Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 111 Establishment of the Wuming Yun Dynasty

Chapter 111 Establishment of the Wuming Yun Dynasty
Great Qin time and space world.

At this moment, Long Huan, who was carrying Brother Zheng, had already stopped. Brother Zheng got out of Long Huan for a moment, and chuckled lightly as he looked at the people surrounding him in a large circle.

"We will see His Majesty the First Emperor! May the Great Qin be immortal! His Majesty the First Emperor will be immortal!!" The Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs came here and bowed their hands to His Majesty the First Emperor to salute.

"We see His Majesty the First Emperor, may the Great Qin be immortal! His Majesty the First Emperor will be immortal!!"

Afterwards, a group of common people also bowed their hands and bowed their hands to salute.

"Good! You don't need to be polite." His Majesty the First Emperor smiled, and everyone felt a gentle force holding their arms and lifting themselves up...

This is... a miracle! !
Hundreds of meters apart, so far away, His Majesty Shihuang has a force to help us up? ?

Zhang Liang and Huang Lao once again affirmed in their hearts that they must assist His Majesty the First Emperor!

Such an emperor through the ages, who loves the people kindly, if the Ming Emperor of the ages cannot assist, wouldn't they bring all their knowledge into the dust? ?
Moreover, His Majesty the First Emperor Zulong was recognized by the heavens, as if he was also cared for by heaven. Immortality is a trivial matter, and he has the power like a fairy!

What's more, they still got gossip among these common people and soldiers, that His Majesty the First Emperor Zulong seems to want to let the people of the whole Qin Dynasty get such supernatural power! !
Mr. Huang and Zhang Liang are extraordinary people. Their knowledge can subvert ordinary courts. People of this type are either hermits in mountains or forests, or they stand in the court!

But now, they plan to stand in the imperial court and serve His Majesty the First Emperor Ancestor Longshi! !

Daming Hongwu Time and Space World.

After Zhu Yuanzhang, who was full of martial arts blood, got off the dragon, he looked at the people around him, his eyes like dragon eyes revealed nostalgia.

He is a grassroots man, so he naturally loves the common people!

Zhu Yuanzhang went towards the altar, and behind him, the princes such as Empress Ma, Zhu Biao, and Zhu Di, as well as Xu Da, Li Shanchang, Lan Yu, Liu Bowen and other civil and military ministers stood ten meters away from the altar.

The other people, ministers, soldiers and so on, all worshiped and looked at such a great emperor gratefully!

Zhu Yuanzhang already won the hearts of the people all over the world. They said that he was tyrannical, and the tyrants were all corrupt officials. After all, Zhu Yuanzhang killed corrupt officials ruthlessly. Nearly a thousand corrupt officials died a year. How could he not be ruthless?

Therefore, corrupt officials hated Zhu Yuanzhang very much, but some honest officials and common people loved Zhu Yuanzhang.

Not only Da Ming and Da Qin, but Liu Bang, Liu Che, Li Shimin, Wu Zetian, and Zhu Di from other time and space worlds all walked towards the top of the altar.

In Chen Xuan's eyes, several emperors were so synchronized that they spoke at the same time across time and space worlds.

"Today, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, pray to heaven and earth in Yingtian Mansion, establish the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty, open up the Yun Dynasty with the martial arts of the three thousand roads of heaven, and open up the auxiliary roads with Confucianism, immortality, swordsmanship, painting, and chaos... for the Ming Dynasty. The common people practice! I hope that the thousands of people in the Ming Dynasty will be like dragons, and that the Ming Dynasty will be immortal for generations to come!! I hope that the world will learn from it!!!”


Suddenly, in the space-time world of Daming Hongwu, a loud noise erupted into the sky!
And look at the altar, Zhu Yuanzhang exudes a golden light all over his body!A streak of mysterious golden light actually shattered the space around him!One can imagine how terrifying this mysterious golden light is?
Although the Hongwu time-space world is just an ordinary world, it can also shatter the void, at least it has the strength of a land immortal!

And the mysterious golden light circled the altar for ten meters, as if protecting Zhu Yuanzhang, preventing anyone from approaching...


Then, look at the sky, streaks of purple air come from the east, traveling millions of miles away!
This scene completely stunned everyone present!

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock and admiration!Such an emperor through the ages was born in the same era as them! !
And at the altar, Zhu Yuanzhang walked to the roadless place ahead...

"The emperor doesn't want it!!" Seeing this, Xu Da wanted to rush over to catch Zhu Yuanzhang.

After all, Xu Da and Zhu Yuanzhang were brothers before the founding of Ming Dynasty, the kind of life-and-death friends!


But the next moment, Xu Da bumped into the mysterious golden light, and was directly blown away by a hundred meters!Vomiting blood and falling to the ground...

Xu Da is the real God of War of the Ming Dynasty, not like Zhu Qizhen. He killed too many people from Meng Yuan, causing the remnants of Meng Yuan to call him the God of War of the Ming Dynasty!
Therefore, one can imagine how strong Xu Da is?Although it is not as good as the ancient evil, the hero Xiang Yu, who is unparalleled through the ages, and Lu Bu among them is called Dian Wei, the ancient evil, but his strength is not low, and it is not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

But now?

Shocked by the mysterious golden light, it was a hundred meters away, and even vomited blood, fell to the ground, unable to move...

"Xu Da, I won't die, what do you mean by jumping up?" At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was standing in mid-air, spoke.

All the people looked over and saw that Zhu Yuanzhang was standing in the sky, with two golden lotuses paving the way under his feet, every step he took, golden lotus came out with him!

This is... step by step golden lotus? ?Our Ming emperor has become the kind of fairy in the legend? ?
And Zhu Yuanzhang is speechless, even if there is no Jinlian, his strength can shatter the void, okay?

After all, there is a Martial Dao Gold Elixir that has been completely reborn, plus he went to observe Chen Xuan's establishment of the holy dynasty and gained huge benefits. Now he has the strength of a land immortal, which is equivalent to the period of crossing the catastrophe, and he is only one step away from being a human immortal!
"Wow...!!!" Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand lightly, and the spiritual power in his body moved, healing Xu Da.

After three breaths, Xu Da woke up, looking at Zhu Yuanzhang like this with a depressed face... Your Majesty, we are brothers after all, okay?It's okay for you to secretly "go to the remedial class", but you still don't take us? ?
This is too high! !

Zhu Yuanzhang ignored Xu Da, but the next moment, everyone only asked a piercing voice!
I only hear its sound, but I don't see what it is!


Then, the mysterious golden light surrounding Zhu Yuanzhang gradually gathered in front of him!The thing of the piercing sound instantly blended into it!

Zhu Yuanzhang took a closer look, and saw a seal safely and securely placed in the dark golden light...it was a jade seal! !
On the top of the jade seal, there is a piece of damaged scene, and the bottom is engraved with the eight characters of "Ordered by the sky, his life will last forever"!
This is exactly the Jade Seal of the Nation created by the First Emperor Zulong! !

Following that, streaks of mysterious golden light melted into the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and the damaged part fell off in an instant until it was perfect!

And the eight big characters below it are also gradually changing...

Originally, it was "ordered by the sky, and its life will last forever", but under the fusion of the mysterious golden light, it became "ordered by itself, and it will last forever"! !

Obviously, Xuan Jinguang changed and told Zhu Yuanzhang that he was not ordered by heaven, but by himself!

sky?I'm sorry, the so-called sky now has absolutely no power to decide Zhu Yuanzhang's fate! !
 Ladies and gentlemen, we are looking for new members now, how about inviting those emperors in?
(End of this chapter)

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