I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 94 Military Organization

Chapter 94 Military Organization
As for the disposal of the bodies of those fat people, Bao Xin obviously did not do much, and it can be said that he did it very cleanly, and because the people present were all involved in the matter, no one would report the news. In a short time, I'm afraid Sima Jian will not know.

After the recruitment lasted for a while, Zhang Yi asked everyone to go back first, and those people slowly gathered in Zhang's residence.

In Zhang's mansion, Lao Yang arranged for these people to live. From the perspective of Lao Yang's ability, these people were arranged very well by him.

After that, Bao Xin and Lao Yang were called to the front hall to listen to Hou Zhangyi's dispatch.

"How many people did Lao Yang recruit today?"

"There are more than [-] people in total, of which the young master recruited more than [-] people, and the rest were recruited by us."

Because when Zhang Yi was recruiting, something happened that made him recruit more than Lao Yang and the others.

"Have you settled down?"

"It's settled, but the amount of food these 600 people need is too much, and our food reserves are running out."

It is indeed a big problem for 600 people to eat, but for Zhang Yi, sincerity is not a problem, so he said: "You don't have to worry about food, there is naturally a way."

Then he said: "I want to say a few words to these 600 people now!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he walked out of the room and went outside. He was overwhelmed by Lao Yang's method when he went out. He even set up dozens of tents outside. 600 people is probably not easy, just having these tents can solve the urgent need. As for the Zhang Mansion, there must be many of these things, which were left by Xu Feng before.

"Everyone come here!"

Zhang Yi shouted, now everyone has gathered together, but the team is not very neat, you must know that they are all new recruits who have just joined the army.

All these people gathered together, and Zhang Yicai realized that if he faced the enemy with this attitude, he would probably die a miserable death. He remembered that during the military training, the instructor's strict requirements on the military posture and orders made him still fresh in his memory. , so he is going to use this set of things to make these ancient people obedient, so that they will have cohesion and become stronger, with less for more.

So he said: "Everyone joins my command today, from now on you will call me General Zhang, and I will lead you to fight against the enemy. There are only three requirements under my command, obey, obey, obey! There is no fourth option! This is The first point.

The second point, no matter how perfect a person is, he is just a drop of water; when a large number of water droplets gather together, they become rivers, lakes and seas, which can carry a boat or overturn it. It can be said to be very powerful. I hope you can Converge into that river and defend our homeland! "

"Defend your home! Defend your home!"

What Zhang Yi said made the people turbulent. They repeated Zhang Yi's words and couldn't disperse for a long time.

Zhang Yi motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then said: "So, I will carry out some small rectifications for everyone. Those who perform well will be promoted directly to the captain, who can manage five people, and the military salary will be increased by 100 yuan per month! And the chief will also Selected from this corps leader, can manage ten people, plus 200 money per month, and so on, no upper limit!"

Zhang Yi is implemented according to the army organization of the Three Kingdoms, which is roughly divided into six levels: Ministry, Qu, Tun, Team, Shi, and Wu.Wu has jurisdiction over five people, with a team leader; Shi has jurisdiction over two teams, with a total of ten people, and set up a commander; team has jurisdiction over five, with a total of 50 people, and set up a governor; Tun has jurisdiction over two teams, a total of 100 people, with a Tun general; Wutun, with a total of 500 people, is set up as the head of Qu; the Ministry governs Erqu, with a total of 1000 people, and a supervisor of thousands of people, also known as Yajiang.The preparation of this article adopts this statement.And set up a battalion at the Ministry, with 5000 people, and set up a school inspector and school lieutenant; the two battalions are an army, with a total of 1 people, and a school lieutenant.

This excited people again, because it was a good time to make contributions. Although they were few in number, they believed that with Zhang Yi's strength, they could recruit more people.

"Bao Xin!"


"I order you to be a general! I want you to train them, and train them with the standards of martial arts practitioners. In my back hall, I have prepared a large number of weapons. You can let them choose which one to ride. Those of us are mainly swordsmen, shields and spearmen, and the cavalry is not considered for the time being. The number of weapons is not enough, and I will add them tomorrow."

The horse hasn't been bought yet, so Zhang Yi doesn't plan to set up cavalry, and most of these poor people still don't know how to ride a horse.In an army, the sword and shield soldiers have the largest defense, but the attack range is limited, while the spearmen can kill the cavalry, and the attack range can be maximized, but the defense is weaker.With such a combination, it is also suitable for combat.

He has seen the movie of the 300 warriors of Sparta. They used long spears and giant shields to defend Thermopylae Pass, and made the enemy pay a painful price of 2 casualties. In addition to relying on their bravery and powerful combat In addition to abilities, there is also the deployment of lineups, and the matching of weapons and defenses.

But at this time, he didn't expect these people to have the physical fitness of the 300 Spartan warriors, so he could only make up for this lack in the form of a combination of troops.

As for the weapons, they didn't get them from the county government that day, but the quantity was not enough. Tonight, he plans to come again, and by the way, he will get the granary in the county government. Of course, they probably won't buy gold or anything else Put it in it, maybe put it somewhere else, of course, he doesn't care about this.

At the same time, he also heard some rumors that the Yellow Turban Army had already started to attack Bazhou, and at this time the Sima County Magistrate was probably already in a state of desperation, so he couldn't care about Fatty's death at all, right?Otherwise, at this time, he would have come to the door long ago, but even if he came to the door, he would not be afraid, because he has an army. Although the combat power of these people is not very good, the large number will They scared the shit out of them, and at the same time, there was intelligence that the soldiers guarding the city had withdrawn long ago and no longer guarded the city.

"As ordered!"

Bao Xin was overjoyed, and after receiving his order, he went down to prepare, while Zhang Yi began to teach the 600 people some main military postures. Although they cannot change too much in a short period of time, there will always be changes.

He would also participate in the training during the period, and after a while, Bao Xin led people to bring out the weapons and distributed them. Although it was not enough, it was better than nothing. As for the rest, Zhang Yi would prepare them.

Bao Xin's majesty has to be said to be very great. Compared with Zhang Yi, he is more fierce and convincing.So it was appropriate for Bao Xin to play these soldiers.

"From now on, I, Bao Xin, will be in charge of all your training. I hope everyone can work together!"


So until the evening, the whole training is over.

(End of this chapter)

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