Chapter 71 Space Backpack
Zhang Yi left where these people were, and rode his horse towards Bazhou. It would take about half an hour for him to actually reach his destination, and it would still take about ten minutes to reach Ximen. time.

Since it can't be reached in a short time, and it just arrives at noon at this time, and the time for Xiao Jinlong's ascension is coming.

So, he stopped and took out a 70-year-old ginseng. At this time, there were only two 70-year-old ginseng in his luggage. The ones he bought before were almost finished. If he used this way, Tomorrow there will be no 70-year-old ginseng at all.

Fortunately, there are still 60 7-year-old plants. They can still be used as substitutes. It is also a good choice to use first.

When he took out the ginseng, the little golden dragon was familiar with it, took the ginseng and swallowed it in one gulp. As it grew up, the speed at which it devoured the ginseng became faster and faster.

After it devoured, the golden light of the entire golden dragon flashed, and the golden light came out from between its scales. These golden lights were far bigger and stronger than the previous few times, and then its body It also changed, becoming as thick as a calf.The length is also nearly 1.5 meters, and the image of the whole dragon has become more majestic.

It became very cheerful, probably because the physical changes brought it a lot of strength enhancement and better survivability.


The next level cannot be upgraded until one hundred experience points.

This surprised Zhang Yi, because it proved one point, that is, after the fifth level, there must be an awakening of skills.

"Level five, little guy, do you have skills awakening?"

When he asked this, the little golden dragon seemed to be aware of it, and it flew up happily, only to see its swinging body, and then a golden light hole appeared beside it.

Zhang Yi leaned over to take a look, and was immediately taken aback. The Golden Light Cave formed its own space, and this space turned out to be 3x3x3 meters in size.

Anyone who has played the game knows that more than half of the characters will bring their own space backpacks. He never thought that his backpack would be so big. The space of 27 cubic meters is enough to hold many things.

He said: "What a surprise! Can you put something in it?"

Xiao Jinlong nodded, then picked up Zhang Yi's bag and threw it into the space backpack, and the bag disappeared immediately.

This made Zhang Yi very happy, it was equivalent to having a backpack with him, which could hold a lot of things, and he no longer had to worry about it, there was nowhere to put things like ginseng and supplements after grabbing them!

Even if you grab gold, you can put it in it.

This baggage is in this space backpack, so a question that he is concerned about came up.

"Right! How to take it out?"

Xiao Jinlong gestured, it meant to let Zhang Yi reach out for it.

So he did as he did, and as expected, he stretched out his hand, and even if the baggage was far away from him, he could take it directly.That is simply to collect by ideas.

He stretched and retracted his hand, and the burden was directly in his hand.

This is simply not too easy to use, he is a little excited.

"Although this skill is not an attack skill, it's not bad! Not bad! Hahaha!"

For Zhang Yi's praise, Xiao Jinlong seemed a little proud, but it didn't take long for him to hear his stomach growling, which meant that he was going to add ginseng again.

"Come, come, eat, this 70-year-old plant is for you to eat!"

Zhang Yi wished it could eat more. As soon as the ginseng came out, it was devoured by the little golden dragon. This little guy seemed not enough, so Zhang Yi had to give it the 60-year-old ginseng, but this 60-year-old ginseng seemed to be It was not enough for it to eat, which made Zhang Yi happy, so he gave it two more plants, and it stopped.

The value also stopped at LV5-88/100.

This little guy ate five ginseng plants at once, which was five times the amount before.

"Do you eat five plants at a time, three meals a day?"

If this is the case, that would be great, as long as there are enough ginseng, won't the level keep going up?
It shook its head to say no.

And "How about eating twice a day, five plants once, and ten plants twice?"

Xiao Jinlong still shook his head.

"Isn't it that you can only eat five plants at a time for one meal a day?"

At this time, Xiao Jinlong finally nodded.

"Okay! If you eat five plants once a day, it is equivalent to two more plants three times a day compared to the previous one. The speed of improvement does not seem to be faster. But your The number of points required for the level has increased."

Zhang Yi thought about it, and it seemed to be just like a human.The food needed from a child to an adult must have increased exponentially, and the same is probably true for Xiao Jinlong.

He suddenly thought of something, so he asked: "Little guy! If I put these ginseng in your space backpack, can you take it yourself and eat it?"

At this time, Xiao Jinlong nodded, indicating that he could.

If this is the case, then he won't have to feed the little golden dragon three meals a day in the future, directly saving a lot of work.He directly threw the purchased ginseng into the space backpack.When the time comes, the little golden dragon can take it and eat it by himself.Save a lot of things.

So he said to Xiao Jinlong again: "I don't need to tell you about the annual food of these ginsengs. Now I put it in your space backpack, and then you choose the ones with higher years to eat first, and the ones with lower years. You can keep it first. After we get 100 taels of gold this time, I will buy a large amount of ginseng and put it in the space, so that you will have a steady stream of food."

This seems like the best option.I will put more energy on how to get more ginseng.

As for feeding the little golden dragon, let it take care of itself.To be honest, this little golden dragon is also very reasonable.It nodded vigorously in understanding.

That being the case, Zhang Yi started to do these things.

"Hurry up and open your space backpack, I will put all the things in the backpack in the backpack!"

Not only ginseng, he also has a lot of gold, if these things are always on his body.If you are not careful, you may lose it.Or run into some burglar or something and steal it.With this thing, there is basically no need to be afraid of these things.

And when Xiao Jinlong opened the space backpack, he threw gold and life into the space backpack, leaving only an ancient knife on his body.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this ancient knife can defend itself.

It can still withstand one or two when encountering danger, but if it is not used in normal times, he has also thought about how to deal with it. This knife can also be put into the space backpack. The 3×3×3 has a total of 27 cubic meters of space, which can be put down a lot of things.

"Okay, let's do this first! Let's go to Bazhou this time to earn a hundred taels of gold!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rode his horse to the south.

PS: Chapter 79 will recruit a powerful general. Who do you want him to be?
(End of this chapter)

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