I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 95 Prepare to meet the enemy

Chapter 95 Prepare to meet the enemy
It was night, when Zhang Yi was about to go to sleep, he saw fires everywhere, mixed with a lot of roars, including the sound of weapons clashing.

After a while, someone shouted: "Surround Zhang's mansion, and don't let the people inside escape."

At the same time, Bao Xin trotted into Zhang Yi's room and shouted, "My lord! A large number of officers and soldiers have come outside and surrounded our Zhang residence!"

"What! Do they have weapons?"

"They brought a large number of bows and arrows aimed at our gate! Our people are at a stalemate with them!"

Bows and arrows are very powerful for long-range attacks. If they are not well defended, they may suffer heavy losses.

"Let all the soldiers retreat! Swords and shields form a defense to protect the people behind!"


He recruited these 600 people hard. No matter what, he can't let them die too much. He likes some strategy games and movies like Sparta. The shield can resist a large number of long-range weapons. , to protect the safety of personnel behind.

Bao Xin went down to make arrangements. I have to say that today's discipline training made these people very disciplined, so the organization was faster than when they were first recruited. This is of course Zhang Yi's credit. It is also the result of Bao Xin's hard work.

Zhang Yi didn't stop at all, and kept going forward. At the same time, he frowned, thinking that this must be because Sima Jian found out that the fat man was gone, so he came to look for it. There is no impenetrable wall, and everything they did Because, it will definitely spread and spread to Sima Jian's ears, but during the day, there is not much time to find Zhang Yi. Now it seems that they are ready and come here.

Sure enough, when Zhang Yi went out, he saw Sima Jian with an angry face, and Yang Ba was among them, and at the same time, there was a woman beside him, whose appearance was somewhat similar to that of the fat man, she must be Fatty's sister.

When Zhang Yi saw these people, he knew that the hope of going to empty out the county government tonight had come to nothing.

It seems that I have to get rid of these people. These people probably don't know that he has recruited more than [-] people at this time. As far as he knows, the whole government has only a hundred people in total. Thirty people died yesterday. A few, the current number is probably only seventy or eighty people.

To be honest, these people are not enough to kill them, but they have bows and arrows, so he asked Bao Xin to direct the resistance.

At this time, a large number of shields had been set up behind him, and at the same time, a large number of torches were lit behind him, illuminating the entire snowy night.

"Magistrate Sima, why are you doing this?"

Zhang Yi asked deliberately at this time.

Sima Jian said angrily: "Why? I think you are going to rebel! You recruited people privately, it is a death penalty!"

Zhang Yi snorted coldly.

"Huh, the people in your court didn't do anything, and now the defenders of the city have almost withdrawn. If you don't guard the city, don't you let us organize it? We are saving ourselves, and we didn't spend a penny of your court. ,a grain of rice!"

"Okay, I won't talk about this for now, someone saw you killing my brother-in-law! There are nearly 30 people under me, who did it, come out, we will spare you!"

As soon as Sima Jian's words came out, the woman beside him began to cry loudly.

"The one who killed a thousand swords! Who killed my younger brother!? Come out for me, I am just such a younger brother, we depend on each other! Today I taught you guys to kill me!"

This woman's cry was earth-shattering and moved people.Of course, the murderers who participated in it were a little trembling. After all, Sima Jian and the others represented officials, and they hadn't broken away from the category of the people, and still considered themselves to be the people.These people had some palpitations, Zhang Yizao on the side looked up, this burden must be taken down, so that they can follow with all their heart.

Having said that, the fat man did it on his own and was killed by people, so he deserved it. If he wanted to be convicted, Zhang Yi was not guilty, because he didn't kill people.But he promised those people, that is to stand up for them.

"Ma'am, don't cry, I must avenge Li Han today!"

Sima Jian's comfort made the woman's voice softer, but she was still sobbing.

"Zhang Yi, I advise you to hand over those people, and don't lose your life here then."

As soon as he finished speaking, the archers behind him surrounded him, and at the same time Bao Xin ordered: "Shield ready!"


All the shields stood up, very neatly under the firelight, this change was seen by Yang Ba on the side, he took a look and said:

"Master County Magistrate, those shields seem to be the ones we lost that day! Even that day, we lost a lot of gold!"

When Sima Jian heard it, he thought it was!They glared at each other.

"Zhang Yi! Where did your shield come from?"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "I picked it up, do you believe it?"

Sima Jian asked again: "Zhang Yi! Did you take the gold from my mansion?"

He had accumulated the money through hard work, but at this time it was made into Zhang Yi's wedding dress, which made him feel very upset. Although he got some back by tricks later, this feeling is still uncomfortable.

"So what if it is, what if it isn't?"

Zhang Yi now has 600 people, and he took a look at the number of people brought by Sima Jian to only about 100 people. He is not afraid of the number of people, so he dares to say that.

"Good Zhang Yi, you dare to steal the gold from my mansion!"

Sima Jian could already insist that it was Zhang Yi who stole it.

"Sima Jian! Do you have evidence?"

In the end, Zhang Yi didn't even call the county magistrate, and called him Sima Jian directly.

"Come on, search for me!"

At this time, Zhang Yi stood in the front.

If he was allowed to enter Zhang's residence, it would undoubtedly be to lure wolves into the house, and he would lose face.

"Sima Jian, do you dare to try?"

"Zhang Yi, do you dare to fight against my government?"

"Hmph, don't put such a big hat on my head, all the people in your court have run away, and you want to come in just because of a hundred people like you?"

"Then let's try! The archers are ready!"

After Sima Jian gave the order, about forty or so archers fully loaded their bows, mounted arrows, and aimed at Zhang Yi and the other shield soldiers behind.

Zhang Yi knew that there was still a fight with Sima Jian.

"Bao Xin! Get ready to meet the enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and went to the rear, letting Bao Xin direct the actions of the 600 people.

"Yes! Lord!"

Bao Xin was very good at this kind of command, and shouted: "Everyone is ready!"

The 600 people were ready in one order.

This kind of momentum is not lost at all to the army brought by Sima Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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