Chapter 72 Dazzling Light

Zhang Yi rode fast, and soon arrived outside the west gate of Bazhou.

At this time, outside the west gate, there were a large number of Yellow Turban soldiers questioning the people passing by. Zhang Yi saw that anyone carrying weapons would be stopped by the Yellow Turban soldiers and their weapons would be confiscated.There are a large number of weapons beside the city gate, piled up into mountains.

The place where Bazhou is located is very special.It is the middle ground between the Yellow Turban and the Han Dynasty.This is the place where the two sides fought, and it is now a stronghold occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

So it's understandable why they put away their weapons.If you don't do this, some people from the court may be mixed in, which will have a certain impact on the management of the Yellow Turban Army.

So he can no longer hold his weapon. If it is confiscated, it will be a big loss, so he said to Xiao Jinlong: "Little guy! Open the space backpack."

A golden light flashed, and the Guyi knife in his hand was thrown directly into the space backpack.Then when the golden light went out, it was as if the Gu Yi Dao had never appeared before.

In this way, his hands are empty, and he only carries a small amount of money with him for emergencies.In this way, one can walk outside the west gate in a grandiose manner.

But just a few steps away, he was stopped by someone.


What I saw was a Yellow Turban soldier with scabs all over his face.

He yelled, making Zhang Yi stop.

At the same time, the lame man held a long gun in his hand and pointed the tip of the gun at Zhang Yi's location, as if he wanted to harm him.

In front of the scorpion man, Zhang Yi is like a child, and he is quite a bit shorter than the scorpion man.

Taking a closer look, Zhang Yi and the civilians seemed a bit out of place, which made him regret that he changed into new clothes and set off. If it was the old clothes before, it might save a lot of trouble, but he It's not a person who is afraid of trouble. Since trouble comes to him, he has to deal with it.

"what's up?"

He reacted violently, but instead calmed down the man with the skinny skin.

Those who can have such a reaction are either official or expensive.

The lame man paused for a while, then sneered.

"What's the matter? The official told you that anyone who enters the city through Bazhou will be subject to interrogation. I think you have some problems. Do you have any objections to interrogating you?"

"Then why didn't the others check?"

"Because your clothes are suspicious!"

Now he understood, why not check other people, just check him.

Because he is wearing brocade clothes.Based on the cost of the clothes alone, it must be a lot of money. The man with the skinny man probably also took a fancy to the value of his clothes and thought that he must have a lot of money on him, so he stopped him.

"Do you think you have the power?"

The lame man laughed. "Hahaha! What are you? Dare to talk about power with me! Brothers, he talks about power with me, hahaha!"

What the lame man said made the Yellow Turban soldiers beside him laugh wildly!
But Zhang Yi still looked fearless, feeling as if he had a backer behind him.

He said softly, word by word: "I will give you a chance now, kneel down, or you will die!"

It has to be said that what he did really calmed down the scorpion man, he hesitated a little.

The same is true for the surrounding Yellow Turban Army. They have obviously never encountered such a situation. People like Zhang Yi probably have backers. Otherwise, how could they dare to be so arrogant and fearless in the face of danger?
At this time, the people on the side had already gathered around, what they like to watch most is the excitement.

People have speculated about who Zhang Yi is.

"This kid is dressed in brocade clothes, and he looks like a kid from a rich family."

"There are no rich children in this city of Bazhou. If there were, their money would have been confiscated long ago, and they would have been reduced to ruin."

"Then tell me, who is this person? Could it be someone from other places?"

"Looking at his appearance, he should be."

"It's really a formidable young man, daring to confront the Yellow Turban Army, there seems to be such a thing."

"Look at those Yellow Turban soldiers, they seem to be frightened. They dare not move."

When people talked about the lame man, it made him feel a little embarrassed.

He doesn't care about Zhang Yi.

Then he yelled: "Whose child are you! You are talking nonsense, come here, and pull him down to beat ten boards!"

His subordinates surrounded him fiercely.

Such a situation made Zhang Yi unexpected, and he did not expect this kind of thing to happen, but when he thought of the purpose of coming here,
A quick move.

"I am Deng Mao's master, how dare you be rude to me!"

He spoke very loudly, and the penetrating power of this voice was also very strong.

The louder you are, the more likely people will believe you, so when he said Deng Mao's name, the lame man hesitated again.The Yellow Turban soldiers on the side didn't dare to do anything, they all looked at the man with the skinny skin, hoping to get some instructions from him.

Wow, at the same time, everyone was in an uproar, and they all broke up immediately.

"I'm afraid this kid is suffering from hypochondria? How dare he call himself Zhenren Deng's master!"

"We don't seem to have heard Deng Zhenren talk about it, how about his master?"

"Anyone who can be Deng Zhenren's master must be an old man. You must know that cultivating Taoism is very labor-intensive. Even if you are a genius, you will be close to fifty if you can cultivate to call the wind and rain."

And then someone raised a possibility.

"What if the Heavenly Master is reincarnated?"

As soon as these words were thrown out, everyone immediately shut up, because everyone would rather believe what was said than believe what was not. All of this is possible.

"More than half of the reincarnation of the celestial master must be an earth-shattering existence. If this child is really the reincarnation of the celestial master, then..."

"Impossible, we can't see the temperament of Deng Zhenren in him, that person must be a fake, he must be a lunatic!"

The skinny man became bolder and said: "Bold! You dare to pretend to be Deng Zhenren's master, and you deserve death!"

The lame man is unwilling to believe it. If everyone says that he is Deng Zhenren's master, then he must believe it.

But in Zhang Yi's mind, he had to do something to convince these people, just like how he used the ginseng unit strip Deng Mao and the talisman to make people believe.

Now it seems that this situation cannot be repeated with the previous behavior, because the situation is different.

The lame man then said: "Don't worry about his crazy talk, hit me! I don't believe in beating him up, and dare to say such nonsense!"

Now everyone received the order and surrounded Zhang Yi.They held weapons and surrounded Zhang Yi tightly.

Zhang Yi wasn't nervous, he just said, "The little guy depends on you."

Then the golden light flashed, and the dazzling light flashed, which scared the people around.

(End of this chapter)

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