Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty's strongest consort

Chapter 76 Xiangcheng's Warning

Chapter 76 Xiangcheng's Warning

Walking out of the Imperial College, Fang Yiai and Li Su wandered in the street, although they each had their own concerns, they were silent.

Reminiscent of Xiangcheng's warning words, Fang Yiai couldn't help but feel a headache. This inexperienced leader of the list obviously couldn't think of a way to deal with Xiangcheng.

After shaking her head to dissipate the depression in her heart, Fang Yiai relieved her depression, and said to Li Su: "My dear brother, how about we go to Chang'an wine shop to drink fine wine from the Western Regions?"

Seeing Fang Yiai's suggestion, Li Su's almond eyes turned slightly, and he murmured, "My dear friend is getting more and more famous, I'm afraid people will recognize me if I go to Chang'an wine shop."

Knowing Li Su's thoughts, Fang Yiai said: "Oh? Brother, do you want to be quiet and quiet?"

"Yeah, why don't we find a tavern and have a few drinks?"

Looking at Fang Yi'ai, Li Su's eyes were full of charm, how could the famous He Bangshou in Chang'an know that this was just an excuse Li Su found out for wanting to be alone with him for a while.

Seeing that Li Su likes the quiet, Fang Yiai laughed loudly and said, "Okay, let's chat while walking, just find a tavern."

The two were walking on the streets of Chang'an, looking at the beautiful woman beside them, Fang Yiai suddenly remembered what Li Su had said to Changsun Run before.

"Who wants to marry Changsun Chong!"

Although Fang Yi had a hint of suspicion in his heart after hearing Li Su's words before, but because he was concentrating on dealing with Changsun Run at that time, he didn't think carefully about these words.

Looking back at this moment, Fang Yiai muttered to herself, "Could it be that the younger brother is Princess Changle? No way, since she is about to get married, why would the first princess slip out of the palace and go to the Imperial College to study?"

With doubts in her heart, Fang Yiai wanted to ask Li Su several times, but thinking that Li Su might leave after revealing her identity, Fang Yiai felt inexplicably reluctant.

While thinking, Li Su stopped slowly, pointed to the wine flag in front of the tavern beside the street and said, "My dear brother, how is it here?"

After his thoughts were disturbed, Fang Yiai looked up, and a blue coarse cloth wine flag came into his eyes.

Looking at the green flag fluttering in the cold wind, Fang Yiai let out a long sigh, and said casually: "The red sleeves weave silk to praise the persimmon stalks, and the green flag sells wine to take advantage of the pear blossoms."

Seeing Fang Yiai's impromptu verse, Li Su was quite surprised, his red lips parted slightly, "Dear brother, great talent."

After noticing Li Su's surprised expression, Fang Yiai couldn't help blushing, and put her hand on Li Su's shoulder subconsciously, "Hey, what are these trivial matters?"

After feeling the heaviness in her shoulders and neck, Li Su's body trembled, and two blushes immediately appeared on her delicate face carved with pink and jade.

After pondering for a while, Fang Yiai belatedly remembered the secret of Li Su's daughter.

Seeing Li Su's cheeks flushed, Fang Yiai quickly withdrew her arms, then took a step forward and opened the thick curtain of the tavern, saying: "It's cool outside, brother, go in quickly."

Looking at Fang Yi'ai, who behaved well, elegantly and gracefully, Li Su nodded lightly, "Yes."

The size of the tavern was small, and there were only two or three wine tables in it. Maybe it was because of the cold weather or the reputation, but there was no one in the tavern at the moment, except for an old man dozing off in front of the charcoal fire.

The two picked a seat next to the window, and after sitting down, Fang Yiai softly called the old man, "Shopkeeper."

The old man was playing chess with the Duke of Zhou. When he saw a customer coming, he quickly cheered up, walked to the table for two, and asked, "What do you two use?"

Looking around, Fang Yiai saw that there was no menu hanging on the wall, so she turned to the old man and said, "The shopkeeper can just look around and order some, and two jugs of water and wine."

"Okay, wait a moment, both of you."

After finishing speaking, the old man trotted to the back kitchen to prepare wine and dishes.

After the old man left, Fang Yi made a plan, and tried to test Li Su in a roundabout way: "Hey, what is the blessing of Changsun Chong. He was able to go to Princess Changle!"

Hearing this, Li Su's apricot eyes flashed brightly, and he asked, "Oh? My dear brother, have you heard of Princess Changle?"

"That's right, I heard that Princess Di's handwriting is excellent. She is also gentle and virtuous, with excellent looks. Which of these beauties doesn't want a beauty by their side?"

While speaking, Fang Yiai's gaze was fixed on Li Su, watching her every move carefully.

As soon as these words came out, Li Su immediately lowered his head, his cheeks were already flushed.

After being silent for a while, Li Su raised his head and asked Fang Yiai tentatively, "Didn't my dear brother have a wife here?"

Thinking of his first wife Gao Yang and Qin Jingniang who treats her sincerely, Fang Yiai only felt a warm heart, "Yeah, otherwise I can only feel a lot of emotion. I, a poor scholar, can't compare with Chang Sun Chong."

"Brother, what do you say, the eldest Sun Chong is just relying on the shadow of his father's generation."

As he spoke, the old man brought several plates of herbs and two jugs of homemade shochu.

In the middle of speaking, Li Su poured water and wine himself, raised his head and drank it.

"If my younger brother is Princess Changle, I will definitely marry my dear brother."

I don't know if it was because he was choked by the shochu or because he was shy in his heart, Li Su's cheeks were already turning red after he finished speaking, and the shyness in his almond eyes could be clearly seen.

Seeing Li Su's expression, Fang Yi's doubts in his heart were answered six or seven times, and he smiled lightly and said, "Yes, if my brother is a daughter, I would like to spend the rest of my life with Qing."

Saying that, in order to conceal the uneasiness in her heart, Fang Yiai drank a glass of shochu head-on.Unexpectedly, the shochu brewed by the old man was too strong, and Yiai choked after drinking it all.

Hearing Fang Yiai's jokes, Li Su's tender body trembled, his eyes blurred again and again, and just about to reveal his identity, he saw Fang Yiai was choking and coughing again and again, most of the courage that had been summoned up in surprise also dissipated.

Seeing Fang Yiai sitting across from her and coughing repeatedly, Li Su hurriedly got up, stroked her back, and asked, "Brother, are you alright?"

"It doesn't matter, this shochu is too strong. It will be fine after a while." After speaking, Fang Yiai picked up a fennel bean and threw it in his mouth to dissipate the smell of alcohol in his mouth.

After Fang Yiai returned to normal, Li Su's courage to reveal his identity also dissipated. Dispirited, he could only go back to his seat and sip his water and wine.

After a long while, just as Fang Yiai was muttering to himself, drinking and eating, Li Su put down the wine glass in his hand and said, "Dear brother, you can rest for two days after the literary meeting. The master said that he would go to the countryside in two days. Brother, are you going?"

Seeing Li Su's look of anticipation, Fang Yiai chuckled lightly, and said seriously, "I will go as soon as my brother goes."

After receiving Fang Yiai's answer, Li Su covered his face with a smile, raised his glass and shared a drink with Fang Yiai, "Okay, remember to go to school in two days."

It was dusk, and after coming out of the tavern, Fang Yiai and Li Su paced back to the Imperial College, and then parted ways.

Looking at Li Su's leaving back, Fang Yiai chinned frivolously and muttered, "Could it be that my virtuous brother is really Princess Changle?"

Reminiscent of Princess Changle's upcoming marriage with Changsun Chong, and secretly guessing Li Su's identity as Fang Yiai, I can't help but feel a sense of inexplicable loneliness in my heart.

Returning to Fangfu, seeing no one around in the courtyard, Fang Yiai let out a sigh of relief, just when he was about to hide in the study to get clean, he bumped into Fang Xuanling head on.

Seeing Fang Yiai, Fang Xuanling frowned slightly, and called her back, "Ai'er!"

Seeing Fang Xuanling's unhappy face, Fang Yiai sweated secretly, bowed her hands and saluted, "Father."

"Marshal Qin sent someone to say that you have been practicing hard these two days." Halfway through the speech, Fang Xuanling changed the subject, "Are you hiding from Princess Gaoyang on purpose? Stay in the Qin Mansion for two nights, don't Think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Seeing that her father had seen through her thoughts, Fang Yiai gave a wry smile, and said falteringly, "This."

"Go and have a look in the room. Princess Xiangcheng just sent someone to send some snacks. I want you to taste it with Princess Gaoyang."

As soon as Fang Xuanling's words came out, Fang Yiai couldn't help screaming, "Could it be that Princess Xiangcheng got impatient and leaked my identity to Gao Yang?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yiai hurriedly bid farewell to Fang Xuanling, and quickly walked into the bedroom.

Walking into the bedroom, Gao Yang was sitting in front of the table in a daze, and there was a lacquerware lunch box on the tea table.

Seeing Fang Yiai rushing into the bedroom, Gao Yang got up and asked, "Brother Jun'er, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back." Looking at the lacquerware lunch box on the tea table, Fang Yiai asked tentatively: "Is this the snack from the elder sister?"

Seeing Fang Yiai's questioning, Gao Yang said in a puzzled way: "Yeah, Eldest Sister doesn't know what's going on. She actually sent some steamed stuffed buns!"

Hearing Gao Yang's words, Fang Yiai strode forward, opened the food box and saw that there were some steamed stuffed buns inside!

(End of this chapter)

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