Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 103 Confucianism and Taoism have backlash

Chapter 103 Confucianism and Taoism have backlash

"Indeed, according to the policy of the group leader and boy, it is an excellent policy for the practice dynasty, especially the law!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also nodded, and said with a smile: "You know, among the people, even if no dynasty has been established, there are still some martial arts practitioners who use martial arts to violate the ban. The law is the most important thing!"

"Well, if there is a vengeance, set up a life and death platform in every city or township. The life and death platform can be used to discuss life and death, as well as winning or losing. Then you can use it to set up a martial arts platform in the capital, and set up a martial arts leader in the court hall. position, whoever wins can not only command the martial arts, but also be an official in the court."

Zhu Biao echoed: "In this way, Wulin is equivalent to another force in the imperial court, which can counteract the civil official group and the military general group."

"Brother, what civil servant group and military general group??"

Elder Zhu rolled his eyes, and said: "When I establish a fortune, I will ask the group leader to ask for the technique of controlling civil servants, and let him practice. Although he can't control his mind, he will never betray us!"

"Eh... can this be done?" Zhu Biao widened his eyes and said in complete disbelief.

"Actually, there is no need for these."

Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Do you still remember what I told you to establish a fortune with one of the three thousand roads?"

"You mean..." Liu Che and Brother Zheng's eyes lit up, as if they had thought of something.

"That's right, if you build fortune with one of the three thousand avenues, then you are the master of this avenue! Control this avenue! If anyone dares to betray, you are entirely likely to break up their cultivation base! Even reduce their life span!"

Chen Xuan cracked his lips and said, "For example, Lao Zhu's Hongwu Daming!"

"Using martial arts to establish a fortune dynasty, all the people can practice martial arts to prove Taoism and become immortals, but they must be loyal to Lao Zhu, otherwise there is no need for Jin Yiwei, and Lao Zhu's family can know who has a different heart!"

"At that time, Lao Zhu will directly abolish his cultivation base and shorten his lifespan in front of all the ministers. Who do you think would dare to betray??"

"What about the civil servants? We know that there is not only one Hu Weiyong in the world!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Chen Xuan and said, "What if the civil servants don't practice martial arts?"

"Old Zhu, you still don't understand people's hearts." Before Chen Xuan could speak, Li Shimin opened his mouth and said, "No one would choose to die when he was in a high position, except for Yu Qian who continued his life for 200 years for Daming." Such people!"

"That's right!"

Liu Che nodded and said: "Old Zhu, you may not have such an idea because you are a low-level person, but once someone is in a high position and has everything, and at this time he is about to die, guess what he will do?" manage?"

"That will definitely continue!" Zhu Di said in the Hongwu period.

"Indeed, especially I also said that auxiliary Taoism can be established, such as Confucianism and Taoism mentioned earlier, civil servants don't want to fight like generals without thinking, but Confucianism and Taoism are a combination of heaven and earth righteousness, will they not learn? "

Chen Xuan smiled, stretched out his hand, and then, many food appeared, "Besides, if civil servants learn Confucianism and Taoism, do they want to do bad things? Do they want to do things that destroy the fate of the country? It's completely impossible!"

"Because Confucianism and Taoism are the righteousness of heaven and earth, and one is upright. It is absolutely impossible to do those mediocre things. If you lose your cultivation base, it is fine. Maybe you will be backlashed by Confucianism and Taoism. At that time, people will be pitiful if they are neither human nor ghost. "

"In particular, if you do something that violates the righteous way or is for the destiny of the country, then you can't even think about it. Your soul will live forever and be imprisoned by Confucianism and Taoism, and let the innocent souls killed by him accompany you day and night..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Chen Xuan's words, what the fuck...

If this Confucianism and Taoism are used well, they can indeed become immortals and ancestors, words can kill people, and sentences can destroy enemies!

But if it is not used well... then life would be better than death!
The key is whether you want to die or be free, TM will not let you die at all!

You want to be a person of the right way and practice Confucianism and Taoism, but if you go against the right way and deviate from the right way, then it is difficult for you to die!

"But Confucianism and Taoism have a shortcoming for the emperor..." Chen Xuan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said.

"(⊙o⊙) What? What's the shortcoming?" Zhu Yuanzhang was stared at by Chen Xuan, and his back felt a little cold...

"That's hard bones!" Chen Xuan looked at Li Shimin while talking, and said, "You know, after practicing Confucianism and Taoism, he is full of righteousness and pride, and he will not frown even if he is cut into pieces for the sake of the country. Maybe... like the old Li family Wei Zheng, he will remonstrate with death!!"

"Ah..." The corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's song name Zhu Laosi twitched slightly, (⊙o⊙) what? ? ?Same as Wei Zheng? ?

So, after the Ming Dynasty, all civil servants will be Wei Zheng? ?
Holy shit! !
Don't scare me!What I want is a word of speech, and now it's all about Wei Zheng, how can I say a word of speech?Spray all of us to death, right? ?

Wei Zheng is a professional troll, and he often makes Li Shimin blush and neck thick, but he can't kill him, because Li Shimin knows that Wei Zheng is often for the good of Datang.

But...if the civil servants of Ming Dynasty become Wei Zheng...

According to Zhu Laosi's temperament, he would have been chopped off a long time ago, and he would also punish the nine clans!

"Okay, that's about it, but just to remind you, Tang's Shinto cannot be used as a guide, otherwise it will become another court." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"We all know this. The divine way of the Tang Dynasty looks like the heavenly court in "Journey to the West" written by Wu Chengen in "The General Outline of the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Li Shimin and said, "Maybe Li Shimin can also become that kind of emperor, but... Your Heavenly Emperor's strength is so low."

Li Shimin's face suddenly turned red. He has also read "The General Outline of the Ming Dynasty", and he also knows a little about Journey to the West in it. As for the Heavenly Court.

Of course he wants to be such a heavenly emperor, controlling everything in the world, why not? ?

"Just wait, our strength has skyrocketed. After we go back, we will build god statues all over the country, and you will be hit with chrysanthemums all over your face!" Li Shimin said angrily.

"Okay, let's wait for you." Zhu Yuanzhang also smiled. Here are all acquaintances, or acquaintances' family members, it's nothing, so these emperors unloaded the emperor's package.

It's almost bragging and farting, but such a dozen emperors... emmmm... the style of painting has changed, okay! ! !

As for Empress Ma and Empress Changsun, they both looked at their husband quietly, and they all followed their husband from before becoming emperor to after becoming emperor.

She naturally knows what her husband is like.

"Report to the Holy Emperor, there are people outside the imperial city asking to see you!!"

But at this time, Cao Zhengchun, who had returned after many trips, entered the hall to report.

Chen Xuan thought about it, it turned out that it was Feng Wenji and his elders, wait... a group of elders controlled a mortal with divine power...

Nothing on his body is ordinary, and that long spear is still a divine weapon, it seems to be a true god level.

Most likely it was someone from heaven, and now Chen Xuan is happy.


(End of this chapter)

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