Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 210 The emperor who made up the numbers, the frightened Emperor Jun Fuxi

Chapter 210 The emperor who made up the numbers, the frightened Emperor Jun Fuxi

Brother Zheng, Di Xin, Liu Che, Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang and others looked at the Dao of Reincarnation banner with fiery eyes!

Because there is a voice in their hearts telling them that if they take the Dao of reincarnation flag and comprehend the Dao pattern on the Dao of reincarnation flag, they will surely break through to the highest level! !
But they still suppressed their desires and didn't plan to rob them. The first guy, Xuan Chen, helped them all the way, and the stronger group, you rob?

Secondly, they knew that Chen Xuan bought it from the shopping mall in the chat group, as long as they could afford the "money", Chen Xuan would still buy it for them!

But... Boy Xuanchen didn't seem to ask Empress Pingxin for "money"? ?what is this?Really differentiated treatment?No, no, no, I have to find some opportunity to let Yinman (Changle...) act first!

Let's be the father-in-law of boy Xuanchen first, and then ask him for a bride price!Hmm...beautiful! !
"This is the Great Way of Reincarnation Banner, it is the treasure of chaos! It's so precious!!" Chen Xuan looked at Empress Pingxin with a painful face, and said: "You said, I am willing to give you anything! I will move your hell It's spotless, plus it's authentic!"

"Okay! As long as fellow daoists don't dislike it." Ping Xin nodded and smiled lightly, but she was thinking in her heart, are you fucking in the eyes of money?I can't see such a stunning beauty like my old lady? ?
I don’t know how many monks wanted to end up as Taoist couples with my old lady back then!Even now, you damn man don't pay attention to my old lady? ?I *****Pick up *****You *****! !
"Here." Chen Xuan directly threw the Daoist reincarnation banner to Empress Pingxin, as if... throwing garbage...

But this thing is really expensive!A full 3000 billion national luck value! ! !

Although there was a discount, it still used 500 billion National Luck Value! !

However, as long as there are resources from the underworld in the tunnels, the Xuanzhou World may be promoted to the Great Chaos World, and the personnel from the underworld will also bring them, and the fortune of the country will skyrocket again at that time!
So if you don't lose money, you may still earn money.

"Hey hey hey, boy Xuanchen, when will you get us one? Tell us what you want!" Liu Bang laughed, his mother's thing is really enviable, and it's also a treasure of chaos! !
Holy shit! !
"Beautiful idea! This thing is worth 3000 billion national fortunes, and I'll pay for it!" Chen Xuan said with a white look.

"Fuck! So expensive?!" Liu Bang suddenly became dumb...

3000 billion? ?

I don't even know if I have 1000 billion national luck now!You still want 3000 billion?
After the other emperors knew the price, they all gasped, Nima...isn't it too expensive? ?

Even if you sell us, maybe you still can't get it together!

"If the widow breaks through the Daluo Jinxian, the national fortune must be hundreds of billions!" Ying Zheng smiled wryly, and said, "But... but 3000 billion is too much..."

"That's right, boy Xuanchen, how about a discount? Let's give 500 billion national fortune!" Li Shimin said with a cracked smile.

"Did you break a bone?" Chen Xuan was speechless, wow... Lao Tzu's national fortune was not caused by strong winds, you can give me more than 900 billion, and I can post it.

Just 500 billion?Let me post 500 billion? ?

I'll die a million times for you! !

"Take your time, we still have 1 years of understanding of the law, and we may break through the Daluo Jinxian after we go back? At that time, let's get together and play with the Chaos Supreme Treasure!" Di Xin hehe smile.

"That's right, after breaking through to the Great Principle Golden Immortal, each of the fourteen of us will get together a bit, and the Primal Chaos Treasure will come?" Di Tian also smiled, Great Luo Golden Immortal?Not far, not far, Mo Fang! !
"Okay, okay, let's look at the group first, maybe five more people will be added to make up the number?" Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, five people, how much national luck will be lost by then?
Chen Xuan was speechless... What?I don't need to make up?Although our country has a lot of luck value, there are also discounts. You give 3000 billion national luck value, and I still earn 500 billion. So...the Chaos Treasure didn't cost money? ?
Wow Kaka Kaka, cutting the emperors like leeks, I'm also a fucking talent! !
In the emperor chat group.

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "How is it? Got it??"

Ancient Hua Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin: "Understood, I didn't expect such a treasure to exist in the world."

Immortal Emperor Eternal Nine Tribulations: "The group master is great!!! Hei Opmi!! My fellow villagers are tearing up when they see my fellow villagers, please help me! Thousands of ethnic groups are preparing to revolt now!"

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "Everyone, this is also a time traveler like me, and he went to another world."

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qinhuang Zulong: "That's my family? Don't worry, junior, if you kill it, you'll be fine. Who dares to resist killing!"

Immortal Emperor of the Eternal Nine Tribulations: "One emperor through the ages!!! Brother Zheng, the society, doesn't talk too much! But...my strength is about the same as those old ones, and I'm only at the emperor level..."

Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei: "Emperor level? The strength of Daluo Jinxian??"

Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuan Chen: "I took a look, and his world is different from mine, even weaker, and the emperor is only a golden immortal."

Great Han God Emperor Han Wu: "That's a fart, we are all Taiyi Golden Immortals, is it too much trouble for you to be a time traveler like Xuanchen kid?? You are only a Golden Immortal when you are already in the Primal Primordial Realm? Disgrace the faces of our ancestors!"

Immortal Emperor Eternal Nine Tribulations: "Okay... I don't deserve it, I lost face to my ancestors and went to another world... ゜゜(□`)°゜.!!"

Great Tang Emperor Tang Zong: "Okay, okay, go to the group file and there is "Fortune Dynasty", you first build a fortune dynasty with luck, and break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal in a form."

Emperor Dao Sui Xingchen: "Okay, this is over, next one!"

Immortal Emperor of the Eternal Nine Tribulations: "..."

Lu Ling had a toothache for a while, is this our old ancestor?Was I carried back to Huaxia?Is it too much? ?
Honghuang demon emperor Di Jun: "This emperor has something to ask the group leader."

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "Say, it's okay, Jinqun is a family."

The prehistoric demon emperor Di Jun: "The group leader...is he really a Hunyuan saint??"

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "Di Jun, although it may not be in our world, the leader of the group is not our world, the leader of the group is a saint of Hunyuan from other worlds."

Luck Fengshen·Tang Huang: "The group leader is a real Hunyuan powerhouse, as for the saint? I don't know about this, and there is an imperial department under the Holy Dynasty established by them, all of them are Hunyuan powerhouses!"

Emperor Wu of Wei Cao Cao: "We are familiar with this matter. Before the group leader established reincarnation, there were 99 people in the emperor's department, and they instantly became 99 Hunyuan powerhouses! Adding the group leader, Dahua has a total of exactly [-] Hunyuan powerhouses." !"


Speaking of this, Di Jun and Fu Xi were all shocked...

What the hell! ! !

Originally thought that the leader of the group was a Hunyuan Saint, which was awesome enough, but he still has 99 Hunyuan Saints under his command? ?
emmmmm... The Taoist ancestor said that Hunyuan is divided into Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Tiandao Saint, so let's say... There are a hundred Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in the world of the group leader? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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