Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 109 Many fortune dynasties have been established, can a new emperor be invited?

Chapter 109 Many fortune dynasties have been established, can a new emperor be invited?

Three days later.

The matter of God is so easily resolved, and all ten deceitful gods of God are tortured day and night in a unique space, and the primordial spirit cannot be broken up or reincarnated.

However, there is no reincarnation in this world. After death, people either disappear in smoke, or turn into ghosts and become ghost cultivators.

As for the many people who died in Tuli before, all of them were refined by the blood-sucking army formation to become the purest source, nourishment, and increase the strength of the blood-sucking army.

At this moment, in the Great Huasheng Palace, Chen Xuan was sitting cross-legged in the bedroom, holding a crystal cube in his hand, from which he continuously radiated spiritual light, one could know that this crystal cube was not simple.

"It took three days to refine the Celestial Dimension, and now the Celestial Dimension has been turned into a spiritual treasure. Although it is not considered innate, it is also at the level of a low-grade acquired spiritual treasure, which is not bad." Chen Xuan looked at the crystal cube in his palm and smiled.

Yes, this crystal cube is the space of heaven!

Tens of thousands of years ago, this heavenly space was originally a magic weapon, but it was controlled by ten treacherous gods at the same time and turned into a unique space.

Now the space of the sky has been refined by Chen Xuan using his own divine power and national luck, and successfully turned it into a low-grade Houtian Lingbao.

"Dahua is thriving now, just waiting for the so-called Ten Thousand Monsters to come, but I don't know if they will come or not." Chen Xuan turned his palm, and the crystal cube disappeared. He looked outside the bedroom and murmured: "But... you If you don't come, this emperor will move forward, and the whole world will definitely belong to this emperor!"

"Ding - you have a new version of the news, please pay attention to check!"

And at this moment, a message was sent from the chat group, Chen Xuan opened the chat group and looked, he was happy, but when he saw the chat group message... his face darkened immediately...

Ding--You can invite new members to join the chat group, do you want to start inviting? ?

in the chat group.

One emperor through the ages--Emperor Qin: "@大华圣帝玄晨, group leader boy, the widow Daqin has met all the conditions for establishing a fortune dynasty, and is about to start establishing a fortune dynasty, why don't you come and have a look??"

Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty: "Let me go, the leader of the group is worthy of being the leader of the group. Look at this name, he is much taller than us! Envy sour JPG."

Empress Wu Zhao of Wu Zhou: "It's useless to be sour. After all, the world dominated by people is different from ours. The people are all counted in billions. How can we compare?"

Eternal Emperor Tang Zong: "Indeed, but...Brother Zheng, we are about to start building a fortune dynasty, and we also want the group masters to come and observe. Are we not bumping into each other..."

Emperor Wu of the Eternal Age: "Thank you for the invitation! You are in the Han Dynasty, and the Yun Dynasty will be established soon. Come quickly, everyone!!"

Emperor Yongle through the ages: "Thank you for the invitation. You are in Daming. The altar has already been built, your cultivation level is sufficient, and everything is ready. The only thing left is the boss, boy, don't push me, come quickly!!"

Eternal Emperor Hong Wu: "??? What's the matter? We're going to start praying to heaven and earth, what... what should we do?? We bumped into each other. Could it be possible to divide the leader of the group into pieces, one by one??"

Emperor Qin Huang: "emmmm... I have no opinion! Hehehehe JPG."

One emperor through the ages Han Wu: "So are we."


Chen Xuan's old face darkened. Damn...these old stubborn people actually want to tear up the emperor's body? ?
How can this work?Although even if you dismember the body, we won't die, but it hurts, okay, so we refuse! !

Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuan Chen: "I said... can you stop being so coquettish? What's the matter with bumping into each other??"

Emperor Qinhuang: "I don't know, anyway, I'm preparing everything right after I came back from your world. After all, my cultivation level is enough to establish a fortune dynasty."

Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty: "That's right, we were preparing as soon as we came back. Didn't this just happen to be ready, and then let you come? But how do you know that they collided?"

Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen: "Well, I can go to the world of the emperors separately, so that I can know all about it, and I can deal with any problems."

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "Also, there are new friends to invite, and a new emperor will come in when the time comes."

After Chen Xuan said something, several emperors had their own thoughts.

new emperor? ?
Will he come in to become the emperor himself? ?

After all, almost all here can be said to be the founding emperors, Great Qin, Great Han, Great Tang, and Great Ming.

Although Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was the second emperor, Li Yuan was seated by Li Shimin within a short period of time, but what about Wu Zetian?She could have been said to be the founding emperor, but she also knew that she had long planned to return the world to Li Tang.

Especially the Great Qin Zulong First Emperor Yingzheng, he really wanted Hu Hai to come in. Although he beat Hu Hai in his own time and space, he still expected Hu Hai from that time and space to come in, and then... beat him up! !

Then Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di wanted to let the so-called Great Ming God of War come in, shit...

Our grandson (son) and grandson (great-grandson) gave you a good hand, and you beat them to pieces!
Emperor Qin Huang: "Okay, that's it, then quickly invite the emperor to come in, the widow wants Hu Hai to come in, and then..."

Suddenly, everyone felt a murderous aura!
Nima... How much does this Hu Hai hate him?I can't wait to kill him!

But it's true, we built such a powerful Great Qin Empire, everything was prepared, and you f*cked it to Fusu?Still fucking listen to Zhao Gao? ?
Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty: "Okay, brother Zheng has spoken, so be it."



Chen Xuan laughed lightly, and as he closed his eyes, Taoism appeared on his body!
Chen Xuan didn't intend to refine the avatar with the original supernatural power, and he didn't have the powerful strength of the quasi-sage to kill the three corpses.

Therefore, we can only use the law, and use the seven laws of sword, good fortune, killing, space, time, reincarnation, and destruction to condense the clone of the seven laws. In this way, the clone of the law is the same as the other clones, and has the same strength as Chen Xuan.


Great Qin.

"His Majesty Shihuang, the altar is ready and the auspicious time is approaching. Please pray to the world!"

In the Great Qin Xianyang Palace, in the main hall, Li Si bowed slightly to the ancestor dragon emperor Ying Zheng who was sitting on the upper dragon chair in front of him in the black black bird emperor robe.

"En." The first emperor of Zulong, Yingzheng, nodded slightly. After getting up, he came to the entrance of the main hall of Xianyang Palace in an instant.

All civil and military ministers are no longer surprised. After all, His Majesty the First Emperor has been recognized by the gods, and he is still rejuvenated. I am afraid that he has already become a fairy. Isn't it normal to have such a miracle? ?
Although I was shocked the first time, but after being shocked more... I became numb.

But a few days ago, His Majesty Shihuang actually said that they could also become immortals and live forever, but they had to be loyal to Great Qin and Shihuang.

But this is simply not a problem for the civil and military ministers. They were originally loyal to the first emperor, and the Great Qin began to fall apart after the death of the first emperor.

"Everyone, go forward with me and build the Supreme Immortal Qin!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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