Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 110 Assisting the ancient emperor, the construction of the fortune dynasty is about to begin

Chapter 110 Assisting the emperor through the ages, the construction of the fortune dynasty is about to begin
Let's look at the most prosperous place in Xianyang City of Great Qin Dynasty, which is now full of people.

Although it was full of people, the great Qin warriors stood around to prevent the common people from colliding with His Majesty the First Emperor.

"Gong Li, I heard that His Majesty the First Emperor of Qin is going to establish that... fortune dynasty according to the will of God today?? But is it true??" In front of the Great Qin Ruishi, a gray-faced old man looked at the man in a gray robe and asked.

"Of course it is true. Our Majesty the Dragon Shihuang, the ancestor of the Great Qin Empire, is an eternal emperor recognized by God! Now His Majesty Shihuang follows God's will and establishes a fortune dynasty!" Li Gong is a Confucian scholar, but not like that A rotten Confucian, but a teacher who really teaches and educates people.

"I have heard that if the Yun Dynasty is established, there will be no more natural disasters in the Great Qin Empire, and these so-called natural disasters will be controlled by His Majesty the First Emperor. This is managed on behalf of the heavens!!"

"That's the case. His Majesty the First Emperor is worthy of being an emperor through the ages. Now there is no one who starves to death in Daqin. Thanks to His Majesty Shihuang who gave the gods a gift of immortal food, and the yield per mu is a thousand catties. Otherwise, the people who starved to death in Daqin will how many??"

"It's more than that. It is said that the gods bestowed upon His Majesty the First Emperor a secret method to slaughter the damned Huns. Otherwise, how many of our compatriots will die if the Huns wantonly invade our Great Qin?"


Although the environment of Daqin is still the same as before, it can be said that it is thriving. Through the three extremely high-yield species of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and hybrid rice, it is guaranteed that no one will starve to death in Daqin.

And it was also because His Majesty the First Emperor appeared in the sky that he was the emperor through the ages, and the people also followed the orders issued by His Majesty the First Emperor.

"Teacher... Do you think this is true?" At the same time, among the many common people, a young man asked while looking at the altar that was blocked hundreds of meters by the Great Qin Ruishi.

"I don't know this matter... as a teacher..." An old man beside him frowned, and then said with a wry smile: "But... Zifang, Daqin... is indestructible now, as far as the soldiers of Daqin say, six The remnants of the country are powerless to resist, and... God recognizes the ancestor dragon, and the remnants of the six countries have already surrendered nine out of ten, destroying Qin? It is already impossible."

"Of course, Zifang knows..." The young man sighed.

These two people are Zhang Liang and Huang Lao!
After God revealed that His Majesty the First Emperor was the emperor through the ages, Zhang Liang searched for the hermit Huang Lao, and finally found it after searching for a month.

And because of this, Huang Lao said several times that Great Qin is indestructible, and now Great Qin can be said to be indestructible. Just based on the soldiers of Great Qin, the survivors of the Six Kingdoms are irresistible.

Not to mention seeing God's approval, and after His Majesty the First Emperor released three species with extremely high yields, nine out of ten survivors of the Six Kingdoms had no objection.

After all, among the survivors of the Six Kingdoms, apart from the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, they don't care whether they are from the Six Kingdoms or the Great Qin. They only care about whether they and their families can have enough food and live a good life.

Moreover, His Majesty the First Emperor followed the example of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty and established the Palace of Civil and Military Affairs, in which the sages, civil and military sages are all included. Whether it is the Zhou Dynasty or even before or the Six Kingdoms, as long as the sages are in it

Because of this, Zhang Liang no longer has the heart to oppose Qin.

"So, why don't you respect Zulong as the emperor? Serve him?" Elder Huang looked at Zhang Liang and said with a chuckle.

"Heh... Teacher, I am a survivor of the Six Kingdoms myself, and I am even more anti-Qin. How can I assist such a great emperor? I am afraid that Zulong will not believe that I will sincerely assist..." Zhang Liang smiled wryly. Although he has not yet assassinated the first emperor as recorded in history, but...will the first emperor believe that he really wants to help him? .

But the two of them didn't know, the eyes of several people around him moved slightly after hearing the words!
One of them left slowly, and then headed towards Xianyang Palace...

Unbeknownst to Zhang Liang and Huang Lao, they had long been targeted by His Majesty the First Emperor. After all, if such a virtuous minister did not assist him, Brother Zheng would feel sorry for him!
And because of this, he sent his subordinates to look for Zhang Liang, and then did not startle the snake, just stare at it like this, in order to prevent Zhang Liang from rebelling.

With such a conversation now, I believe Zhang Liang will become Qin Chen soon.


Not long after, His Majesty the First Emperor sat on the dragon, Meng Yi drove the car himself, and all the civil and military officials followed. Wherever they passed, all the people gave way and then restrained themselves.

Before the Qing Dynasty, they all paid attention to kneeling on the ground and kneeling on their parents. Even the emperor sometimes didn't need to kneel down.

Because of this, when the common people saw the first emperor's dragon rushing forward, they all bowed down and bowed down.

"The Great Qin is Immortal!! His Majesty the First Emperor is Immortal!"

I don't know when, a voice resounded, it was a commoner looking at Long Yu with eyes full of gratitude...

"Great Qin is Immortal! His Majesty the First Emperor is Immortal!!!"

"Great Qin is Immortal! His Majesty the First Emperor is Immortal!!!"

"Great Qin is Immortal! His Majesty the First Emperor is Immortal!!!"


Afterwards, more and more people spoke from the bottom of their hearts. During this period of time, they personally felt His Majesty the First Emperor's kindness to them.

In the past, there were endless wars, the roads were frozen to death, and the wine and meat of the nobles stink, but now?The Great Qin was thriving, and no one died of starvation.

Since ancient times, people’s wishes have been small, and they just want to live well. As the saying goes, a wife and children are hot on the kang, and there is a cow at home, which is very satisfying.

Although people are greedy, it is impossible for the class next door to satisfy them, but!It also depends on what era people are in and what kind of things they have experienced!
After all, the people of Daqin have experienced wars, seen many people die, and sometimes had nothing to eat but had to eat tree roots and book covers. Therefore, they cherish the hard-won peace and happiness even more! !
Among the dragons.

Hearing the constant voices of the common people, Brother Zheng felt extremely emotional...

Although it has not been a few years since he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he also learned in the chat group that he will be called a tyrant by the so-called Confucian scholars in the future, and the common people will also be deceived by them.

But... Now dare to say that the first emperor of Zulong Yingzheng is a tyrant?The people will kill him!

Donate immortal food, protect Daqin, and be recognized by God as an emperor through the ages. Do you call him a tyrant?I TM directly stabbed you! !
"Brother Zheng, I'm already here."

At this moment, Brother Zheng heard a voice that no one else heard.

This is... sound transmission?
Brother Zheng looked over and saw a young man standing on the city wall of Xianyang. The young man stood here, but the guards around him didn't care.

"Good boy." Brother Zheng smiled, and soon Long Huan stopped when he reached his destination.


Chen Xuan smiled, not only the Great Qin, but also the great Han Liu Bang, Liu Che, Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian, Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Di, all of them came to the imperial city of their own time and space world in a dragon boat at this moment.

Chang'an City in the Western Han Dynasty, Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, Nanjing City in Hongwu, and Beiping City in Yongle were all as crowded as Xianyang City.

The seven clones of Chen Xuan looked at the seven worlds of time and space, and the emperors seemed to have made an agreement, and they got off the dragon at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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