Chapter 77
Looking at the buns in the food box, Fang Yiai instantly understood Xiangcheng's intentions.

How could this be a snack for the couple to taste, it was clearly something that Xiangcheng pressed on every step of the way to warn Fang Yiai!

"Revealed? Will not be revealed? Is Xiangcheng getting impatient with waiting?"

Thinking about it, Fang Yiai picked up a steamed stuffed bun, put it to her mouth and bit it lightly.

The steamed stuffed buns that originally tasted sweet were no less than poison or arsenic to Fang Yiai at this moment, and if he was a little careless, he would be sent to a place where he would never be restored!

Looking at the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, Fang Yi's love and anger piled up. The steamed stuffed bun, which was originally ugly, instantly turned into a doughnut in his hands, "Why do you force me so hard?"

Seeing the bun being crushed by Fang Yiai, Gao Yang was slightly surprised, and asked timidly, "Brother Jun'er, what are you muttering about?"

"Ah?" Princess Gao Yang's question calmed Fang Yi's anger temporarily, and threw the buns into the food box. Fang Yiai forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, the buns don't taste very good. Shu'er Just don't eat it."

Because Fang Yiai threw him on the couch that night, Gao Yang cast a shadow on this son-in-law, seeing Fang Yiai talking with Yan Yuese at this moment, although Gao Yang's tense heart fell to the ground, "Okay, Juner Brother, have you heard of the fact that the top of the commoner list is not worth it these days?"

Seeing Gao Yang say the words He Zudao, Fang Yiai's face froze, and hurriedly asked: "Who told you? Could it be Xiangcheng?!"

Seeing that Fang Yiai's expression was tense, Gao Yang was afraid that there would be another misunderstanding, so he hurriedly said, "No, what kind of name is being spread in Chang'an City now, and my father-in-law mentioned him in the morning."

Knowing that Xiangcheng did not tell Gao Yang the details, Fang Yiai's heart fell to the ground immediately, "Oh, I've heard of the number one list."

Looking at Fang Yiai in front of him, Gao Yang bit his vermilion lips lightly, spit out the vinegar jar secretly, and then said: "Brother Jun'er, do you know the poem about plum blossoms on the white wall of Chang'an Winery?"

"I know, it seems that rubbings are sold at 500 taels now." After speaking, Fang Yiai poured two cups of tea, handed one to Gao Yang, and then sat on the wooden chair and drank from the cup.

"There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone. Yao knows it's not snow, because there is a dark fragrance."

After speaking, Gao Yang reached out and took out a piece of rice paper from his waist, walked up to Fang Yiai, and said, "Brother Jun'er, to be honest, do you know He Zudao?"

Faced with Gao Yang's inexplicable words, Fang Yiai shook her head and denied, "Huh? I don't know."

Gao Yang unfolded the rice paper, and on the paper was the poem chanting plum written by Fang Yiai when he was fighting with Xiao Rui that day!
Pointing to the handwriting on the paper, Gao Yang said with a smirk, "Then how do you explain this piece of paper?"

How could Fang Yiai have imagined that Gao Yang got this piece of verse that he wrote when he was copying an essay for the first time, under shock, he couldn't speak for a moment, "This"

"Brother Jun'er, do you know He Zudao? Why don't you treat him to a light meal another day?" Gao Yang walked behind Fang Yi'ai and put his arms around Fang Yi's shoulders.

Looking carefully at the rice paper, seeing that the script used on it was in regular script, Fang Yiai's nervousness was mostly relieved, "I have never seen this poem before, do you think I can write such regular script?"

Seeing that Fang Yiai's expression didn't want to be fake, Gao Yang thought to himself, "That's right, brother Jun'er usually doesn't like writing and ink, how can he write such a regular script that is upright and peaceful?"

"Where did you come from this poem?" After speaking, Fang Yiai reached out and handed the rice paper to Gao Yang, and continued to drink hot tea as if nothing had happened.

"I found it from the Chang'an wine shop. You asked Shu'er to serve you wine at home to celebrate your victory, but you never came back. That's why I asked the soldiers of Shuntian Mansion to look for you."

Knowing that Gao Yang had sent soldiers to look for her that day, Fang Yiai couldn't help being moved, she bowed her head and whispered, "It's my fault to make you worry."

Gao Yang put away the rice paper, chuckled in Fang Yiai's ear and said, "Brother Jun'er, in fact, if you know a little bit about writing and ink, you will definitely be better than most talented people in Chang'an City."

Seeing Gao Yang praise herself, Fang Yiai was quite surprised, held the beautiful woman's slender hand, and said with a smirk: "Really? Didn't you always say that I am a reckless man?"

In the past, Gao Yang yearned for talented scholars, but after encountering Qin San in Chang'an Restaurant and Turkic warriors in Wangyuetai, Gao Yang's impression of martial arts began to change slowly with the comparison of Xiao Rui, a successful green leaf.

Reminiscent of the young hero who rescued him on the moon-watching platform, Gao Yang always felt that that person was somewhat similar to Fang Yiai’s back. When it came to Fang Yiai.

"No, although literati are talented, they are powerless. I think it is better to be a gentleman like Brother Jun'er, and it is better than an embroidered pillow like Prince Xiao."

Speaking of the depth of love, Gao Yang dared to kiss Fang Yi'ai on the cheek.

After feeling the warmth on his cheeks, most of the estrangement in Fang Yi's heart melted in an instant, and he thought to himself, "Listening to what the little girl said, could it be that she has changed her view of Wufu? The monk Bianji, who has no strength to restrain a chicken and only knows how to chant sutras and Buddhas, is in love."

"Brother Jun'er, I know that I was a bit arrogant before. It doesn't mean that I am learning female celebrities from my mother these days."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yang bounced over to the bed, reached out his hand and took out the rattle wrapped in cloth from under the pillow.

Gao Yang handed the rattle to Fang Yiai, and asked expectantly: "This is a cloth cover made by Shu'er, do you like it, Brother Jun'er?"

"Oh?" Fang Yiai took the rattle and looked at the two roasted goose-like poultry on the cloth cover. Fang Yiai looked carefully for a long time before realizing that they were actually a pair of mandarin ducks!
After recognizing the mandarin duck, Fang Yi felt warm in his heart, and deliberately asked, "Shu'er, is this roast goose?"

"What kind of roast goose? Are these clearly a pair of mandarin ducks?" Gao Yang sat in Fang Yiai's arms with a smile on his face, pointed at the pair of mandarin ducks on the cloth cover and said, "This is Brother Jun'er, and this is Shu'er. "

After feeling the true feelings in Gao Yang's words, Fang Yiai was in a good mood, put her arms around Gao Yang lightly, and whispered: "Haha, it's a pity that my lady doesn't want to be a female red embroidery lady."

After being praised by Fang Yiai, Gao Yang smiled, pretended to be angry and pouted and said: "Brother Juner also said that he embroidered two roast geese!"

"It's a mandarin duck. Shu'er embroiders a mandarin duck." As Fang Yiai caressed Gao Yang's blue silk, the gap in her heart gradually disintegrated, "Shu'er, since you and I are mandarin ducks, it would be nice to play in the water." ?”

As she said that, Fang Yiai gently scratched Gao Yang's armpit, which made Gao Yang laugh again and again, as if a newlywed couple were glued together.

While the two were laughing, a dry cough suddenly came from outside the door, "Ai'er, Princess."

Seeing Fang Xuanling's arrival, Fang Yi's heart trembled, he quickly put down Gao Yang in his arms, stood up and opened the door.



Seeing the two greeting each other in unison, Fang Xuanling nodded with a smile and said, "Princess, there is a mage from Huichang Temple outside the door asking to see the princess."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yiai and Gao Yang's bodies trembled, and they muttered: "Master of Huichang Temple?!"

"By the way, he claims to be the Dharma No. Bianji. Right now, he is asking to see the princess at the gate of the mansion, saying that he has something important to report."

After finishing speaking, Fang Xuanling bowed his hands to Gao Yang and made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing that Fang Xuanling asked him to go out to check, Gao Yang sneaked a glance at Fang Yi'ai, seeing that Fang Yi'ai's expression was normal, then timidly walked out of the room and went to the gate of the mansion to meet Bian Ji.

After Gao Yang left, Fang Xuanling glared at Fang Yiai, and said, "It's still early in the morning, don't mess around! What's going on in the daytime Xuanyin!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Xuanling slowly left the bedroom door without waiting for Fang Yiai to react.

After closing the door, Fang Yiai returned to the wooden chair in a daze, and murmured: "Bianji has found Fangfu, how did he know that Shu'er moved to Fangfu? Could it be that Shu'er told him of?!"

Thinking of this, two feelings of jealousy and anger in Fang Yi's heart exploded, and they converged in one place and rushed straight to his forehead.

"Hmph, what did you say that Wufu has a sense of security? It's all just words and excuses!"

The furious Fang Yiai looked at the cloth-covered rattle in her hand and felt very unhappy. In a rage, she casually threw the rattle on the ground, then opened the door and went out.

After the rattle fell to the ground, although it was protected by Gao Yang's carefully embroidered cloth cover, it was still broken in two from the connection between the wooden pole and the drum body!
(End of this chapter)

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