Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 108 Judgment of the God of God

Chapter 108 Judging the Ten Deceitful Gods
"This fellow Taoist, is it too much?"

Just when Chen Xuan was about to do something, suddenly, a vicissitudes of life sounded.


In an instant, the buzzing sound shook the world!

In the world, an inexplicable divine power appeared, impressively imprisoning everyone in place, even Bai Qi, Luo Yi, Yue Fei and other generals would not be exaggerated.


Afterwards, in the world to Chen Xuan's left, a space-time rift like a game suddenly appeared, and ten people walked out of it.

Among the ten people, there were men and women, old and young. Among them was an old man who was in the lead, wearing a black and white Taoist robe, with a childlike face and white hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and with a palm whisking, he came towards Chen Xuan.

Every time you take a step, your feet feel like you are walking on the water, with waves appearing.

There was a young man behind him, and he was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome.

Wearing a white robe, he looks dissolute on the outside, but the inadvertent light in his eyes makes one dare not underestimate him.

With dark and thick hair, and a pair of slender peach eyes under the sword eyebrows, it is full of passion, and people will fall into it if they are not careful.The tall nose and the moderately thick red lips are now swaying with a dazzling smile.

And behind him is a stunning beauty, with beaded temples as the lining, but with eyes like stars and moons, and the fat windows and powder can tell people.

Slightly bewitching, no coquettishness, but a charming demeanor, talking and laughing, only a little politeness in the world.There is nowhere to find the elegance of the era, only the shadow of the wind falls like dust.The flower mole born between the eyebrows is as proud as a single plum in winter.

The ten people came, all exuding divine power, controlling various celestial phenomena in this world, such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and even space.


But at the next moment, terrifying laws suddenly surround this world!

In an instant, the divine power and celestial phenomena that these ten people were proud of were destroyed in an instant!
And look at the person who radiates the law, that is Chen Xuan!

Chen Xuan was full of imperial aura, making everyone couldn't help bowing down to him!
"This..." Seeing this, the old man was speechless. This person... is much stronger than him, and also has a deeper understanding of the world than him!
Even his comprehension of the law of heaven and earth is beyond his eight horses!

Just look at Chen Xuan's eyebrows, showing the arrogance of looking down on the world!
Raise your hands and feet, showing the majesty of the emperor!
Gives a sense of oppression that cannot be seen directly.

Of course, for generals like Bai Qi, his own emperor is a benevolent and wise emperor, and it is his great honor to serve him.

But for outsiders, that is to say, Chen Xuan's subjects, this person is the greatest fear in the world!

"My lord, how did it go?"

Chen Xuan opened his mouth slightly, and stepped out in the air.


In an instant, a ray of light radiated from Chen Xuan's body, and a mysterious aura permeated the air.

The divine rainbow shrouded, Dao rhyme circulated, blood revived, and thunder rumbled.

There is a kind of strong coercion spreading, and the people who are under it can't breathe!
Because of this, at this moment in the heaven and earth, the killing stopped, and everyone looked at it, in the eyes of everyone.

Endless golden light illuminates the dark and icy universe, and the vast starry sky is trembling!
And there, there is a figure like a god and demon standing with its head held high.

Facing Cang Yu, his black hair fluttered and he stood in the golden light.

This is the posture of the supreme emperor! !


Facing such an emperor, the Remnants of Heaven could not help but kneel...

Even among those ten people, eight of them had bowed to Chen Xuan, and there was no resentment or unwillingness in their eyes, but they were slowly frustrated...

They regretted it, they confronted such a powerful emperor, it was a dead end! !

Don't say that this person's imperial way is overwhelming, and the emperor's power extends through the space of the sky. With the laws of this person's body, these ten people can't resist it!
As for the old man and the stunning woman standing there, they all gritted their teeth and endured the enormous coercion until now!

Although Chen Xuancai is deceitful, don't forget that when Chen Xuan established the Dahua Dynasty, the chat group rewarded 3 years of comprehension of the Fifty Dao Laws!

Now Chen Xuan's killing, devouring, fate, reincarnation, good luck, space, time and other laws are all minor successes.

Even if these ten people control the heaven, earth and celestial phenomena, but that is only superficial, can they compare with Chen Xuan?
"Do you know what's wrong?" Chen Xuan stood in the middle of the sky, looking at the ten people with golden eyes, his voice was incomparably holy, like a real holy man, judging the sinners!


When Chen Xuan opened his mouth, the emperor's prestige became even more powerful!

Because of this, the old man and the stunning woman couldn't bear it any longer, and knelt down towards Chen Xuan in the air like others.

"Your God was originally a subsidiary of the Daoxingbu Continent, but because of hatred, he enslaved the Daoxingbu Continent for tens of thousands of years, eroded the luck of the human race in the Daoxingbu Continent, and suppressed the human monks in the Daoxingbu Continent. Now... do you regret it? "Chen Xuan spoke again.

The ten people kneeling in the air in front of them heard the words, and asked themselves again... do they regret it?
I regret that I didn't completely kill all the Daoxing tribes! !

That's why such a person came to Dao Xingbu Continent, and that's why God suffered such a catastrophe!
These ten people were tens of thousands of years ago, the ten people who accepted the worship of the human emperor and harvested the luck of the human race!
Also because of this, the strength of ten people has reached the level of deceitful gods for tens of thousands of years!
In this world, who didn't spend hundreds of thousands of years to break through the deceitful god?They have been so powerful for tens of thousands of years, and that is because they cannibalized the luck of the human race.

Otherwise, relying on them alone, how could it be possible to reach the God of Deception in tens of thousands of years?

Of course, Chen Xuan was an exception. Chen Xuan took the road of the holy dynasty, supported himself with luck, and also supported the people with himself, so a complementary state was formed.

It is also because of this that Chen Xuan was able to break through to the deceitful god with the help of the luck of the human race, and the luck of the human race is also extremely huge.

Unlike these ten people, who recklessly harvested faith, greedy and shameless eroded luck.

What they are doing is devouring the luck of the human race, and because of this, the luck of the human race was so small back then...

"You enslaved the people of this emperor and eroded the luck of the human race, thus causing the people of Shenzhou to become barbarians to eat. Today, this emperor sentences you to annihilate ten people's bodies, and their cultivation base will not survive. Tortured, after a hundred thousand years, the body will die and the dao will disappear!!!"

"Do not……"


"hold head high……!!!"

Just after Chen Xuan finished speaking, when the old man was still about to say something, there was a roar, which elicited a dragon chant!
The golden dragon of luck with tens of thousands of feet rushed out, destroying the bodies of ten people in an instant, and their cultivation bases were abolished!


Then, the Luck Golden Dragon flicked its tail, breaking open a space, and streams of golden light entered, turning into streams of torture!

"Don't... I would like to apologize with death, I just beg the emperor... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Before the young man finished speaking, a golden light from the Luck Golden Dragon engulfed ten people, and then roared in pain and screams...

(End of this chapter)

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