Chapter 92
Looking up, seeing Fang Yiai coming fiercely, Ashina Yingjie didn't dare to take it too seriously, and quickly dodged to the side, barely avoiding Fang Yiai's fatal blow.

Although Tianling Gai escaped the attack of the sky hammer, Fang Yiai's hands still hit Ashina Yingjie's shoulder heavily.

With the sound of bones breaking, Ashina Yingjie screamed, and backed up again and again, and there was a big hole in his left shoulder!

Seeing that Ashina Yingjie was seriously injured, Fang Yi was overjoyed in love, and then with the sword in his right hand and index finger, he pulled out the Jade Finger Sword vigorously and rushed towards Ashina Yingjie.

But before he could take a few steps forward, because the true qi in his body was almost exhausted, coupled with the burst of fighting qi and blood, Fang Yiai's old wound in the back of his heart that had calmed down suddenly worsened again!

After feeling the sharp pain in the back of her heart, Fang Yiai staggered, her legs gave way and almost fell to the ground.

Under the severe pain, Ashina was about to fight Fang Yiai desperately. Seeing Fang Yiai's frivolous steps, he couldn't help being overjoyed, resisting the pain in his shoulder, and asked: "Traitor, are you exhausted?" gone?"

Seeing Ashina Yingjie's probing words, and thinking of a group of Turkic warriors watching, Fang Yiai naturally would not show any disadvantage, so she slapped her mental finger and cursed Ashina Yingjie: "I told you that you dare to touch Li Su half a root Hairy, I will definitely kill you on the spot today!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Yiai strode forward and pushed towards the heavily injured Ashina Yingjie step by step.

Ashina Yingjie originally thought that Fang Yiai was at the end of his battle, but when he suddenly saw Fang Yiai strenuously moving forward, he couldn't help but gasped. He just wanted to turn around to avoid the sharp edge, but was laughed out loud by Fang Yiai's subsequent actions.

After strenuously walking a few steps forward, Fang Yiai suddenly felt a numbness in his heart, and then his stomach turned upside down, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood mist.

After seeing Fang Yiai squirting blood, Ashina Yingjie only felt more energetic, and laughed again and again: "Haha, the traitor is really stubborn!"

Not only Ashina Yingjie, but even the Turkic warriors who were watching from the sidelines burst into laughter.

"It is undeniable that this kid is really strong, but he is injured, so how can he be the opponent of the general!"

"Yeah, he was able to snatch the horizontal knife, which is enough to prove his greatness. To die in the hands of the general is not a disgrace to his reputation as the top of the civilian list."

"Hey, it's a pity that such a heroic young man came to die for a woman!"

In the words, the Turkic warriors praised Fang Yiai. Although these Fanhan refused to accept the teachings of the Tang Dynasty, they were very straightforward by nature, unlike Changsun Chong and Xiao Rui, who clearly held grudges in their hearts, but they were full of admiration in their mouths. .

Seeing Fang Yiai spitting blood, Li Su struggled hard, and once again apparently broke free from the shackles of the Turkic warrior.

At this moment, Li Sufang's heart is broken, and all she wants to do is rush to Fang Yiai, and live and die with her sweetheart. As for the royal princess, the grandson Chong who is about to get married, she has already forgotten all about it.

"Dear! My dear!"

Hearing Li Su's gut-wrenching call, Fang Yiai pulled himself together immediately, shook her head slightly, and secretly bit the tip of her tongue, trying to keep herself awake.

Having suffered losses at Fang Yiai's hands twice before, Ashina Yingjie could no longer belittle the enemy, taking advantage of Fang Yiai's serious injuries, he clasped his hands and shouted: "What is wrong with you, traitor. Suffer!"

After finishing speaking, Ashina Yingjie waved his fists and rushed towards Fang Yiai.

Seeing Ashina Yingjie rushing towards him, Fang Yiai forcibly mobilized his true energy, with his right hand pointing like a sword, he read aloud: "The sword of the great river comes from the sky, sweeping away all the barbarians!"

It's not that Fang Yi loves to play prestige, the reason why he read these two lines of verses is actually betting his life, betting that Ashina Yingjie, who is suspicious by nature, would not dare to rush forward after hearing the words.

At this moment, although Fang Yi'ai's palm still has true energy, but due to the recurrence of the injury, most of the true energy has already dissipated. If he reluctantly used the Jade Finger Sword at this moment, at best, he could only rob Ashinaying into a serious injury, but he could not. Kill him instantly.If Ashina Yingjie could not be killed with one blow, those Turkic warriors who were watching would definitely swarm up to protect their general, and at the same time cut the seriously injured Fang Yiai to pieces!

After hearing Fang Yiai's inexplicable words in his ear, the suspicious Ashina Yingjie really stopped his figure, thinking of the death of his two younger brothers before, he mistakenly thought that Fang Yiai was exhausted at the moment Next, it's time to unleash the family-inherited hidden weapon!

But just as Ashina Yingjie stopped his body, Fang Yiai provided sufficient preparations.

After feeling the zhenqi in the palm of his hand was full, Fang Yiai didn't care to think about it, and rushed in front of Ashina Yingjie with a stride, and then put his two fingers into a sword, aiming directly at the vital point of his throat.

Seeing that Fang Yiai had nothing in his hands, and realizing that he had been deceived by her, Ash Naying was furious. He was always suspicious and lost face in front of his subordinates one after another. At this moment, he only wanted to kill Fang Yiai to vent his overwhelming heart anger.

"Traitor, take your life!"

With a loud shout, Ashina Yingjie raised his intact right arm, clenched his fist tightly, and went straight to meet Fang Yiai.

In an instant, the figures of the two intersected each other. To the surprise of the audience, Ashina Yingjie and Fang Yiai stopped at the same time, stood in the snow and looked at each other. It was impossible for people to judge who would win and who would lose. !

"What's the matter, General?"

"What is the point of ambushes? Why didn't the general move?"

"Could it be that the general is looking for some hidden family weapon?"

"I think He Zudao must be out of breath, think about it. He already vomited blood just now!"

Hearing the speculations of a group of Turkic warriors, Li Su's vision has long been blurred. Seeing that Fang Yi's love is more dangerous than good, this princess wants to kill herself by biting her tongue and follow her brother!

But the moment Li Su made up his mind to ask for death, Ashina Yingjie who was standing there suddenly moved!
Ashina Yingjie turned around and strode towards his subordinates with a slight smile on his face.

On the other hand, Fang Yiai, at this moment, is like a pile of wooden sculptures of clay, standing motionless in the snow, with his fingers raised in mid-air, always maintaining an attacking posture.

"Shameless little thief, I received a heavy punch from the general in the lower abdomen. I'm afraid he has already returned to the west?"

While speaking, Ashina Yingjie had already arrived in front of Li Su and the others, but at the same time he was laughing loudly, the Turkic warriors who saw his face clearly showed no joy at all, but their faces were full of astonishment and anger. Frightened look.

Looking carefully, Li Su found that Ashina Yingjie, who was laughing with his head up, had no injuries on his face, but there was a blood hole in his throat, and the blood was gurgling out, and he might not survive.

Because of the heavy injuries and the freezing weather, Ashina Yingjie didn't feel the strangeness in his throat, seeing the horror on the faces of all his subordinates, he couldn't help asking angrily: "Who are you?"

Halfway through speaking, Ashina Yingjie suddenly felt his neck was unbearably hot, and when he stretched out his hand to touch it, he saw Yin Hong's blood on his hand.

"What's the point, traitor!"

As the pain gradually became clearer, Ashina Yingjie turned to look at Fang Yiai, cursed with the last bit of strength, then fell straight on the snowy ground, looking for his two brothers who also died in Fang Yiai's hands Yincao went to talk heart to heart.

Seeing Ashina's death, the Turkic warriors shouted, and then they all knelt down on one knee, full of grief, "General!"

After a short period of mourning, looking at Fang Yiai standing motionless in the snow, the Turkic warrior immediately had the idea of ​​avenging Ashina Yingjie to vent his anger.

"He Zudao must have died too, let's chop him into meat to avenge the general!"

"Okay, let's go!"

But just as they were walking towards Fang Yiai with horizontal knives in their hands, Fang Yiai who was standing in the snow suddenly moved!
Although Ashina Yingjie's throat was pierced with a single blow just now, Fang Yiai's lower abdomen was also hit by Ashina Yingjie's full force. In horror, Fang Yiai quickly summoned more than nothing's true energy to protect the internal organs. Created the illusion of death for everyone.

Looking at the Turkic warrior walking towards her, Fang Yi'ai stood with her hands behind her back, forcibly suppressing the blood surging wound in her abdomen, and said in a cold voice: "Let my dear brother go, Liu Er waits for the whole body!"

As soon as the words were finished, Fang Yiai felt that his stomach was hot and unbearable, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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