Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 47 Qin Jingniang's Heart Disease

Chapter 47 Qin Jingniang's Heart Disease
Thinking that the caravan from the Western Regions might be related to the Turkic Kingdom, Fang Yiai couldn't help feeling cautious, and asked casually, "But I don't know which country the caravan from the Western Regions came from?"

Qin Qiong scratched her head and thought for a long time, then patted her forehead and said, "I heard it's from Qiuci."

Knowing the origin of the caravan in the Western Regions, Fang Yiai nodded, "Kucha? One of the 36 countries in the Western Regions? It seems that the caravan has little to do with the Turks."

After reassuring Fang Yiai's doubts, Qin Qiong lightly rubbed his palms, and said with a troubled face: "Brother He, Jing Niang is sick. Can you go to my house to give Jing a medicine before it's time to sell the elixir?" Mother, look at the disease?"

Hearing the news of Qin Jingniang's illness, Fang Yiai couldn't help but tremble. Perhaps because of her previous experience, this modern college student who came from the soul of the 21st century had an inexplicable feeling for Qin Jingniang, "What, Jing Is my sister sick?"

Qin Qiong is Qin Jingniang's daughter, and she has been regarded as the apple of her eye since she was a child. These days, Qin Jingniang doesn't think about eating and drinking, so she can't help but make the Tang Dynasty Marshal who is so aggressive, "Yeah, I have invited several famous doctors these days. This is not when I just came out, the imperial doctor Chen from the palace also arrived."

Thinking that he has the Hunyuan Heart Sutra by his side, Fang Yi felt a little more confident in his heart, "Okay, I will try my best."

After finishing speaking, the two walked out of the Imperial College quickly, and walked towards Qin Qiong's mansion with anxiety on their faces.

Arriving at the Qin Mansion, before Qin Qiong and Fang Yiai could take a few steps, Doctor Chen, who was carrying a medicine box, walked towards him.

"Duke, what's the first place on the list." Seeing Qin and Qiong, Doctor Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed. Ms. Qin's illness is really helpless."

Hearing Doctor Chen's words, Qin Qiong's legs went limp, and he obviously sat on the ground, "What, even the doctor, you can't treat the little girl's illness?"

Doctor Chen felt that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words and told Qin Jingniang's illness in detail, "Don't be alarmed, Mr. Qin. Miss Qin's illness is hard to cure. This old man seems to be suffering from heart disease."

"Heart disease? Jing Niang is naturally generous, how could she have heart disease?" As she spoke, Qin Qiong glanced thoughtfully at Fang Yiai beside her.

Sensing Qin Qiong's eyes full of meaning, Fang Yiai immediately thought of what Qin Jingniang had said before, thinking about it carefully, she couldn't help but blushed for a moment and was at a loss for words.

Doctor Chen was very grateful to Fang Yiai for teaching him the Nine Yang Golden Needle. Seeing that Qin Qiong had invited Fang Yiai, the old imperial doctor smiled loudly, cupped his hands and said, "He's the number one doctor in medicine. remove!"

"That's right, Brother He! Try your best!" After speaking, Qin Qiong grabbed Yuyi Chen's hand and led him to the main hall for tea.

"Duke, what did you call the top of the list just now? Brother He?"

"Hey, Doctor Chen, your hearing is a bit dull, I'm clearly talking about my nephew!"

Listening to the conversation between Qin Qiong and Chen Yuyi, Fang Yiai shook her head and smiled wryly. Thinking of the strand of black hair in the wooden box, the famous leader of He Bang in Chang'an couldn't help but have a headache.

Although it was difficult to face Qin Jingniang, but out of consideration for her health, Fang Yiai rushed all the way to Qin Jingniang's boudoir door.

After standing in front of the boudoir door and pondering for a while, Fang Yiai finally made up her mind, gritted her teeth and pushed open the boudoir wooden door.

Walking into the boudoir, I saw Qin Jingniang lying on the bed, her originally handsome and handsome face was now full of tiredness, after Fang Yiai saw it, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of pity.

Standing at the door of the room, looking at Qin Jingniang who was pretending to sleep on the bed, Fang Yiai was at a loss for words, "Jingniang, you."

Qin Jingniang originally thought that the person entering the room was her father Qin Qiong, but after hearing Fang Yiai's voice, the little girl immediately sat up, "Little thief, are you here?"

Seeing Qin Jingniang's swift action, Fang Yiai let go of most of her hanging heart. After turning over and closing the door, she walked to the bed and said to Qin Jingniang, "I heard that the Duke said you were sick?"

Qin Jingniang was about to ask about Fang Yi'ai's injuries, when she suddenly saw Fang Yi'ai expressing concern, her cheeks blushed, and she stammered, "No, it's just that I haven't had an appetite these days."

After finishing speaking, Qin Jingniang subconsciously glanced at the food on the desk beside her in order to hide her anxiety.

Seeing Qin Jingniang faltering, Fang Yiai couldn't help being curious, followed her line of sight, and a bowl of millet porridge entered his line of sight.

Reminiscent of what Chen Yuyi said earlier that Qin Jingniang had a heart disease, Fang Yiai guessed nine out of ten of this little girl's mind in an instant.

"People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat, you will be hungry and thin!"

With that said, Fang Yiai walked slowly to the desk, picked up the millet porridge on the table, and then came to the bed.

Fang Yiai was well aware of Qin Jingniang's concerns, but due to the prominent family affairs of the two families, she could only pretend not to know, then she smiled and looked at Qin Jingniang and said, "What's the matter, little lady, give me a little face, eat me!" point?"

Looking at Fang Yiai who was full of smiles, Qin Jingniang wanted to drink the meal brought by her sweetheart, but she was afraid that Fang Yiai would leave after drinking, so she could only make up excuses that didn't suit her taste, " I don’t eat it, I hate corn porridge the most.”

"Corn is a good thing, I like to drink it the most!" Seeing Qin Jingniang's eyes flicker as she spoke, Fang Yi'ai's mouth slightly raised, and then she sat on the side of the bed, holding a porcelain bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, and scooped up a spoonful of millet Put the porridge to his mouth and blow it gently.

Although out of consideration for the safety of Fang and Qin, Fang Yiai deliberately alienated Qin Jingniang, but looking at the beautiful woman in front of her who was increasingly emaciated for herself, Fang Yiai couldn't help but feel a little sad, and immediately sent the cooled millet porridge to Qin Jingniang In front of him, he said: "Come on, I will serve my cousin today!"

Fang Yi'ai's seemingly slight action caused quite a stir in Qin Jingniang's heart. Looking at Fang Yi'ai in front of her, Qin Jingniang's face became red and she murmured softly, "You"

Qin Jingniang's pitiful appearance made Fang Yiai's spirit wander, like a sharp knife that pierced into the weakest part of his heart.

Out of guilt, Fang Yiai faced her family members who had been ill for a long time on the bed, and said softly: "Be good, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Okay!" Qin Jingniang passed away when she saw her mother when she was young. She grew up with her father. Although she looks strong on the outside, she longs to be loved and loved by others. Seeing her sweetheart deliver food to her mouth at this moment, this little girl The girl couldn't help the tip of her nose sore, and then opened her mouth to drink the rice porridge.

Seeing Qin Jingniang open her mouth to eat, Fang Yiai smiled and said with a light smile, "That's right, good Jingniang, take another bite."

In this way, Qin Jingniang, who hadn't had any water or rice for several days, ate all the millet porridge under Fang Yiai's soft voice to comfort her.

Looking at the empty porcelain bowl in her hand, Fang Yiai's heart fell to the ground in an instant, and then said softly to Qin Jingniang, "Lie down and rest for a while, you must have dinner."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai immediately wanted to get up and leave. He was afraid that in the face of Qin Jingniang, who was as tender as water, he would not be able to control himself and make a move that would put Fang and Qin's family in a doomed situation!
But just when Fang Yiai was about to stand up, Qin Jingniang, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly put her arms around Fang Yiai's waist.

Originally, Qin Jingniang didn't like Fang Yiai, and she said that she wanted to be a concubine only to get Fang Yiai to help Qin Qiong. From that moment on, the heart of spring also sprouted in this little girl's heart!

Leaning against Fang Yiai's broad back, Qin Jingniang couldn't help but let out a voice. The way she expresses her inner feelings with her generous nature is completely different from the shy Li Su, "Little thief, don't go away, okay?" ?”

Fang Yiai originally wanted to break free from Qin Jingniang's shackles and leave, but after hearing Qin Jingniang's cry, Fang Yiai's heart also melted.

Looking down at the decorations in the room, Fang Yiai pondered for a while, then said softly: "Jing Niang, I opened the wooden box. I also understand your thoughts, but the two of us are not suitable."

Qin Jingniang, who is full of spring, doesn't know Fang Yiai's inner difficulties. At this moment, she only wants to be able to live with her sweetheart, even if it is a commoner Jingchai, she is willing, "What's inappropriate? Since ancient times, the big man has three wives and four concubines? I don't ask for status, just be your concubine."

"Being a concubine."

Fang Yi'ai was momentarily speechless by Qin Jingniang's words, thinking of the fate of famous officials in the past dynasties, Fang Yi's heart couldn't help feeling chills.

At this time, Fang Yiai entered the Imperial College under the pseudonym of He Zudao. If he married Qin Jingniang, he would return to the Ministry of Household Affairs to handle the paperwork, and then his pseudonym would be destroyed.

The son of the Zaifu of the current dynasty is married to the daughter of the Generalissimo of the military and horses of the current dynasty, which means the blending of prime minister power and military power, and once the two meet, they will definitely be suspected by the royal power. irreparable.According to Tang Taizong Li Shimin's temper of massacring his brothers, how could he be soft on his two ministers?
Reminiscent of what happened to Shang Yang and Han Xin, Fang Yiai couldn't help but shook her head and smiled wryly, thinking to herself, "Facing the emperor's suspicion, even Xiao He, the virtuous prime minister through the ages, has to pollute himself to save his life, let alone our Fang family!"

Thinking of the possibility that the Fang family and the Qin family would be overthrown overnight at this time, Fang Yiai immediately became cruel and said to Qin Jingniang: "Jingniang, you are a good girl, why should you wrong yourself? You will meet someone who is better than me Good husband."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai knew clearly that she could no longer hesitate about Qin Jingniang's matter, and the only way to ensure the safety of the two families was to completely dispel Qin Jingniang's thoughts!
Having made up her mind, Fang Yiai just felt like a knife was twisting her heart, and then pulled Qin Jingniang's hands away with all her strength, wanting to get up and leave the boudoir.

But Qin Jingniang would not let Fang Yiai go, the two tugged, and Qin Jingniang took the dagger that Fang Yiai put on her waist.

Looking at the dagger that her father gave to Fang Yiai in her hand, Qin Jingniang burst into tears, and before Fang Yiai could react, this little girl who was born with a strong face actually raised the dagger in her hand high, and directly pointed the edge of the dagger at Accurate own throat!

(End of this chapter)

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