbing the emperor's aura, feeling that every time it absorbs a little bit, the Eastern Han's aura will be a little less.

As for luck, when all luck disappears, it will be the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Qi luck is ten times and a hundred times better than Kunlun Xu, and the absorption speed is naturally much faster.

When Jin Long heard Zhang Yi's words, he immediately woke up.

After a while of dragon chant.

"Father, I am here!"

"Get some saliva, a little is enough!"

"Yes! Father!"

Jin Long didn't ask any more questions, anyway, the saliva drools a lot, a lot in one day.

So it did as Zhang Yi said, made some saliva from its mouth, and then put the saliva into the space backpack.

Although this movement is not slow, for Zhang Yi, he wants to be faster, he is racing against the clock, as long as he slows down a bit, he will be caught up.

There was Dong Zhuo's mocking voice behind him.

"The lord of the Golden City? Huh, that's all! No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing in front of my mighty army! Hahaha! Grab Zhang Yi, I want to live! I want to kill him slowly, Let him know that there is a kind of person in this world who cannot be provoked."

If he didn't have to take care of Diao Chan alone, would Zhang Yi still be afraid of these people?He also has a pair of scud-like legs.

At this time, Dong Zhuojun had reached a distance of 50 meters away from him, and this distance was getting closer and closer.

The speed of an ordinary war horse is about sixty yards per hour. Even if his barbarian horse is faster, it will not stay at sixty yards forever as time goes by.It will continue to fall over time, until it reaches about thirty yards, which is probably the limit.

"Damn it, is it that close?"

"Husband, why don't you let me go! You can leave alone."

Diao Chan thought it must be her weight that made the horse slow down, and to be honest, there were other reasons for this.The weight of the two will definitely be higher, and the horse will carry a greater load, so the speed and endurance will not be guaranteed.

But if Diao Chan is put down, Diao Chan may be in danger?Once such a beauty falls into the hands of the Han army, wouldn't it be cheaper for Dong Zhuo?
"Madam, don't worry, they will know that we are an existence beyond their reach in a while."

Diao Chan looked at Zhang Yi suspiciously, because he was about to be overtaken at this time, and no one could calm down.

Sure enough, everything was as Diao Chan thought, Dong Zhuojun had already caught up, almost ten meters away, this distance would kill them every minute.


"do not speak!"

Suddenly there was a flash of coldness, and then Zhang Yi seemed to be holding something in his hand, and he put it into the horse's mouth.

horse neighing
Then some changes began to take place on his body. Only Diao Chan and Zhang Yi could feel this change, and outsiders couldn't see why.



Zhang Yi signaled her not to speak, so he raised the rein.

Like a gust of wind, the horse disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"What! How did the horse go away?"

"So fast, so fast! This speed..."

The people were shocked, they were going to catch Zhang Yi, but because his horse accelerated, they missed it.

The most shocking feeling was that Dong Zhuo was about to catch Zhang Yi, but because Zhang Yi's horse suddenly accelerated, he left directly out of their pursuit.

"Zhang Yi, what kind of horse is your horse?"

"Old thief Dong Zhuo, this is Jue Ying!"

Zhang Yi laughed loudly. The speed of this horse could reach at least [-] yards. Needless to say, the difference between [-] yards and [-] yards would disappear within the sight of the chasing army in a short time.

And the horse's stamina seems to have increased a lot.

Dong Zhuo's army was not reconciled, and chased for more than ten miles, but as time went by, they couldn't find Zhang Yi's whereabouts, and Zhang Yi had disappeared from their sight.

"Jueying... There are still such horses in this world! They are already going to catch up with Zhang Yi. Damn it! Zhang Yi must have done it on purpose, Zhang Yi, as long as there is my place, there will be no place for you !"

Dong Zhuo thought for a while.

Right now, there must be nothing to catch up with Zhang Yi. If he continues to chase, he will be farther and farther away from Luoyang. He can't chase anymore, otherwise, once he meets Zhang Yi's Dragon Army, he may never return.


At night, starry.

Zhang Yi rode a horse with Diao Chan on the main road, looking extraordinarily romantic.

"Ma'am, let's go all night, and we can reach Jiuyuan City tomorrow morning."

"Everything is arranged by your husband."

Diao Chan was a little sleepy, such a woman was exhausted all the way to go home with her, and then she fell asleep in Zhang Yi's arms.

Diaochan at this time is so moving, like an angel.

Zhang Yi couldn't bear to wake her up, so he just let the horses go slower, and then returned to Jiuyuan.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, otherwise Diao Chan's sleep would be disturbed, which he did not allow!He decided to keep her overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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