Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 19 I suspect you got in here!

Chapter 19 I suspect you got in here!
Looking at Lin Xiuwen who was standing upright with his hands behind his back, and thinking of his behavior of extorting bribes from the students before, Fang Yiai felt a chill in his heart, and said coldly: "Not interested!"

Seeing that Fang Yiai didn't care about his own face, Lin Xiuwen clenched his hands tightly, wishing to swallow this ignorant kid in front of him alive.

"He turned down the examiner's invitation?"

"The direct disciple of Guozijian Jijiu must be at least a third-rank official after graduation! He actually refused!"

"Come and hit me, am I dreaming? There are such arrogant people in the world?!"

Lin Xiuwen couldn't help but look at Fang Yiai's surprised praise from all the students. He looked at Fang Yiai and snorted coldly, "Not interested? Do you know that the top prize, second place, and third prize in the previous imperial examination were all from this old man's sect?"

Lin Xiuwen seems to be showing off his achievements, but in fact he is warning Fang Yiai that if he does not worship under him, he will not even think about being in the top three in the Zhongdian examination!
Hearing the implication of Lin Xiuwen's words, Fang Yi was very contemptuous in his heart, "The soft one won't work, have you changed it to the hard one?"

Guessing Lin Xiuwen's thoughts, Fang Yiai's face remained unchanged, and he countered neither humble nor overbearing: "As the saying goes, the master guides the door and cultivates the individual, and the teacher teaches the way. Talent is important, but character is the first element! "

Lin Xiuwen was left speechless by Fang Yi's love. Standing on the high platform, his hands trembled slightly, and the veins on his forehead were faintly visible. It was obvious that he was extremely angry, "You!"

"Ahem!" Due to the presence of all the students, Lin Xiuwen had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, showing a kind smile on his face, and said to Fang Yiai persuasively: "But I don't know who is your mentor?"

Thinking of her teachers in the 21st century, Fang Yiai smiled wryly, "My mentor is a villager, so I don't mind asking you."

Although he felt extremely resentful towards Fang Yiai in his heart, thinking of the fact that he was about to have an extra number one student, Lin Xiuwen patiently persuaded him: "The Imperial College is a high school, and after the semester is over, you can take entrance exams and palace exams, you still have to be careful. "

Hearing Lin Xiuwen's words, Fang Yiai couldn't help but tremble. The Imperial College is qualified to recommend talents to the general examination and the palace examination every year, and the general examination and the palace examination are often held in spring and April every year. , Fang Yiai couldn't help thinking of taking part in the examination.

Seeing Fang Yiai groaning silently, Lin Xiuwen showed a smug smile, and thought to himself: "Little Huangkou, as long as you worship this old man, you will naturally let you know how powerful this old man is in the future!"

"The world can learn from the heart of a mentor who loves talents!"

"Brother, don't you hurry up and pay homage to your mentor?"

"Students are not talented, so Mao Sui recommends himself to follow his teacher."

Seeing Lin Xiuwen wooing Fang Yiai twice, several students with high emotional intelligence attended one after another. After comforting Fang Yiai, they immediately knelt down in front of Lin Xiuwen.

"Okay, all virtuous deeds, invite them quickly."

Looking at the three noble gentlemen kneeling at his feet, Lin Xiuwen nodded repeatedly, and then turned his gaze to Fang Yiai who was beside him.

Seeing Lin Xiuwen's almost protesting eyes, Fang Yi was extremely unhappy in his heart, and snorted coldly, "Not interested."

Seeing that Fang Yiai made him unable to step down, Lin Xiuwen waved his sleeves and repeatedly scolded Fang Yiai for his lack of appreciation, "You son!"

"You kid is so ignorant of flattery!"

"The teacher kindly wrote the postscript to you, but you actually said it twice and three times!"

"You obviously don't pay attention to the Imperial College!"

The three noble sons who worshiped Lin Xiuwen as their teacher saw Fang Yiai's rude words, and they all rushed to show their loyalty.

The behavior of the three students bribing Lin Xiuwen made Fang Yiai extremely disgusted. Now, listening to their chattering, Fang Yiai couldn't help feeling disgusted, "Noisy!"

After reprimanding the three students, Fang Yiai saluted Lin Xiuwen, "Since the exam is over, I will take my leave!"

Standing up and leaving the desk, Fang Yiai was not afraid that Lin Xiuwen would tamper with the test papers to retaliate against him. After all, most of the students present had already read Fang Yiai's test papers.

And those two sentences "********,********." are regarded as the creed of life by all the students. The cynical students present spread the word among Chang'an students!
"He actually said we were noisy?"

"Look at his commoner clothes, he is clearly a poor scholar, what kind of nobleman is he still pretending to be here?"

"A person who forgot to bring a writing brush to participate in Enke is not worthy of worshiping under Chief Lin's examination!"

The chattering and ridiculing of several students reminded Fang Yiai of Li Su's previous borrowing of pens.

Thinking of this, Fang Yiai stopped in her tracks, turned back to the desk, and took the brush in her hand.

Seeing Fang Yiai's actions, a student shouted loudly: "Look, everyone, he is going to steal other people's brushes!"

After the student's words fell, the main hall of the Imperial College suddenly burst into laughter, "Sure enough, he is poor, and he doesn't even have money to buy a writing brush!"

"Wait!" Everyone laughed at Fang Yi'ai, which aroused Lin Xiuwen's suspicion. Looking at Fang Yi'ai in blue cloth, Lin Xiuwen thought to himself: "Could it be that he is really a commoner? Or ask His status is good, but judging from his appearance, he is at best the son of a fifth-rank Beijing official."

After making up his mind, Lin Xiuwen called Fang Yiai to stop. In his opinion, even if Fang Yiai's admission qualification could not be cancelled, it would be good to take the opportunity to ridicule him in front of everyone, "Student, may I ask which school you are from?" My lord's son? I now suspect that you are an imposter who sneaked into Yinsheng Enke!"

"My teacher is wise, how could this person be the son of an official because he is just a commoner?"

"He clearly wants to take a shortcut to reach the sky in one step. I think he is just a poor scholar who can't even afford a brush!"

Everyone made fun of and ridiculed her one after another, which made Fang Yiai feel extremely upset. She was about to explain her identity, but was interrupted by a strange voice.

"How can you judge people by their appearance?!"

A few students were on the rise of taunting, but they all stopped when they heard the voice.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Li Su, who had been praised by Lin Xiuwen for his beautiful writing, had already stood up.

After getting up, Li Su stood in front of the desk and looked around, and said solemnly: "Jiang Taigong used to fish in the Wei River when he was not in the right place, Wu Zixu joined the state of Wu and ended up playing the flute to beg for food, Zhang Zifang, the Marquis of Hanliu, also picked up his shoes to study when he was not in the right place. In Huangshigong, Zhuge Wuhou plowed in Nanyang before he came out of the mountain."

"These are all senior high sages, and they have all suffered from adversity and bad luck. Why do you insist on dressing like this brother?"

Li Su's impassioned example, Lin Xiuwen and his three new apprentices were speechless, so they could only stand there with red ears.

After listening to Li Su's words, Fang Yi was greatly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that this handsome student dared to stand up and openly refute Lin Xiuwen, the chief examiner, for himself!

Moreover, the examples Li Su gave in his words reflected his talent and learning from the side, which made Fang Yiai sigh secretly. It turned out that the literati in the Tang Dynasty were not all a group of sour scholars who stuck to the rules and kept their own way!

After Fang Yiai nodded to Li Su to express her gratitude, she walked slowly to the bottom of the high platform, looked at Lin Xiuwen on the high platform with her eyes, and asked neither humble nor overbearing: "Master examiner, do you want to check your identity?"

Lin Xiuwen knew he was in the wrong, and immediately used the word "rules" as a shield, "I just act according to the rules!"

Hearing Lin Xiuwen's words, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, took out the letterhead that Qin Qiong had handed to him from her bosom, and said: "This is the letterhead that Hu Guogong asked me to hand over to Sir, please check it!"

As soon as Fang Yiai's words came out, Lin Xiuwen almost sat on the ground with his knees limp, "Hu Guogong!"

"Hu Guogong, is it Qin Shubao, Marshal Qin?"

"My God, could it be that he is the son of Duke Tang?!"

After learning that Fang Yiai had a connection with Qin Qiong, Lin Xiuwen's three loyal students who ridiculed Fang Yiai all the way shut their mouths in time.

Although Lin Xiuwen is a member of the Guozijian Jijiu and the third-rank official of the imperial court, compared with the Duke of the Tang Dynasty and Qin Qiong, the general of the world's soldiers and horses, his official title is obviously not enough to sell.

"Hu Guogong's letterhead?" Seeing that the letterhead was written by Hu Guogong himself, Lin Xiuwen didn't have the arrogant expression before, and quickly said to the messenger beside him: "Hurry up and get it!"

Looking at the terrified Lin Xiuwen on the high platform, the corners of Fang Yiai's mouth slightly raised. After handing over the letter to the policeman, he turned around and walked towards Li Su.

Walking in front of Li Su, Fang Yiai handed over the brush with both hands, "Thank you Brother Li for the gift of the brush."

"You don't have to worry about little things." Li Su took the brush from Fang Yiai's hand, and said with a flustered look: "********,********. I admire you for your strength of character. Dare I ask brother Tai Gao's name?"

Seeing Li Su intentionally avoiding her gaze, Fang Yiai felt a little curious, "What is the next step."

Li Su originally thought that Fang Yiai was Qin Qiong's son, but he never thought that Fang Yiai and Qin Qiong had different surnames, "What's the point? I wonder who Hu Guogong is?"

Seeing the doubts in Li Su's mind, Fang Yiai smiled and said softly, "Mr. Hu is my next uncle."

Reminiscent of Fang Yiai's clear and refined handwriting on the test paper, Li Su immediately asked: "So that's the case, but I don't know if the "thin gold body" is really created by Xiongtai?"

Seeing Li Su's admiring gaze, Fang Yiai couldn't help but blush, and said with some embarrassment: "The tricks of Weimo are so insignificant, if you want to learn, I'll teach you someday."

Li Su didn't expect Fang Yiai to be so generous, and his voice trembled with excitement, "Thank you so much, brother."

After thanking Li Su, Fang Yiai looked around the crowd and saw Lin Xiuwen on the high platform holding a cutting knife tremblingly scratching the wax-sealed letter paper, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then asked: "Examiner My lord, I wonder if this letter can prove the identity of the student?"

(End of this chapter)

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