Chapter 93
Realizing that there was blood oozing out, Fang Yiai was shocked and wanted to wipe it away, but she was afraid of being noticed by a group of Turkic warriors, so she stood there silently.

Seeing that Fang Yiai was acting as usual, and the Turkic warriors who witnessed the death of Ashina, they were instantly terrified, "You"

Looking at the Turkic warrior who faltered, Fang Yiai felt that the injury in her body could not be restrained for long, and in desperation, she immediately made concessions, "Let go of Princess Changle, let me live!"


Seeing the change in Fang Yiai's words and attitude, the Turkic warriors looked at each other with a hint of timidity in their hearts.

Reminiscent of the death of the three Ashina brothers at the hands of Fang Yiai, most Turkic warriors hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Fang Yiai's plan, "Okay, don't lie to us!"

Seeing that the Turkic warrior was really shaken, Fang Yi's heart was filled with joy, "Humph, it's hard to chase after a man's words!" After finishing speaking, Fang Yi's heart felt numbness again, and the injury was obviously getting worse .

Just when the Turkic warriors were about to let Li Su go, one of the Pan Han who saw it suddenly noticed blood stains at the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth.

"Wait!" After stopping Li Su, Fan Han pointed at Fang Yiai with a horizontal knife, and said with a sneer, "He vomited blood!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Turkic warriors looked at Fang Yiai carefully, and under the moonlight, they found the blood at the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth.

"He was just shot in the lower abdomen by General Ashina, and now he is probably coaxing us!" After finishing speaking, Fan Han strode forward with a horizontal knife in his hand, "Let's go forward and hack him to death!"

Hearing Fan Han's words, the rest of the Turkic warriors whispered to each other. Although their nervous expressions faded a lot, they still didn't dare to go forward and make Fang Yiai's enemy.

Seeing his companions stand still, Fan Han snorted coldly and cursed: "You cowards, watch me chop him up with a knife. Take revenge on General Ashina!"

After seeing the blood stains at the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth, Li Su cried out, "Dear brother, be careful!"

While speaking, Fan Han walked up to Fang Yiai with a horizontal knife in his hand.

Seeing Fang Yiai's pale face, the traitor laughed, stroked the blade of the horizontal knife lightly, and said with a smile: "Why not, today I will do it for you"

Before he could finish his sentence, Fang Yiai's figure suddenly flashed, and he used his hand instead of a mace to use the Qin Family's mace "Strongly Picking the Five Sacred Mountains", and punched Fan Han on the jaw with his backhand.

Suffering heavy injuries, Fan Han didn't even have time to make the slightest sound, his body soared into the air, and after a backflip, he fell down in the snow and stopped breathing.

Seeing that her important matter was almost revealed by this vicious Fanhan, Fang Yiai looked at the Fanhan who fell to the ground and died, and was filled with anger in her heart, "Noisy!"

The rest of the people looked forward and saw Fan Han lying motionless on the snow, his jaw had already parted at this moment, presenting an extremely strange angle.

Seeing Fan Han, who was of the same strength as himself, was instantly killed by Fang Yiai in one blow, the Turkic warriors trembled like a sieve, and they didn't even have the slightest intention to compete with him.

Fighting hard to kill Fan Han made Fang Yiai's overwhelmed body worse. Taking advantage of the shock of everyone, Fang Yiai pretended to turn around to look for the dagger and sword, but secretly spit out a mouthful of blood.

After taking back the sword and dagger, Fang Yiai quickly wiped off the blood stains from the corner of her mouth, then stood back in front of Fanhan's body, looked around the crowd with the green blade in her hand, and said coldly, "Let go of Princess Changle!"

Seeing that Fang Yiai had a sword in his hand, several Turkic warriors immediately let go of Li Su, and then raised their hands and threw the horizontal knife in their hands to the ground.

After breaking free, Li Su hurried all the way to Fang Yi'ai, and immediately reached out to hold his arm.

Looking at Li Su, who was pear-blossoming and raining, Fang Yiai was heartbroken, and then reached out to caress the beauty's cheek, and said softly, "Help me forward!"

Hearing Fang Yiai's soft words, Li Su realized that the clothes on the back of this hero who stood up to the sky in her eyes had already been stained red with blood. Only then was the Turkic warrior not seen the flaw.

Although Li Su was a womanizer, she seemed extremely calm at the critical moment. After learning Fang Yiai's intentions, Li Su reached out to support Fang Yiai's arm, and led him slowly forward.

Several Turkic warriors who had already been terrified by Fang Yiai saw this killing god approaching with a sword, and hurriedly rectified their bodies, none of them dared to think of running away.

At this moment, Fang Yiai was already at the end of his battle, and he had no certainty of winning in a hand-to-hand fight with these burly Panhans.

He wanted to take Li Su and turn around and leave, but he was afraid that some Fan Han would come after him after thinking about it, so he lost his mind for a while.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to the Turkic warriors, Fang Yiai, who hadn't figured out how to deal with it, felt very anxious. The economic strategy she had been thinking about before had already been thrown to Java because of her injuries.

Just when Fang Yiai was crying and telling how meditation could solve these serious problems, Li Su who was beside him suddenly whispered: "Heart warfare is the first, and military warfare is the bottom."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yiai suddenly became enlightened, and looked at the resourceful Li Su beside him, and couldn't help feeling a little admiration for the first princess in her heart.

Decided on a countermeasure, quickened his pace, stood in front of a group of Turkic warriors with a green blade in his hand, and asked, "Is it acceptable to kill your commander today?"

"Submit! Submit!"

Seeing Fang Yiai raised his head and questioned, the Turkic warriors who didn't know what was going on responded together, for fear that if they answered slowly, they would suffer the same fate as the previous Fanhan.

Looking at the frightened and trembling fellows, Fang Yiai's heart sank, "Why did you turn a deaf ear to my words before?"

Seeing that Fang Yiai came to settle old accounts, several Turkic warriors looked at each other, and all lowered their heads obediently, "This"

Before they could respond, the sword in Fang Yiai's hand flashed coldly, and one of the strongest Fanhan fell to the ground.

Looking at the classmate whose throat was cut by the sword on the snowy ground, the remaining four Fanhan knelt on the ground with a plop, and there was no desire to resist.

"Binding my virtuous brother, I deserve death!" Looking at Fan Han who fell to the ground, thinking of Li Su's crying face before, Fang Yi's love and anger rose from his heart, and two swords were drawn one after another, and the two Fan Han Immediately died on the spot.

Looking at the two Turkic warriors who were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, Fang Yiai wanted to kill them with a sword, but the injuries in his body made him numb all over, and he didn't even have the strength to raise his hands!
Seeing their classmates mourning under the sword one after another, the two Fan Han kowtowed and begged, "He is the leader of the list, please spare the two of us!"

While speaking, Fang Yiai's true energy was exhausted together, and the old injury that had lost the suppression of true energy worsened again, and blood gushed out from the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth.

Seeing Fang Yiai spitting out blood, Li Su turned pale with shock. If the two Fanhans were aware of Fang Yiai's current situation, the situation would be reversed!
Just as Fang Yiai was struggling to suppress the injuries in his body, and Li Su was secretly anxious about it, the blood dripping from the corner of Fang Yiai's mouth fell to the snow, and happened to be seen clearly by the two kneeling Fanhans.

Looking at the blood-dripping sword beside them, and looking at the blood on the snow in front of them, the two Hans immediately sensed something strange, and looked at each other, "Blood? Did he vomit blood?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to see through the mystery, Fang Yiai groaned inwardly, just about to lift up the sword to kill him, but only felt a light in his hand, and the Qingfeng sword was snatched away by Li Su beside him!
After the two flashes of cold light, the two Fan Han fell to the ground and screamed. Although Li Su swung his sword vigorously, he only severely injured them, and did not kill them instantly.

After swinging the sword, Li Su's face was as pale as snow, and he stood there trembling with the dagger in his hand, obviously terrified in his heart.

"My dear brother!"

Seeing Li Su, who has always been gentle, kill someone with a sword, Fang Yiai was greatly shocked. Seeing that the two Fanhans who fell on the ground still had the ability to resist, they rushed forward with the last bit of strength, and put the two feet together. Fan Han's chest sank.

As the two Fanhans stopped struggling, Ashina Yingjie and a group of Turkic warriors were killed, and Fang Yiai could no longer summon the slightest strength.

Exhausted, Fang Yiai simply sat cross-legged on the snow, and secretly operated the Hunyuan Heart Sutra to regulate breath, causing injuries in his body.

Seeing Fang Yiai sitting cross-legged in meditation, even though Li Su didn't know, he didn't dare to disturb her. In desperation, he could only take off the padded jacket from the dead body, and gently put it on Fang Yiai's body.

After keeping Fang Yiai warm, Li Su sat in the snow and looked at his sweetheart with a clear face in front of him. Although it was freezing cold, she only felt warmth in her heart, and her eyes were full of happiness except worry , The color of practicality.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Yiai, who was sitting cross-legged, felt a burst of warmth coming from the dantian. After doing some exercises, the brand-new true energy slowly gathered in the dantian.

Fang Yiai was overjoyed to see the genuine energy generated in his body, and hurriedly used the genuine energy to suppress the injury, hoping to restore mobility as soon as possible.

But at the same time that Fang Yiai's body was getting better gradually, a frightening wolf howl suddenly came from not far away.

After the wolves howled, pairs of dark green eyes appeared under the hillside, and the wolves in the mountain were attracted by the smell of blood from the dead bodies!
(End of this chapter)

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