Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 48 Jing Niang, My Good Jing Niang

Chapter 48 Jing Niang, My Good Jing Niang
Qin Jingniang's actions shocked Fang Yiai, obviously he did not expect that the stunning beauty in front of him would be so violent!
"What are you doing!"

As she said that, Fang Yiai took a step forward, trying to snatch the dagger from Qin Jingniang's hand.

Seeing Fang Yiai approaching, Qin Jingniang's hands clenched the dagger violently, leaving a bloodstain on her jade neck like suet!
Qin Jingniang looked at Fang Yi'ai with misty almond eyes, her eyes full of despair, "Don't come here!"

The dark red blood slowly flowed out from the wound on Qin Jingniang's neck, forming a sad river. Fang Yiai was terrified to see it!
"Little thief, I have already given you Qingsi. From now on, I will be yours. Since you despise me, then I will kill myself to show my heart!"

Saying that, the dagger in Qin Jingniang's hand went deep again, and this stunning beauty was about to die in sight!
Seeing Qin Jingniang's sincere words, Fang Yiai no longer cared about her worries in the midst of a crisis, and said loudly what she was thinking, "I promise!"

As soon as Fang Yiai said this, the dagger in Qin Jingniang's hand stopped immediately, looking at her sweetheart standing in front of her, Qin Jingniang asked softly, "Really?"

"Really, Jingniang. Actually, when I saw the black hair in the wooden box, I wanted to come to you. But..."

In the middle of Fang Yi'ai's words, the dagger in Qin Jingniang's hand dropped. At the same time, the little girl got up quickly and pulled Fang Yi'ai to her side.

"Little thief, it's enough to have your words. I know you have difficulties that you can't talk about now, and I will wait for you. I will wait for you for the rest of my life!"

At this moment, Qin Jingniang was weeping with joy, she didn't care about Yin Hong's blood that was gurgling on her neck!
Listening to Qin Jingniang's words from the bottom of her heart, Fang Yi'ai's eyes were already hazy. Taking advantage of the gap between Qin Jingniang's words, Fang Yi'ai quickly picked up the dagger on the bed, and then threw it on the ground.

Qin Jingniang snuggled into Fang Yiai's arms, murmured softly, her eyes were full of happiness, "Little thief, you know. Since the moment you rescued me from the Turkic thief, I have you in my heart. "

Fang Yiai was scared out of her wits by Qin Jingniang's previous actions. Hearing the gentle whispers of the beautiful woman beside her ear, Fang Yiai felt even more distressed, "Jingniang, promise me. Don't do stupid things in the future, okay?"

"Okay, I listen to the officials." Seeing that Fang Yi'ai's eyes were dim with tears, Qin Jingniang smiled, and then boldly kissed Fang Yi'ai on the cheek.

After feeling the warmth on his cheek, Fang Yiai's body trembled, and when he looked down, the blood on Qin Jingniang's neck was like a sharp arrow, piercing through his heart from head to tail.

"Ms. Jing."

The four eyes met, Fang Yi's heart was full of pity, he turned his head down, and gently kissed the wound on Qin Jingniang's neck that was cut by the dagger.

Although Qin Jingniang dared to love and hate, she was still an innocent girl. Seeing the appearance of her sweetheart now, the little girl who was dying for love just a moment ago turned into a stream of spring water in an instant, as if she was a gentleman. You can choose the coquettish attitude.

After feeling the fishy sweetness in his mouth, Fang Yiai's brain became hot, and his blood rushed up, as if he was going to explode at any moment.

The four eyes looked at each other, and the feelings were hard to express for a while, but they were all silent.

"Jing Niang!"

"He Lang."

Concubine love, Qin Jingniang's name for Fang Yiai has already quietly changed.

After a while of gentle whispers, the worries in Fang Yi's heart quietly dissipated, and a monstrous evil fire suddenly ignited in his chest.

Just when the two of them were so excited that they couldn't contain it, the moment they saw the clouds and rain, the door of the boudoir, which was originally closed by Fang Yiai, suddenly opened!
"Oh my god!" With a loud roar, the evil fire in Fang Yi's heart was instantly extinguished, and the two people in the bed quickly separated.



Seeing that Fang Yiai and Qin Jingniang's faces were flushed, Qin Qiong's eyes rolled up, and then he stretched out his hand to grope forward, and his eyes rolled up immediately.

"Hey! As soon as Doctor Chen left, I suffered another eye disease. Is this the kitchen? Butler, butler, where did you die!"

As she said that, Qin Qiong slowly exited the boudoir, and before leaving, she still didn't forget to close the door for Fang Yiai and the two of them.

Qin Qiong's sudden arrival made Fang Yiai at a loss what to do, sitting on the bed, looking at the charming Qin Jingniang in front of her, couldn't help but be speechless for a while.


Looking at Fang Yiai with a blank face, Qin Jingniang was shy and irritable, and murmured, "He Lang."

Reminiscent of Princess Xiangcheng's unbearable behavior, Fang Yiai immediately made up her mind to marry Qin Jingniang, "Jingniang, wait patiently for me for a few days. I will definitely come to marry you when I come!"

"Okay, I would rather wait for you to grow old."

As she spoke, Qin Jingniang slowly buried her head in Fang Yi'ai's arms, then slightly closed her almond eyes, and she could see the happiness on her cheeks at a glance.

The two hugged each other and sat on the bed for a long time. Seeing the sunset, Fang Yiai thought about going to the Jueming Tower to see the elixir later, and then reluctantly said: "The Duke must be looking for something important. , shall I go and have a look first?"

Qin Jingniang was silent for a long time, and finally stretched out in Fang Yiai's arms, and said reluctantly, "Okay, be careful."

"Okay, remember to eat dinner. Make yourself fat and fat, and wait for me to marry you!"

Saying that, Fang Yiai kissed Qin Jingniang's forehead lightly, then stood up and picked up the dagger on the ground, and after tidying up her clothes, she reluctantly walked out of Qin Jingniang's boudoir.

"He Lang." Seeing Fang Yiai's leaving back, Qin Jingniang murmured softly, her face was full of charm, after a long time, the little girl with a red cloud on her face muttered in confusion, "Daddy, what are you talking about?" Are you suffering from eye problems? A few days ago, I saw him shooting wild geese with his bow."

Walking out of the boudoir, thinking of the embarrassing scene of being smashed by Qin Qiong before, Fang Yiai felt a burning sensation on his face, and for a moment he didn't know how to face his future father-in-law.

Entering the main hall, Qin Qiong was sitting on a chair and grinning stupidly. Seeing Fang Yiai entering the door, Qin Qiong looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he looked at Fang Yiai with a smirk and said, "My son-in-law, this prescription of yours is really real. Good! The medicine will cure the disease!"

Hearing Qin Qiong's words, Fang Yiai almost fell to the ground, then lowered her head and cupped her hands, and said falteringly, " made fun of me."

"Jingniang has been spoiled by me since she was a child, so it's inevitable that she will be spoiled." Qin Qiong put a hand on Fang Yi'ai's shoulder and said, "Don't take it to heart."

"Where, where. It is my blessing to marry Jing Niang."

Seeing that the friendship between Qin Qiong and herself has taken another step, Fang Yiai was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, I don't care about your young couple's affairs. The time is coming soon, let's go to Jueming Tower."

After finishing speaking, Qin Qiong took the lead and hummed a little song while walking.

Seeing Qin Qiong's leaving back, Fang Yiai smiled bitterly and thought to himself, "My father is Fang Xuanling, the prime minister of the dynasty, my father-in-law is the general of the world's soldiers and horses, and my younger brother is the son of the fierce general Hou Junji. Don't say it in the future." If you go out, you will be suspected by Li Shimin, even if you put such a prominent background in the past dynasties, it is rare, right?"

Thinking of this, the wry smile on Fang Yi'ai's face became even stronger, and then hurriedly followed behind Qin Qiong, and the two walked towards Jueming Tower together.

In Princess Gaoyang's mansion, Gao Yang, who came back from Huichang Temple, couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Mei Xiang's description.

Looking at the cracks on the mahogany dining table, Gao Yang asked Mei Xiang in disbelief: "What, Fang Jun heard that I went to Huichang Temple to find Master Bianji, and he actually lifted the table?"

Faced with Princess Gao Yang's inquiry, Mei Xiang did not dare to hide anything, and relayed to Gao Yang exactly what Fang Yiai said, "The son-in-law also said. He also said that he would go back to live in Fangfu for a few days. Let the princess be well." Since... for it."

"This stinky Fangjun, if you don't like me going to Huichang Temple, just tell me. Let me do it for myself. Could it be that I have an affair with a monk? Am I so unbearable!"

In the middle of the sentence, the grievance in Princess Gaoyang's heart couldn't be further increased, and tears also poured out.

"Hmph, Smelly Fangjun can only guess wildly. He even broke the dining table that my father gave me when I got married."

Princess Gao Yang looked at the conspicuous cracks on the dining table, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, then said to Mei Xiang: "Get ready to drive, accompany me to see mother!"

Hearing Princess Gao Yang's words, Mei Xiang didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly said to the servant beside her: "Quickly, let the guards prepare the frame. The princess is going back to the palace."

Seeing that Mei Xiang would make a mistake, Princess Gao Yang quickly stopped her, and said shyly: "Who said you're going back to the palace? I'm going to the Fangfu to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and let their elders judge!"

(End of this chapter)

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