Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 102 Policies and Laws of Practicing Hajj

Chapter 102 Policies and Laws of Practicing Hajj

Then, a buzzing sound shook the void!

In an instant, those laws surrounded Chen Xuan!After that, Chen Xuan's figure gradually became illusory in everyone's eyes, gradually turning into nothingness!

This is... invisible? ?

But also, you see, in the prehistoric world, can ordinary mortals look directly at saints?Absolutely not!
And Chen Xuan's state is similar to that, these officials can still see clearly, but ordinary people, that is, people under the fairyland, already look down on Chen Xuan's face.

Chen Xuan's face became more and more illusory at this moment, gradually becoming faceless in the eyes of people under the fairyland...

Because of this, all the people were shocked and panicked, how could their holy emperor become like this? ?Could it be that someone dared to hurt the Holy Emperor? ?
Fortunately, the place where the projection is located is presided over by officials from all over the place, and the strength of officials from all over the place has reached the level of fairyland, even the level of gods.

"You don't want to make a lot of noise, you wait for the face of the holy emperor to be faceless, that's because your cultivation level is lower than that of a true god, even a half-god sees the holy emperor will not be faceless, so you need to work hard to practice, Otherwise, how can you see the holy face of the Holy Emperor??"

All the people only realized after hearing the words that it turned out that their own strength was too low, which made them not worthy of looking at the face of the Holy Emperor. Fortunately, I thought that the Holy Emperor would have no face to face others...

Chen Xuan:? ? ?

In the place of the altar, the space around Chen Xuan's body was shattered, his body seemed to be in nothingness, and there were strands of dao pattern laws flowing beside him!

This is... the law of time! !

Chen Xuan was the first to comprehend the law of time, and when he realized a little bit, he could start the flow of time, then he would start the flow of time.

After all... These fifty rules are all 3 years of perception, who knows how long it will take for the yuppie to fully grasp it?
Therefore, it is best to turn on the flow of time, one point outside this space, and ten years in the space, and the more you understand the law of time, the greater the difference in the flow of time to turn on.

In this way, until Chen Xuan comprehended all the laws, it was only half an hour for the outside world.

"Well... now the Fifty Dao Laws have been comprehended, but... it's just the most basic small achievement, not even the big one..." Chen Xuan sighed, and said in his heart: "But it's true. Hurry up, shut up for tens of hundreds of yuan, my 3 years are nothing?"

"Fortunately, although I am very weak to Honghuang, I am afraid that I am at most a Taiyi Jinxian, but I am invincible here! I can kill him in an instant when I meet a world god."

Anyway, Chen Xuan has mastered the law now, and the Great Desolate Taiyi Golden Immortal has just begun to comprehend the law, looking forward to breaking through the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

And only Da Luo Jinxian mastered the laws, and even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't have so many laws when he first broke through. Although there may be less than ten, it will never exceed twenty.

Where is Chen Xuan?
He is not as strong as the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he has already comprehended the Fifty Dao Laws. If he said it, he would shock Hongjun for a whole year!
As for this world...

To put it bluntly, the god of the world is nothing more than mastering the laws. Because of the world, the god of the world is not Daluo Jinxian, but do you dare to believe that he can master the laws?

After all, the deceitful gods have controlled the world's wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and these celestial phenomena. Among the three thousand avenues, this is also the case, just to lay a good premise for controlling the laws.

Afterwards, Chen Xuan bid farewell to everyone, and all the people returned home to feel their own strength carefully.

After all, an ordinary person can become a superman in an hour, and it takes a while to get used to it.

in the palace.

The Holy Profound Hall, that is, in the main hall of the Imperial Palace.

The First Emperor of Ancestral Dragon Yingzheng, Fusu, Liu Bang, Lu Pheasant, Liu Che, Gillian, Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, Wu Zetian, Shangguan Waner, Zhu Yuanzhang, Queen Ma, Zhu Biao, Zhu Di, Zhu Laosi, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaosui, Zhu Zhan Kidu sat aside.

Sitting above him was a black emperor's robe, and beside the steps stood Cao Zhengchun, his Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

"Uncle, the state of China has changed a lot now. Ordinary people are monks. The Dahua Dynasty has become a monk's dynasty. Some policies and laws have to be changed." Chen Xuan said slightly.

"The minister leads the order."

Zhang Juzheng stood up and said: "I would like to report to the Holy Emperor, since before the founding of the Holy Emperor, the ministers and Jiutian officials have drawn up relevant policies and laws. Please take a look at the Holy Emperor."

Then he turned his hand, and a pair of booklets appeared.


Cao Zhengchun collected the zhezi with a divine power, and then respectfully placed it on the dragon table.

Chen Xuan picked it up and looked at it carefully, then nodded, and said: "Well, it is feasible, but there are still some things to add, such as conflicts among the common people, setting up a stage of life and death, and letting them come to the stage can resolve conflicts, and it can also solve problems." Enemies and other issues, as well as various local officials..."

Chen Xuan spoke in detail, Zhang Juzheng, Wu Jiutian and other courtiers listened one after another.

"There are also monsters from all over the place. They either turn into poultry or are not allowed to enter the city. Once they want to enter the city, they must be in human form, but if they hurt innocent people, they will exterminate the entire family."

"The ministers are waiting for the decree." The civil and military ministers all bowed to each other.

"Bai Qi, it's been ten days, let's talk about the Wan Yao Dynasty." Then, Chen Xuan looked at Bai Qi.

Ten days ago, Bai Qi had said that Wan Yao Dynasty would attack Dahua within a month, and therefore, ten days ago, Chen Xuan asked Bai Qi to send soldiers to investigate Wan Yao Dynasty.

"Report to the Holy Emperor, the final general is incompetent, and there is no news from the Wan Yao Dynasty..." Bai Qi said with a bitter face.

Don't blame Bai Qi, Wan Yaochao is full of monster races. Once the human races enter and they are all eaten up, how can there be any news?
Because of this, all the soldiers sent by Bai Qi died, even those who were a little stronger were killed by some powerful monster clans of the Wan Yao Dynasty and ate their flesh and blood.

"Okay, that's all for now. You and other generals will continue to train soldiers, fight for the attack of the Wan Yao Dynasty, destroy the Wan Yao Dynasty, and take down the Zi Wuhuang Island!" Chen Xuan tapped his finger on the dragon case.

"I would like to abide by the emperor's order!!" The minister of civil and military curtsies again.

"If you have something to play, you have nothing to do." Seeing this, Cao Zhengchun shouted in a high-pitched voice.

Afterwards, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs did not speak, Cao Zhengchun glanced at Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan nodded, and said: "Retire!!"

Afterwards, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs held the ceremony again and shouted: "The Holy Emperor is immortal!"

Then he left the hall, and even Cao Zhengchun also left.

"How, emperors??"

Chen Xuan came down for a moment, looked at the emperors and smiled.

"That's right, some of your policies and laws are suitable for the practice of the dynasty. When the widow establishes the Great Qin Dynasty and turns it into a fairy Qin, your policies and laws can also be used at that time." Zulong Shihuang Yingzheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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