Chapter 9
As soon as the fat man finished cursing, Xiao Rui, the son-in-law, walked out of the banquet with his head held high.

Standing beside Fang Yiai, Xiao Rui looked at the fat man hiding behind the soldiers, and yelled, "Bold and unreasonable, did the beating just now subdue you? Now you're coming to your door to beg for a beating?"

"Fuck you, grandpa, I'm here for revenge!" Seeing Xiao Rui, the fat man jumped angrily and cursed, and then said to the soldiers in front of him: "100 taels per person, beat me to death!"

The originally lazy soldiers cheered up after hearing the fat man's "100 taels" offer, and then lined up, apparently not planning to let anyone in the room go out.

Xiao Rui saw the soldiers posing, snorted coldly, and reprimanded righteously: "Which government office are you from? How can you listen to this fat pig's one-sided words?"

As soon as Xiao Rui said this, the soldiers burst into laughter.

Even Fang Yiai, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but secretly cursed at the ignorant idiot!

From the moment the soldiers entered the door, Fang Yiai recognized the identities of these people.

Wearing armor, with a horizontal knife on his waist, this is not what Xiao Rui called the police officers in the government office, they are clearly a group of real soldiers!
After laughing, a burly soldier with a scar on his face walked up to Xiao Rui, reached out and touched the horizontal knife on his waist, and said, "Boy, don't you look like a soldier who can only catch thieves?" Hurry up? I’m a soldier! A soldier who has licked blood on the blade!”

After finishing speaking, the scarred soldier suddenly raised his palm and slapped Xiao Rui's face without warning.

Xiao Rui is a literati, and he thinks he can use words to dismiss these "yamen servants" who have been bought by the fat man, but he can't imagine that these soldiers who have been fighting on the battlefield all the year round don't play their cards according to the routine!

Xiao Rui was unprepared, and was directly drawn to the ground by the scarred soldiers. For a while, he lay on the ground without moving.

After knocking down Xiao Rui, the scarred soldier hiccupped impatiently, and then spit on Xiao Rui.

After smelling the smell of alcohol on the soldiers, Fang Yiai yelled inwardly, looking at the horizontal knives on the soldiers' waists, the thought of protecting Princess Gaoyang immediately arose in his heart.

In any case, Princess Gao Yang is the daughter of the Tang King after all, if there is any accident in the wine shop, Fang Yiai, the son-in-law of the Tang Dynasty, obviously cannot escape the wrath of the Tang King!

After making up her mind, Fang Yiai didn't have the heart to care about Xiao Rui's injury, so she turned around and walked in front of Princess Gaoyang.

Seeing Xiao Rui being beaten, the red-eyed Princess Xiangcheng got up, pointed at the soldiers and shouted: "You!"

Looking at Princess Xiangcheng, the fat man's eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets in the next moment. After a burst of lewd laughter, he said, "Yo Yo Yo, little lady is angry? Did you feel good about being touched by me just now? Do you want to stop?" try?"

Hearing Fatty's words, and thinking of the previous actions of Xiao Rui, Gao Yang, and Xiangcheng, Fang Yiai gradually understood the cause and effect of this incident.

It must be that when everyone in Gaoyang was admiring the plums downstairs, the princess of Xiangcheng was raped by the fat man, and the son-in-law Xiao Rui was so angry that she beat her up.
Princess Xiangcheng grew up in the imperial palace since she was a child. Even after marrying into Xiao's family, she is like a golden branch and a jade leaf. How can she bear the obscene words of the fat man? Squeeze out the word "shameless".

After lying on the ground for a while, Xiao Rui gradually regained his sanity. Seeing that the princess of Xiangcheng was threatened by the fat man's words, the son fell ill again.

Xiao Rui's polite questioning once again caused the soldiers to burst into laughter.

The scarred soldier looked at Xiao Rui who barely stood up from the ground, his eyes were full of disdain, "Wang Fa? In this Dongcheng Well, our Third Lord Qin is Wang Fa! You have to say hello to Third Lord Qin respectfully!"

Hearing that the "Third Master Qin" in the mouth of the soldiers could make the officials of Shuntian Mansion salute and say hello, Princess Gao Yang, who had been silent because of anger, asked, "Who is Third Master Qin?!"

Seeing Princess Gao Yang's questioning, she huddled in the table and looked at Xiao Rui's servant who had been beaten all the way, and returned timidly: "Master Qin is the commander-in-chief of the Admiral's Mansion, and also the nephew of Hu Guogong Qin Qiong!"

Knowing the identity of Third Master Qin, Fang Yiai was a little surprised and thought to himself, "A mere nephew of Qin Qiong has such great influence, no wonder that little girl Qin Jingniang was so arrogant that day!"

Xiao Rui, who came back to his senses, smiled contemptuously after learning that the support behind the soldiers was far inferior to his own, "It's just a commander, Qin San'er! Do you know who I am?"

But before he could finish speaking, the scarred soldier struck again, hitting Xiao Rui directly in the lower abdomen with a heavy punch.


After screaming, Xiao Rui fell headfirst to the ground, covering his lower abdomen with his hands and rolling all over the ground, unable to say those words that he thought were extremely imposing.

Seeing Xiao Rui being beaten, Princess Xiangcheng was furious, she stood up and pointed at the soldier with the scar, and said, "You bastards, how dare you beat the royal son-in-law!"

The scarred soldier looked at Princess Xiangcheng, touched his chin, and said, "Consort? So you are a princess?"

After revealing her identity, Princess Xiangcheng regained her confidence and said confidently, "That's right! I advise you to go to the Yamen and surrender yourself, or you will be razed!"

Hearing Princess Xiangcheng's words, the scarred soldier turned around and glanced at the accomplice behind him, and said with a smile, "This chick said she is the royal princess! Princess!"

"Royal princess? How could the princess walk in the market? How could the princess travel without a guard of honor!"

The series of questions from the scarred soldiers left Princess Xiangcheng speechless. At this moment, she couldn't help subconsciously looking at Gao Yang, because it was Princess Gao Yang who had specially instructed them to go out as a couple pretending to be casual. these woe.

Princess Gaoyang knew that "traveling in micro-clothes" was her own concern, facing the eyes of her eldest sister Xiangcheng, she was at a loss for words, "Luanjia relies on you."

Just when Princess Gaoyang couldn't answer correctly, her flustered eyes accidentally caught Fang Yiai who was standing beside her.

As if she had found a fig leaf, Princess Gaoyang shouted to Fang Yiai: "Don't you know how to dance with a gun and stick? Go fight!"

Looking at Gao Yang, who was almost savage, Fang Yiai frowned slightly, and asked blankly, "Why did I make a move?"

Thinking of "Fang Yiai" who likes to dance with guns and clubs on weekdays, the two princesses Gao Yang and Xiangcheng seem to have caught straws, "Because Xiao Rui was beaten by them!"

From the perspective of the two princesses, only by Fang Yiai's actions to repel these soldiers at this moment can they escape from the current dangerous situation, and only in this way can they have the opportunity to go out to the government to recruit people so that these soldiers who don't know what to do will be killed. And that fat man who spoke badly will be brought to justice!

"If they want to fight, just fight, does it have something to do with me?"

Reminiscent of Xiao Rui's troubles before, Fang Yiai doesn't intend to take this muddy water, all he has to do now is to protect Gao Yang and Xiangcheng.


Gao Yang and Xiangcheng obviously didn't expect Fang Yi'ai's attitude to be so indifferent, under extreme anger, the two snorted coldly, in their opinion, the reason why Fang Yi'ai stood idly by was nothing more than Xiao Rui's contempt for him before revenge It's just attitude.

Seeing that Fang Yiai didn't intend to make a move, everyone at the banquet shrank their heads. Although they were also the sons of court officials, they were not stupid enough to dare to confront a group of drunken soldiers.

Just when everyone was secretly cursing Fang Yi's narrow-mindedness and watching Xiao Rui being beaten, the fat man who had been hiding behind the soldiers had already swaggered to the banquet.

The fat man looked at the two princesses, Gao Yang and Xiangcheng, who had black eyebrows full of anger, and he could see the wretched expressions on their faces, "Yo Yo Yo, are the two little ladies angry? Forget it, my lord has a lot of them, so I will forgive him today." That's it."

Seeing the fat man let go, Princess Gao Yang was a little surprised, although she wished to send this fat man to prison together with the soldiers, but all this could only be realized after leaving the wine shop. "real?!"

"Really, as long as you two make my second brother feel comfortable, I'll let him go. And I can make you two real princesses on the bed!"

Saying that, the fat man with a lewd smile on his face directly touched a pair of salty pig hands towards Princess Gao Yang.

Princess Gao Yang, who got up to answer the question, obviously didn't expect the fat man to dare to move his hands and feet. Seeing that the fat man's palm was about to stretch out in front of her eyes, Princess Gao Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

But when Fatty's salty pig's hand was less than a punch away from Gao Yang's cheek, an arm wrapped in a blue cloth suddenly lay across in front of them.

Seeing that the good thing was interrupted, the fat man looked at Fang Yiai in front of him, and said sharply: "What advice do you have, kid? Do you want to lie on the ground and roll around like him?"

Fang Yiai glanced at Xiao Rui who was lying on the ground, chuckled lightly, and said to the fat man, "There is a strange thing that you must have never seen before."

Seeing Fang Yiai's smile all over his face, the fat man subconsciously thought that this poor boy in shabby clothes was flattering himself, so he asked triumphantly, "What's so strange? What is it?"

Fang Yiai looked at the fat man, and said with a serious face, "Flying Pig from Heaven, have you seen it?"

"Fly out of the sky"

At the same time that the fat man said the word "pig", Fang Yiai kicked suddenly, and then, after the fat man spun around in the air, his fat body like a dead pig landed directly beside Xiao Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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