Chapter 91
Looking at the pig-iron horizontal knife with a cold glow in front of him, the situation is critical, but Li Su still disregarded his own safety, and once again reminded Fang Yiai to leave as soon as possible!
"Brother, leave me alone, leave quickly!" While speaking, Li Su's throat was already choked up, two lines of tears ran down his cheeks, and he murmured, "In the next life, I will face my brother as a daughter."

Hearing Li Su's heartfelt heart, Fang Yi'ai felt his limbs tremble, his originally gentle eyes were already blood red, and he roared in a cold voice: "Ashina Yingjie, let go of my virtuous brother!"

"What if I don't let go?" Seeing Fang Yi'ai was furious, Ashina Yingjie, who believed in her heart that she had no power to fight back, looked at Fang Yi'ai playfully like a civet playing with its prey, and said, "That hidden weapon of divine power Will you give it to me or not?"

"I said before, I don't have any hidden weapons of divine power!"

In desperation, taking advantage of the gap between bargaining with Ashina Yingjie, Fang Yiai mobilized the zhenqi in his body. Maybe it was because the heavens had eyes, or maybe because the injuries in his body had temporarily improved, the zhenqi in the meridians, which was like a plate of loose sand, unexpectedly Quickly condensed, and then continuously gathered in Fang Yiai's palms.

"Hmph, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Seeing Fang Yiai's refusal to give in, Ashina Yingjie slammed the knife in his hand, and Li Su's black hair was cut off by the cold light.

Even though the moon was on Dongshan Mountain at this time, but the snow was as bright as day under the moonlight. I was thinking of Li Su's consolation Fang Yiai, so I naturally found the black silk hair falling on the snow.

"You!" Fingering Ashina Yingjie, Fang Yi's heart turned slightly, and then he thought to himself, "You don't have to do this, General, I will just hand over the hidden weapon to you."

Seeing the change in Fang Yiai's attitude, Ashina Yingjie was excited, but still kept vigilant in his heart, looked suspiciously at Fang Yiai, and asked, "Really?"

There is no hidden weapon of supernatural power in Fang Yiai's hands. What he said just now was completely to deceive Ashina Yingjie, and to prevent Li Su from being injured in turn.

Seeing that Ashina Yingjie was skeptical, Fang Yiai had an idea and pretended to be discouraged: "Hey, now that my sweetheart is in the hands of the general, how dare I lie to the general again?"

Hearing Fang Yiai say the word "sweetheart", Li Su's heart felt warm, and his almond eyes were hazy, "Brother. My dear brother really has me in his heart."

Seeing Fang Yi'ai in a state of distress, Ah Shi Nayingjie thought of the scene where she vomited blood, and the vigilance in her heart immediately disappeared, "Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare to play any tricks!"

"The general is coming?" As he spoke, Fang Yiai pretended to put his hand into his bosom to feel for it, but in fact, the true energy in his palm was already full and ready to go.

Because of the strange behavior of Fang Yiai walking around behind, Ashina Yingjie glanced at the subordinates beside him, and said to be on the safe side: "Come here!"

"it is good."

After responding, Fang Yiai pretended to be staggering, with blood rising, and staggered forward in the snow.

Seeing that Fang Yiai was close at hand, Ash Naying held the horizontal knife in his hand and asked, "Where is the hidden weapon of divine power? Bring it to me!"

Fearing that Ashina would hurt Li Su, Fang Yiai deliberately coughed a few times, and said in a floating voice, "This hidden weapon is a unique skill passed down from our ancestors, and it can only be told to the general."

Hearing Fang Yiai's words, Ashina Yingjie stared at the dagger lying on the snow in the distance, with suspicion in his eyes.

Seeing Ashina Yingjie being cunning and suspicious, Fang Yiai secretly scolded the Turkic thief for being scheming, then smiled wryly, and spread her hands: "My sweetheart is in the hands of the general, if there is something wrong with Princess Changle, wouldn't it be possible for me to become a son-in-law for glory and wealth?" Bubbles?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect the famous He to be the top. He wants to be Li Tang's useless son-in-law?" After finishing speaking, Ashina Yingjie laughed again and again, and handed Li Su over to his subordinates.

"That's right, Tang people really have no backbone. They are so superb in martial arts that they even want to be a consort."

"Hmph, a slave like him is not worthy of marriage in our Turks!"

"This grandson was seriously injured by the general, and he even planned to collect money and sex, what a waste!"

Hearing the ridicule of the Turkic warriors, Fang Yiai nodded and said nothing, but the palms in her arms were already rattling, wishing to tear these thieves to pieces.

After taunting Fang Yi'ai, Ashina Yingjie strode forward, walked up to Fang Yi'ai, and stretched out his hand to ask for it: "What's the top of the list, can you bring it?"

"General, I have a trick for this hidden weapon. The general puts his ear up, and I will tell the general to listen." While speaking, Fang Yi'ai flattened his palms, ready to perform the opening gesture "Qingfengfu" in the Thirteen Hunyuan Forms .

At this moment, Ashina Yingjie was only thinking about obtaining the hidden weapon of divine power, so he didn't have the slightest bit of wariness towards Fang Yiai, so he leaned in front of Fang Yiai and asked, "Oh? What's the trick?"

"Listen up, General."

Seeing that Ashina Yingjie was close at hand, Fang Yi's heart was overjoyed. Without Ashina Yingjie's order, those Turkic warriors would not have dared to hurt Li Su rashly.

After getting rid of his worries, Fang Yiai quickly circulated his true energy on his hands, then took out his right hand from his bosom suddenly, and used the breeze to blow.

After feeling the oncoming cold wind, Ashina Yingjie's eyes froze, and he stepped back quickly, holding the horizontal knife in front of his chest at the same time, "Dog thief, how dare you coax me!"

After using the move, Fang Yiai would not let go of this only chance to turn around, turned a deaf ear to Ashina Yingjie's anger, rushed in front of him with a stride, opened her hands suddenly, and bowed left and right towards Ashina Yingjie's face The door slammed.

Seeing Fang Yiai's sneak attack, Ashina Yingjie was furious and furious, holding a horizontal knife and slashing across the situation, wanting to see this scheming commoner at the top of the list.

Although Fang Yiai's hands were filled with true energy, they were still mortal bodies. Seeing the ferocity of the horizontal knife in Ash Naying's hand, Fang Yiai did not dare to be brave, so she dodged to the side, her hands combined to clamp the horizontal knife, and then quickly dial up.

A group of Turkic warriors saw that Fang Yiai fought back vigorously and even controlled the horizontal blade, their eyes widened in horror.

"This kid can still fight?"

"It seems that Ashina Tulu and Ashina Khan died without complaint. This grandson is the most tenacious person I have ever seen!"

"What should we do? Shall we kill this little girl first?"

"You are looking for death! She is also the princess of Tang Dynasty. If she is killed, Tang Dynasty will definitely go to war with the Turks!"

Listening to the conversation of the Turkic warriors, Li Su has long put life and death aside, hoping that Fang Yiai will be safe and sound.

Seeing Fang Yiai struggling to fight Ashina Yingjie, Li Su only regrets that she failed to reveal her identity before, so that she could only secretly admire Fang Yiai, but she was still unable to confide in her heart.

Looking at Fang Yiai who was wearing a purple robe, Li Su's tears rolled down like pearl curtains, and he choked up and murmured, "Dear brother, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely form an alliance with you!"

When the Turkic warrior and Li Su had their own concerns, Ashina Yingjie was terrified in the face of Fang Yiai who was struggling to resist. Such a weird move, he couldn't think of a way to break it for a while, so he could only hold the handle of the knife, struggling to snatch the horizontal knife from Fang Yiai's hand.

What Ashina Yingjie never imagined was that Qingfeng Fu was not a killing technique at all, this move was intended to dissolve the opponent's strength, which was quite the meaning of Tai Chi using softness to overcome rigidity.

But at this time, the harder he struggled, the more his strength was dissipated by the breeze. This action just happened to fit Fang Yi's heart.

After some turning, Ashina Yingjie felt his hands go numb, the arms that could have been able to pull the bull, but he couldn't lift a little bit of strength.

After fighting for a while, the Hengdao was captured by Fang Yiai, and he casually threw it down the hillside.

Although he succeeded in grabbing the horizontal knife, Fang Yiai's palm was also cut open and a bloody wound was knocked down, and the true energy in his body became increasingly scarce.

Ashenaying's sword was taken away, he was surprised, cursed, and swung it all at Fang Yiai's face, "Son, you're despicable!"

Seeing Ashina's heavy punch coming towards him, Fang Yi'ai moved, and immediately unleashed the sky-holding hammer in the Thirteen Hunyuan Forms.

"Turkic dog thief, take your life!"

With a loud shout, Fang Yiai clenched her hands tightly, jumped up suddenly, and smashed straight at Ashina Yingjie's Tianling Gai.

(End of this chapter)

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