Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 552 On the Rewards for Deeds

Chapter 552 On the Rewards for Deeds
In the Hanyuan Hall of the Daming Palace, there were crowds of people under the altar.

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji and others were all present, and Fang Yiai stood in the middle of the literary class, looking at the majestic Hanyuan Hall in the distance, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of pressure in his heart.

"Will Long Live allow me to live in seclusion in Jinling? The death of Xiao Rui and Changsun Chong won't listen to the words that shake their lips and tongue?"

"Yu'er will follow me to Jinling, may this matter be approved by Long Live?"

Just as Fang Yiai nodded her head in thought, with the three Jingyang bells ringing, Bai Jian walked out of the Hanyuan Hall slowly, holding a fly broom, and said loudly: "All officials will see you."

After the words were finished, Fang Xuanling and the other three climbed up the steps first, and the civil and military officials went up one after another from east to west, and slowly walked into the Hanyuan Hall.

At the Jiulongkou of Hanyuan Hall, Li Shimin was sitting on the dragon chair, and Li Chengqian was standing on the right side. The father and son looked at the officials, and their eyes fell on Fang Yiai in unison.

"It's been a long time since I saw Fang Jun, but Fang Jun is much stronger." Li Shimin stroked his long beard and murmured with a smile.

Li Chengqian stood respectfully on the right side of his father, looked at Fang Yi and thought lovingly, "My brother-in-law is going to live in seclusion in Jinling, if he leaves, Xiao Wang will be unable to support him alone, won't he lose his right hand?"

Although there were doubts and worries in his heart, Li Chengqian dared not show the slightest bit, for fear that Li Shimin would mistakenly think that he formed a party to spy on the imperial power, and then gave Li Tai, Li Zhi and others an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Ganer, your legs are sick?" Li Shimin turned his head, looked at Li Chengqian and said with a smile, "Take a few steps."

Li Chengqian clasped his hands and nodded, and slowly walked from the right side of Jiulongkou to the left side, and he didn't appear to be clumsy at all while walking.

"Huh? Gan'er's leg is healed?" After Li Shimin was slightly overjoyed, he turned to glance at Fang Yiai, "Did Fang Jun treat her?"

Li Chengqian reported the truth, "Reporting to my father, the emperor is ruled by the son-in-law."

"Okay, it's an unrivaled achievement to cure my prince of the Tang Dynasty!" Li Shimin laughed loudly, turned to look at the civil and military officials, and said loudly: "Everyone, you have worked hard."

"To be loyal to the country is hard work."

The civil and military officials seemed to have rehearsed, and after they responded in unison, they held wat boards and bowed together: "Holy bow."

"I'm Antai, all the ministers are exempt from courtesy." Li Shimin nodded with a smile, and only after the civil and military officials separated into two sides, did he wink at Bai Jian.

Bai Jian cleared her throat and said loudly, "Xuan, all generals are entering the palace."

The voice fell, and with the sound of three chimes, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, Chai Shao, Li Ji and others in official clothes walked slowly into the hall, stood in the center of the hall, knelt down on one knee, and respected Li Shimin. A great gift.

"I wish my emperor long live long live long live long live."

"All lovers, no courtesy." Li Shimin nodded with a smile, and waited until Qin Qiong and others stood in the martial arts class, and then said: "This time, I personally conquered the Turks and captured Jieli Khan and Ha Michi alive. These feats are due to all of you." For the merit of loving you, the white slip proclaims the decree."

Hearing this, Bai Jian received the imperial decree from the little yellow gate on the side, and after unfolding it, he said loudly: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, Zhao said: This time I personally conquered the Turks and won a complete victory. It is really God's blessing to the Tang Dynasty. This time I will accompany the army." The rewards for personally recruiting soldiers are as follows."

"Qin Qiong, the Duke of Hu, was named the Crown Prince Taibao, and his son, Qin Huaiyu, was named Duke of Yong, and he repaired the mansion to honor his merits."

"Duke Cheng Zhijie of the State of Lu granted the crown prince Taibao, and his son Cheng Chubi granted the title of son of Yongxing County, and gave him ten thousand taels of gold and one thousand bolts of brocade."

"Li Jing, Chai Shao, Hou Junji, Xue Wanjun, Xue Wanche Luotong, Yuchi Gong"

After Bai Jian eloquently read the long list of rewards, all the ministers thanked him in unison, and among them, the civil servants who came back to assist the government also received rewards, but Fang Yiai was left alone.

After everyone thanked them for their grace, Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair, looked at Li Chengqian, and said in a low voice, "Is Shen Nianxing presiding over Cen Mao's case?"

"Exactly." Li Chengqian answered with a bow.

"Minister of Rites, Shen Nianxing." Li Shimin called out Shen Nianxing, and Yan asked, "How is Shen Aiqing's trial going?"

"The old minister sees Your Majesty." Shen Nianxing held the wat board, bowed his hands, and said, "Cen Mao, the criminal officer, has confessed. The arson of Wufenglou was out of jealousy for Fang Jun, so he set the fire on others."

"So Cen Mao has nothing to do with arson?" Li Shimin nodded with a smile.

Shen Nianxing was old and cunning, so he naturally heard what Li Shimin was saying, "There was no other person's instructions, but Cen Mao did it alone."

"Okay." After Li Shimin responded, he asked instead: "How should Cen Mao be sentenced? I remember that there was also an inmate in the procuratorate before. Who was he called Cai Shaobing? How was he sentenced?"

Hearing this, all the ministers were speechless, they all turned their gazes to Fang Yi'ai, their faces like autumn frost, for fear of being implicated.

"Minister" Fang Yiai walked out of the writing class holding a white jade wat board, stood a little later to the right of Shen Nianxing, cupped his hands and said, "Cai Shaobing was beheaded by the minister in Jimo."

"Beheaded?" Li Shimin asked knowingly, and after pretending to think about it, he nodded and said: "Cai Shaobing used his own actions to interrogate the prefect of Caozhou, and the beheaded will have nothing to lose!"

"Thank you, long live." Fang Yiai let out a long sigh of relief, and returned to the writing class, feeling a little more confident in her heart.

Li Shimin looked at Shen Nianxing, and said loudly: "Cen Mao intends to set fire to the Wufeng Building, regardless of the lives of the Guozijian students and Chang'an Shizi, Shen Aiqing, sentence me to be executed at the Meridian Gate!"

Shen Nianxing bowed to lead the decree, "The minister leads the decree."

Seeing that Li Shimin sentenced Cen Mao, everyone gasped, knowing in their hearts that this was just killing a scapegoat, but the real mastermind still sat firmly on Mount Tai.

"Today is the fourteenth day of the eighth month, and tomorrow is the wedding day of the Eldest Princess. Tomorrow, all the lovers will take a day off and go to Zhuangyuan Mansion to have a glass of water and wine."

"I thank you Long Live Long En."

After the decree was passed down, Li Shimin wanted to catch him, so he swept towards Fang Yiai, and said in a loud voice: "Do you have a playbook? If there is no playbook, I will hold a banquet in the Wanhua Hall, and you can drink to celebrate your achievements."

Seeing this, Fang Yiai hesitated a little, and then came out and said, "Minister, Fang Jun, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, has his roots."

"Do you have a copy?" Li Shimin pretended to be surprised, except for a few civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty, most of them were puzzled.

"The minister's old injury has relapsed, and I am afraid that he will not be able to take up the affairs of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. I would like to ask Long Live Enzhun to resign from the position of the right servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and choose another talented person to be loyal to the country."

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in Hanyuan Hall suddenly changed. Qin Qiong, Chai Shao and the others looked puzzled and looked at Fang Yiai. No one could figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this "He Bang No. [-]".

"Fang Aiqing's injury is so serious?"

Li Shimin has already been done by Empress Changsun, and the goal of weakening the Guanlongmen Clan has been achieved, so the current inquiry is just a formality.

Holding a white jade wat board, Fang Yiai clasped his hands and said, "I'm in a trance due to my old injury. I'm afraid I won't be able to take on important responsibilities in the ministry hall. I hope Long Live will see it clearly."

"Okay." Li Shimin pretended to be reluctant, and after thinking for a while, he murmured: "Since Fang Aiqing insists on this, Jinling is short of a supervisory censor. How about Aiqing going to Jinling?"

"Thank you." Fang Yiai lifted her robe and knelt down, her hanging heart finally fell.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please move to the Ten Thousand Flowers Hall, and the monarchs and ministers will celebrate the victory of the Turks together!"

After Li Shimin left, Yang Bo, Ma Zhou and others stepped forward one after another, dragging Fang Yiai to heartbroken, many of them frowning.

"Fang Jun! Are you crazy? What are you going to do in Jinling? You have been in the Ministry for a few years, isn't it just a chance to get the book? Wouldn't the future be limitless if you will be ranked among the three princes of Jiuqing?"

"Yes, brother Fang Xian, why is this so? Is the old injury really so serious?"

"Yi love, what do you think is going on?"

Facing inquiries from Yang Bo, Ma Zhou, Wei Zheng, and others, Fang Yiai repeatedly bowed his hands and begged for mercy: "Uncles, uncles, dear brothers, it is true that Fang Jun's old injury has relapsed. He was successively injured at Wangyuetai, Taibai Mountain, and Wuma Road. If you don't calm down and recuperate, you may endanger your body."

Just as Fang Yiai was complaining, Qin Qiong walked slowly into the crowd, held Fang Yiai's hand, and said with a smile, "Yiai, how have you been since I haven't seen you for a long time?"

"father in law."

Fang Yiai called out his father-in-law, which made Qin Qiong smile, and even Fang Xuanling showed a faint smile.

"When I was young, I took Jingniang back to the mansion, and I will enter the door with the eldest princess tomorrow." Qin Qiong instructed with a smile, and after everyone left, she whispered: "Why do you want to go to the Ministry of Punishment? Is it true that you are going to Jinling to live in seclusion? "

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law is exhausted physically and mentally. Besides, Shu'er is happy. Fame and fortune in the officialdom are not so important."

Fang Yiai chatted while walking, followed all the ministers and workers to Wanhua Hall, toasted with Li Shimin, exchanged cups, and did not leave until dusk. Be sure to go to Zhuangyuan Mansion to taste the distilled wine that has made great achievements and is suitable for both healing and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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