Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 20 My Lady, Send You a Rattle

Chapter 20 My Lady, Send You a Rattle
Unfolding the letter paper, a few lines of scrawled handwriting appeared in front of Lin Xiuwen.

"Lin Jijiu, Qin's nephew usually doesn't like to show off, so he wrote this letter to explain his identity. Signed: Hu Guogong Qin Qiong"

Looking at the inscription at the end of the letter, Lin Xiuwen's body trembled. Faced with Fang Yiai's questioning, the great Confucianist at that time was inexplicably flustered.

Looking at Fang Yiai who was standing upright under the stage, Lin Xiuwen reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "Yes, of course I can. It's because of my old age."

Although his mouth was subdued, Lin Xiuwen wished he could rush up and slap Yi Ai across the face immediately, cursing in his heart, "You are a nephew of a Duke, why do you like to go to the streets in civilian clothes? If you give me the letterhead sooner, Dare I ask you to bribe me?"

Seeing Lin Xiuwen slumped, Fang Yiai was hooked, nodded and said, "It's good if you can."

Reminiscent of Lin Xiuwen's behavior of extorting bribes before, Fang Yiai decided to teach him a lesson, "My lord, the students have a suggestion. I advise you to copy the two sentences on the student test paper several times at home, and use it as practice calligraphy. "

Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Lin Xiuwen nodded repeatedly and said yes, "Yes, yes. This old man wrote it down."

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, it seemed that Fang Yiai under the high stage was the examinee, while the great scholar Xiuwen looked like a student listening to the teacher!
Seeing this extremely funny scene, Li Su and others couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing everyone in the audience covering their faces and chuckling, Lin Xiuwen felt very embarrassed. He coughed twice to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said, "Yinsheng Enke has finished collecting the papers, and the results will be announced tomorrow. Those who pass can enter the school tomorrow afternoon!"


Hearing Lin Xiuwen's words, all the students got up and stood up one after another to express their gratitude to Lin Xiuwen.

Seeing that the Enke exam was announced to be over, Fang Yiai touched her nose, then walked slowly towards the main hall door.

Before Fang Yiai could take a few steps forward, Lin Xiuwen on the high platform stopped her, "Young Master He, please stay."

Seeing Lin Xiuwen call her to stop, Fang Yiai turned around and looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Looking at Fang Yiai's "paralyzed face", Lin Xiuwen's teeth were itching so hard, but out of fear of Qin Qiong, he managed to force a smile and said, "The old man is throwing a banquet in the back hall to celebrate your son's admission .I don’t know if I can give you the honor?”

Looking at Lin Xiuwen with a hypocritical and flattering smile, Fang Yiai was a little surprised, "I passed the exam before I officially graded it?"

Fang Yiai understands that the reason why Lin Xiuwen wins him over is because he wants to use him to climb the big tree of Qin Qiong. Thinking of this, Fang Yiai's contempt for Lin Xiuwen intensifies.

"There are still some trivial matters in my family, so let's skip the celebration."

After coldly rejecting Lin Xiuwen's invitation, Fang Yiai walked slowly towards the main hall door under the gazes of the crowd either in surprise or envy.

When she walked to Li Su's side, thinking of Li Su's words of help, Fang Yiai smiled slightly and said, "Brother Li, how about I invite you to enjoy plum blossoms and drink at Chang'an wine shop some other day? By the way, let's talk about the "thin golden body."

Hearing Fang Yiai's invitation, Li Su was slightly taken aback, and forced himself to say calmly, "Thank you so much, brother."

Seeing Li Su shy for no reason, Fang Yiai felt very embarrassed, "It's a deal, see you tomorrow."

After bidding farewell to Li Su, Fang Yiai walked straight out of the Imperial College, and walked towards Princess Gaoyang's mansion along the downtown area of ​​Chang'an.

"Wow, it turns out that he is Hu Guogong's nephew, no wonder he can write such a good article."

"*******, *****. Good sentence, wonderful sentence!"

"His exam paper, the master examiner, just glanced at it, and declared it passed! This is clearly a genius!"

"I think he is only 20 years old, and he created his own "thin gold body"! I'm afraid even Ouyang Xun and Yu Shinan don't have such attainments!"

Listening to the exclamations that sounded in his ears from time to time, Lin Xiuwen clenched his fists tightly, and the gray beard under his chin trembled slightly, obviously he was angry with Fang Yi's love.

"Huangkou boy, relying on Hu Guogong, you don't pay attention to this old man!" Thinking of Fang Yiai's rejection of her solicitation in front of everyone, Lin Xiuwen, who laughed angrily, suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes, "Hu Guogong is in the army. The prestige is very high, but there is no foundation in the literary world. What is the point? The future will be long, just wait for me!"

Reminiscent of Qin Qiong's background as a general, Lin Xiuwen immediately found a breakthrough to make things difficult for Fang Yiai.

However, if Lin Xiuwen knew that the yellow-mouthed child he was talking about had the father of the prime minister of the dynasty, Fang Xuanling, the No. Spitting blood at the mouth and falling headlong from the high platform?

Looking at the back of Fang Yiai's departure, Li Su tightly held the brush in his hand, his eyes full of longing and admiration, "Did he just invite me to enjoy plum blossoms and drink wine?"

Walking in the busy market of Chang'an, Fang Yiai saw the dazzling array of goods on both sides of the street, and involuntarily slowed down.

"Come and see, the best rattle, the best rattle."

With the sound of selling, Fang Yiai's sight was immediately attracted by a row of exquisite rattles.

Seeing all kinds of rattles with exquisite styles, Fang Yiai couldn't help but think of the savage little girl in the princess' mansion, "Uncle, how much is a rattle?"

"Five Wen, do you want to buy one?"

After learning the price, Fang Yiai carefully selected a red rattle, and after paying the money, the Prince Consort of the Tang Dynasty showed a childlike smile, "I think that little girl in Gaoyang will like it, right?"

Back at the Princess Mansion, Fang Yiai learned that the female officer sent by Empress Changsun had returned to the palace under the reminder of the maid Mei Xiang.

Seeing the female official leave, Fang Yiai let out a sigh of relief. The false intercourse with Princess Gaoyang for the past few days really made him unbearable. Although Fang Yiai intends to control him, in the end he is also a young man with a strong blood, how can he bear it? Princess Gaoyang was frightened by rats and strange snakes all night.

Just when Fang Yiai sent Mei Xiang away and was about to go to the study to take care of the Lingzhu grass, a servant immediately blocked his way.

Seeing the boy blocking the way, Fang Yiai shook the rattle in her hand and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Just now someone from Fangfu said that Prime Minister Fang's birthday will be in a few days, and he wants the son-in-law and the princess to have a banquet in Fangfu."

Knowing that Fang Xuanling's birthday is approaching, Fang Yiai thought of his two cheap parents, "Okay, I see."

"Father's birthday, what kind of gift should I give? Washboard! No, no, no, I will definitely be beaten."

Just as Fang Yiai was fiddling with the rattle and walking towards the study, Princess Gao Yang walked over accompanied by her maid.

Seeing Fang Yiai, Princess Gaoyang looked at the rattle in Fang Yiai's hand and couldn't help but playfully said, "Smelly Fang Jun, stop!"

Seeing Princess Gao Yang calling her, Fang Yiai smiled slightly, and then handed the rattle to Gao Yang, "For you, do you like it?"

Princess Gaoyang originally wanted to ask Fang Yiai for a rattle, but what she didn't expect was that the rattle in Fang Yiai's hand was meant to be given to her.

Looking at the smiling Fang Yiai who didn't seem to be joking, Princess Gao Yang asked in surprise, "Give it to me?"

Seeing Gao Yang's curious face, Fang Yiai chuckled, "Yes, I bought it for you when I passed by the market."

After receiving the rattle, Princess Gao Yang tried to move it a few times, and then let out a burst of laughter like a silver bell.

Although Princess Gaoyang was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, few men except Li Shimin gave her gifts. Looking at the rattle in her hand, the royal princess subconsciously said, "Thank you."

Seeing Princess Gaoyang's rare kind and gentle smile, Fang Yiai couldn't help but be a little dazed, and then joked: "Isn't it right for a husband to love his wife? Wife, don't be polite to me."

Princess Gao Yang's cheeks were slightly red, and she trotted away, "Hmph, smelly Fangjun!"

Seeing Princess Gao Yang's leaving back, Fang Yiai chuckled lightly, then walked slowly towards the study, busy tending the hard-won Lingzhu grass.

Turning around the corridor, Princess Gao Yang stopped, looked at the red rattle in her hand, and there was a trace of warmth in her eyes, "Mei Xiang, I want to learn how to make breakfast."

"Princess, you want to learn how to make breakfast?!" Gao Yang's words made Mei Xiang tremble with fear, "Princess, is it Mei Xiang's breakfast that doesn't suit your taste? I'll just improve it."

"It scares you. This princess is going to make breakfast for Fang Jun. Remember to wake me up early tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, Princess Gaoyang walked into the main hall with a rattle in her hands.

If this scene is seen by Fang Yiai, this Wen Chaogong from the 21st century will definitely not be able to help but sigh, "Which girl doesn't have a spring."

Back in the study, after taking care of the Lingzhu grass, Yi Ai, who was bored in every possible way, simply sat on the bed, cross-legged and practiced the Hunyuan Heart Sutra.

When Fang Yiai opened her eyes again, it was already approaching morning, looking at the stars outside the window, Fang Yiai stretched her waist, lay on the bed with her head covered and fell asleep.

But what he didn't expect was that at the same time he was going to play chess with Duke Zhou, he copied Lin Zexu's famous lines in his previous writing, which had already caused quite a disturbance in the literary circles of Chang'an City.

After Fang Yiai fell asleep, the kitchen of the Princess Mansion was already busy with activity.

"Mei Xiang, how do you make noodles?"

"Mei Xiang, is this sugar or salt?"

"Mei Xiang, the flour has caught my eye!"

Princess Gao Yang, who grew up in the deep palace since she was a child, seemed to be in a hurry when cooking for the first time. Although Mei Xiang and everyone were around to guide her, this savage little girl in the past was still surrounded by flour, sugar and other ingredients. It was very embarrassing.

After a fierce battle, with the sound of the cock crowing, Princess Gao Yang's debut work was announced to be completed.

"Golden silk cake, sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus seed porridge. Wow, it smells so good!"

Looking at her masterpiece, Princess Gao Yang wiped the flour from her forehead, her eyes trembled slightly, and she murmured: "I wonder if Smelly Fang Junxi doesn't like to eat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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