Chapter 93
For Bao Xin's actions, Zhang Yi felt that he had his own demeanor. Judging from the expression on his protector, this person could be reused.

Bao Xin walked up to the fat man, and said coldly:
"I don't need to say what your court has done, everyone knows, but now your inaction has harmed many people and left them in dire straits.

The Yellow Turban Army will attack in two days, so it’s okay if you are not ready to fight back, why don’t you let us organize?Dare you not put the lives of the people in the city in your eyes?Everyone knows that Liu Bei is also from this city. He organized five hundred people with lofty ideals to resist the Yellow Turban Army and achieved certain results. We also want to follow their example, but you want to stop us from doing so and withhold such a huge A reactionary hat, won't your conscience ache?Moreover, I, Zhang Yi, paid the money, not your court's money, so what are you making a fuss about? "

Zhang Yi's words really resonated with people, because he talked about people's hearts.

Zhang Yi's words are very reasonable, whether it is from the small righteousness or the great righteousness, and these people are very easy to be incited, because they have been suppressed for too long, and finally someone has spoken their minds. In fact, some of them I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I don't have a leader.

A middle-aged man stood up, pointed at the fat man and said loudly: "Well said! I have long been disgusted with these people who pretend to be powerful! Especially this fat man! He never does practical things for us, and often deducts miscellaneous taxes. This guy I'm already upset with him!"

"Yes! This guy is simply a black sheep!"

Another said: "Get them out of here! Don't get in the way of us defending our homeland!"

"Yes! Get out of here!"

Now people's voices spread like a virus, and no one did not question the fat man.

Zhang Yi is sneering. From now on, he has won the hearts of the people. The so-called winning the hearts of the people wins the world. Of course, he has only won a part of the hearts of the people. I believe his deeds will be publicized in the future, which can play a role in fueling future recruitment.Perhaps in the future, after hearing Zhang Yi's name, these people will take the initiative to participate in the recruitment.

The fat man still refused to admit his mistake.

"Zhang Yi, don't tell me these things here. Even if the people in the whole city are dead, so what? As long as we live, their death has nothing to do with us, it's just the work of the Yellow Turban Army!"

Fatty's words directly aroused the dissatisfaction of the crowd. The people who had been silent suddenly stood up again, and they said: "The imperial court is no longer reliable, let's all join Zhang Yi's team!"

The fat man represents the ruler, and he has said so, so people have nothing to think about.

"I agree. The imperial court did not take our lives seriously. It seems that we have no choice but to work hard on our own. I will join too!"

Fatty was completely stunned by these people's reactions, and at the same time, some people directly greeted Fatty with sticks.The fat man called out to his mother in pain.As for the [-] or so people he brought, they were also surrounded by these people. The so-called law does not blame the crowd. The county magistrate knew that he must vomit blood with anger.

But it seems that it is difficult to let Sima County Magistrate know about this, because at this time Fatty and the others cannot protect themselves.

Zhang Yi didn't stop these people, he also wanted to make these people's anger stronger, the more intensified the conflict, the more beneficial it would be for his recruitment, so he was happy to see this happen.

"Kill these minions of the imperial court!"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted.

So someone picked up the stick beside him and greeted Fatty and the others directly.Surrounded and beaten by so many people, I am afraid that he will almost die.

Zhang Yi sneered, this is what the fat man deserved, and the little golden dragon was also woken up by the loud noise. When it saw the fat man being beaten up, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he was happy there all the time. It was like a child, hating evil like a hatred .

"Pain, pain, stop beating, stop beating, if you fight again, you will all die!"

Fatty still refused to keep a low profile. If he had kept a low profile at this time, he might not have been beaten so badly.Until the end, Fatty's voice became weaker and weaker, and so did the thirty or so people he brought, until finally their voices all disappeared.

"Fatty is dead, all of them are dead!"

"It's over, we hit too hard and killed them all."

"We just want to teach them a lesson, and we don't want them to die!"

This made people panic, because they used too much force and killed all these thirty people. This is the crime of beheading.

And Zhang Yi took the opportunity to say: "The so-called law does not blame the people, if you are willing to join my command, I can protect you from death! If you fight on your own, then you can ask for blessings."

I have to say that his words made these people a little scared. They were always ruled, and their fear of the court was still very strong.But Zhang Yi's words gave them hope.They have no way of turning back, so someone immediately smashed the can and smashed it.

"We are willing to join. Anyway, it is a dead end. It is better to die for the country, and maybe we can do something famous!"

"Me too! I'm joining!"

Almost all the people who participated in the beating of fat people and officials expressed their willingness to join, which directly set off a second climax in the recruitment ceremony.

The three literati started to get busy, and this Bao Xin stepped forward and asked Zhang Yi, "My lord! Then what should we do with these people?"

Bao Xin pointed to the thirty people lying on the ground and said.You must know that if these thirty people do not deal with it, it will not be a good thing for Zhang Yi, so they must be dealt with.

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said:
"Let people hang them up, soak their clothes in wine, and take them to the back mountain to bury them. Their hands and feet must be clean!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Bao Xin said to the people around him: "You follow me!"

Then they went down to deal with these people.

Zhang Yi has never been afraid of things, and it is not the first time he has killed people, and these people were only killed by these people, but he stood up to defend them and acted as an umbrella for them, making these people feel grateful.

Throughout the ages, most of the fights between the people and the officials did not end well, but if there were forces fighting each other, it would be different.Therefore, people will join Zhang Yi's team.

(End of this chapter)

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