Chapter 551

Fang Yiai murmured to herself, full of doubts: "Jinling is more than two thousand miles away from Chang'an, the turbulent travel might be too much for Shu'er to bear."

Li Lizhi chimed in and said, "That's right, Shu'er's pregnancy is so bumpy, I'm afraid something is wrong."

"It doesn't matter." Empress Changsun said with a smile, "You can go south by water. The canal was dug by Emperor Yang before, and this time it has fulfilled you."

"Although Jinling is far away from Chang'an, it has outstanding people and beautiful scenery. Whether it's for raising your baby, or for you to hide from the world, it can be regarded as a good place."

"The most important thing is that Guanlongmen, the land of Jinling, is out of reach. If Fang Jun lives in seclusion here, it will be much safer than in Meiwu County, Caozhou. At that time, no one will recognize Yu'er, so it will be easy?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Yi was overjoyed in his heart, stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Is the Empress willing to let Yu'er live in seclusion with the students?"

"Huh!" Empress Changsun snorted coldly, pretending to be stern, "Can you hear what I say? I entered the Imperial Academy to deceive Lizhi, and then provoked Yu'er. Have you ever heard of this palace?"

Fang Yiai smiled awkwardly, cupped her hands coyly and said: "The empress is kind-hearted, Fang Jun deeply appreciates the great kindness of the emperor."

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, I will go to convince Long Live." Empress Changsun took a sip of herbal tea and murmured: "What is your plan to live in seclusion this time? Can you talk to Bengong?"

Seeing Empress Changsun's inquiry, Fang Yiai cupped her hands and said, "Queen Rong said, Fang Jun wants to live in seclusion this time. It's exhausting both physically and mentally."

"Exhausted?" Empress Changsun glanced at Fang Yiai, and asked, "Fang's son-in-law is talented in everything, so why is he exhausted?"

"Fang Jun is still young, and he doesn't know how to weigh the pros and cons in the officialdom. He is so rampant between himself and others, between public and private, which will do a lot of harm but not a single benefit."

"Blooming lotus tongue, is it you?" Empress Changsun chuckled, "Fang Jun, do you plan to stop with silence in your heart? First settle down for a few years, and then come to Chang'an for a job review?"

Seeing the probing words of Empress Changsun, Fang Yiai hurriedly got up and said: "Long live the holy body is in good health now, my father, Prime Minister Du, Prime Minister Changsun, Grand Master Wei and others are all healthy and tough. Fang Jun and I don't dare to fight with the axe, and I hope the empress will make it happen." .”

Empress Changsun took a sip of the herbal tea and said with a smile, "You know how to advance and retreat, Fang Jun, you have grown up."

"Talk about a game with me?" Empress Changsun slowly got up, walked to the chess table, and asked.

Fang Yiai's mind was in a mess at the moment, how could he calm down and talk about the game, so she had to politely decline: "Fang Jun is a scholar moving today."

"The scholar moved? How do you say it?"

"Yeah, what do you say my dear friend?"

Hearing this, Empress Changsun and Li Lizhi asked successively.

Fang Yiai smiled coyly, and said, "It's all books (lost)."

"It's all about losing?" Empress Changsun covered her face with a chuckle, and said with a wry smile, "Is this allegory? It's very fresh."

Li Lizhi smiled and said: "Dear brother, when did you become so glib?"

Faced with Li Lizhi's jokes, Fang Yiai had no choice but to nod her head and remained silent. Seeing this, Empress Changsun said kindly, "Okay, let's go out for a stroll."

"Queen, what about the big wedding?" Fang Yiai asked with some shame.

Empress Changsun sat at the chess table, playing chess alone, holding a white jade chess piece and said: "I have already handed it over to King Hejian and Shen Nianxing, and the rest of the matter has already been discussed with Prime Minister Fang. If I wait for you to come, I am afraid I will have to go through it." It's the end of the year!"

"I'm ashamed. The student is resigning." Fang Yiai left the Lizheng Hall with his hands in his hands, and walked in the deep palace with Li Lizhi, and then his heart fell to the ground.

"Huh!" Fang Yiai let out a long breath and murmured, "Okay, it's over now!"

Li Lizhi walked side by side with Fang Yiai, and asked, "Brother, are you really going to Jinling?"

"Well, go to Jinling and live in seclusion for a few years, and wait until the big official is born and grows up, and then worry about it."


"Eh, it's me and Shu'er's child."

"Oh, Shu'er is so happy."

Seeing the resentment on Li Lizhi's face, Fang Yiai said with a smile: "Princess, don't worry, there will be a day sooner or later."

"My friend, who is in a hurry?" Li Lizhi spat lightly, and said seriously: "Before you and I were in Qixia Palace, don't tell outsiders."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yiai pretended to be at a loss, and asked with spread hands.

"My enemy!" Li Lizhi saw through her lover's mind, muttered, and then said, "Go to Qixia Palace to see Sister Yu?"

"No, Long Live is about to return to the palace right now. I'm inconvenient in the harem, so I'd better leave the palace first." Fang Yiai looked at Li Lizhi and said with an expression, "Lizhi, August Mid-Autumn Festival, the students are waiting."

"Well, there are still three days left," Li Lizhi murmured with a shy face.

Farewell to Li Lizhi, Fang Yiai walked out of the palace gate slowly, walking and stopping all the way with her thoughts in mind, and when she returned to Zhuangyuan Mansion, it was already noon.

Qin Jingniang was sitting in the front yard in a daze, when she saw Fang Yiai came back, she couldn't help smiling, got up and said, "He Lang, are you thirsty?"

"Jingniang." Seeing that Qin Jingniang was going to hold a cup to deliver tea, Fang Yiai called out his wife to stop, walked up to the beautiful woman, and said with a smile: "I've been busy these days, so don't be angry if you neglect Jingniang."

"What did He Lang say?" Qin Jingniang murmured shyly, nodding her head, "He Lang is very considerate to my slaves, why do you say that you are indifferent?"

"In three days' time it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, and then Jingniang will return to the Qin Mansion for a cutscene."

"What about sister Huan'er?"

"It must be going back to the palace?"

The two murmured a few words, and then returned to the main hall together. After a hasty lunch, Fang Yiai came into the main room with a plate of vinegared fish fillets.

"Shu'er? Still resting?" Fang Yiai closed the door, sat on the side of the couch with the dishes in her hand, and gently blew a few breaths into Gao Yang's ear.

Gao Yang yawned and said with a smile, "I've always felt sleepy these days."

"Get up and eat some fish slices? It's still warm." Fang Yiai lifted his wife up and asked her to lean against the side of the couch, and personally fed and served Gao Yang piece by piece.

Seeing that Gao Yang was eating happily, Fang Yiai was in a very happy mood, and said with a smile: "Shu'er, long live Desheng is still in court, and now we have arrived at Yanmen Pass. We should arrive in Beijing tomorrow."

"Father's class teacher? Where's Ha Michi? Is he dead or alive? If he's dead, the nonsense that Brother Jun'er murdered Changsun Chong may be decided."

"Brother Huaiyu and the seventh brother captured Ha Michi alive in Lianglang Mountain, and they should be escorted back to Beijing in a few days."

"Seventh brother? Luo Tong?" Gao Yang murmured after eating fish slices with jealousy: "Brother Jun'er, these sworn brothers are really amazing."

"That's right, the seventh and fourth younger brothers are the best in martial arts, and the fourth younger brother has the most extensive military skills." As he spoke, thinking of Fan Jin who went to Jiangzhou, Fang Yiai couldn't help muttering: "I don't know what happened to Master Fan when he went to Longmen? Member Liu of the Liu Family Manor, are you afraid that you will be shocked by the blessings that come from the sky?"

"Master Fan set off this morning, and it won't take long to get to Jiangzhou. Moreover, he is escorted by his servants, so there are officers and soldiers escorting him all the way, so nothing will happen."

Hearing Gao Yang's announcement, Fang Yiai nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Shu'er, the empress has allowed you and me to leave Chang'an."

"Oh? Going to Meiwu County?" Gao Yang lived in Chang'an, and when he heard that he was going to a nearby area, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"It's not Meiwu County, but the land of Suzhou and Hangzhou, Jinling." Fang Yiai smiled lightly as he wiped the oil stains from the corners of his wife's mouth, and continued: "The Empress, thinking of washing the baby and raising the baby, specially asked us to go to Jinling by water. "

"Jinling? The land of Suzhou and Hangzhou? The capital of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period?" Gao Yang said with a smile.

"That's right. During the Three Kingdoms period, it should be called Jiankang, right?" Fang Yiai nodded in response.

"Whether it's Jiankang or Jinling. Shu'er can finally go out of Chang'an to have a look. As long as you stay with Brother Jun'er, the rest will be fine." Gao Yang stretched out his jade fingers, and gently smoothed the long hair around his waist for her husband. He murmured: "The senior official was born in the land of Suzhou and Hangzhou. He is an outstanding person. Presumably, he is also a young commoner at the top of the list."

"Haha, what Shu'er said is not bad."

"I hope it's not a little Fang Jun!"


"Fang Jun loves the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion, and he is really shameless."

"Shu'er! Here we go again! Housekeeping!"

During the laughter and laughter, Fang Yiai's tense spirit was completely relaxed. For two days in a row, Fang Yi's son-in-law was recuperating at home. As for the errands in the Ministry of Justice, since he was determined to go to Jinling, there was no need to hit the bell.

On August [-]th, Fang Yiai set off early and walked outside the Daming Palace. Together with Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and others, they were waiting for a long-lost court meeting, which was also held from the Chongjiao Palace. Changed to Hanyuan Palace, the protagonist changed from Li Chengqian to Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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