Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 211 Slaughtering 1 Human Clan, Killing Hundreds of Millions of Demon Courts

Chapter 211 Slaughtering one person of the human race, killing hundreds of millions of demon courts
Di Jun, Fuxi, even Di Xin and Lu Ling were all shocked.

After they understood the announcement, they knew that the group leader was a time traveler who traveled through another world, and even knew that the group leader Chen Xuan had reached the Hunyuan Realm and became the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian strongman!
But I didn't expect... TM... He still has nearly a hundred Hunyuan under his command! !

Isn't this TM a joke?We are the strongest to be quasi-sages, but your subordinates are all mixed up?what?We don't even deserve to be his subordinates? ?

However, Zhao Kuangyin from the ancient world was stunned. Although he knew that the Primordial Realm was very strong, he wasn't that strong.

After all, it is difficult to distinguish the systems of the ancient Hua world. There are three types of human race systems alone, Confucian scholars, warriors, and warlocks.

But these systems are uniformly divided into rank one to rank nine, rank nine is the lowest, rank one is the highest, and more than rank one is super rank.

Most of the powerful beings of all races are super-grade, and there are even existences that surpass super-grade. Therefore, Zhao Kuangyin doesn't know how strong Hunyuan is?Is it stronger than the Chaoyue Chaopin? ?
Eternal Realm.

"Damn it...this is a super super thick thigh! Don't talk about holding it, I can take off even with a leg hair?" Lu Ling yelled, and turned into the most affectionate Lick the dog!
But yes, Chen Xuan, the leader of his powerful group, also said that even the emperor level is only a golden fairy, how many golden immortals are in the group?

Golden Immortals have the lowest combat power, and the most common ones are Taiyi Golden Immortals, okay?
So, hugging the group leader Chen Xuan's thigh, even a single leg hair is enough for him to eat for a long time! !

Emperor chat group.

Immortal Emperor Eternal Nine Tribulations: "The group leader is great! The group leader's father! Chumi... Bah, help!!"

Dahua Sacred Emperor Xuan Chen: "Ann, Lao Li said it well before. There is "Luck Dynasty" in the group file. You first use luck to forge the fortune dynasty, and then it will be easy to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

Dahua Saint Emperor Xuan Chen: "Okay, the next one is the Demon Emperor Di Jun?"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "What are your orders, senior?"

Knowing that there are nearly a hundred Hunyuan under Chen Xuan's banner, Di Jun is immediately very respectful, as to whether he will be deceived?He didn't think such a strong person would bend and stretch to lie to himself.

Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen: "How about Er Honghuang Human Race?"

The prehistoric lich robbed the world.

"Human race?? Is it the clan of Emperor Wa's testimony??" Di Jun frowned in the imperial palace of the demon court, his golden eyes were fixed, and he looked at the earth under the demon court.

Countless ethnic groups thrive in the land, but only the Wu clan is the most prosperous.

And on the prehistoric land, on the shore of the East China Sea, this is the ancestral land of the human race, because Empress Nuwa created humans and testified saints here, with the prestige of saints, no one dared to take a step.

And the remaining prestige will dissipate in tens of millions of years. At that time, the human race will not be protected by the saint's remaining prestige, and they will truly set foot in the prehistoric and face the hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the prehistoric and desolate!
"Why is such a weak group of people treated so differently?" Yaodi Jun frowned and muttered, "Although the leader of the group is a member of the human race, why are they still such an ant-like human race?"

The demon emperor is very puzzled, the human race is extremely weak, although the ability to reproduce is very strong, but the lifespan is also extremely short, only a hundred years.

Although they are the group of Empress Nuwa's enlightenment, after Empress Nuwa's enlightenment, only the saint Yuwei remained, and she ignored them, so it seems that Empress Nuwa just used the so-called human race as a tool for enlightenment!
Therefore, Di Jun believes that the Hunyuan powerhouse is completely indifferent to all living beings, just like the six sages of Taoism and Daozu Hongjun, the teacher of saints!
"Just ask!" Di Jun didn't dare to do anything. Although the age of saints has come, he hasn't started slaughtering humans to refine witch-slaying swords, and he hasn't even started the first real war of liches.

In the emperor chat group.

The prehistoric demon emperor Di Jun: "The human race is still good, I don't know what the seniors need Di Jun to do?"

Dahua Shengdi Xuan Chen: "That's good, give me a piece of advice, if your demon court dares to slaughter a human race, I will go to the prehistoric world and slaughter hundreds of millions of demon races!!"


In an instant, the monstrous evil spirit and murderous aura were felt by the newcomer emperor through the chat group!
The terrifying murderous aura surrounded the emperors' bodies, and countless auras were wiped out. The frightening murderous aura locked on themselves at any time, as if they would be obliterated by the murderous aura in the next moment, and the body would disappear! !

The newly recruited emperor didn't dare to breathe, the terrifying murderous aura seemed to materialize, inserting into his body and into his soul!I dare not move a single point! !

Brother Zheng and the others looked sideways at Chen Xuan who was facing forward...

This is the first time that Chen Xuan exposed his terrifying power in the eyes of everyone!

You know, before Chen Xuan talked like a fool, how could there be any trace of a strong man?
but now!
That's a lot of momentum!That unquestionable tone makes people dare not disobey him!

Honghuang Demon Emperor Di Jun: "I... I know, definitely... definitely won't hurt the human race..."

Although Di Jun didn't know why Chen Xuan did this, he was sure that if the demon court really hurt the human race, Chen Xuan would come to Honghuang himself and wipe out the demon court!

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "Dijun...you will really slaughter the human race in the future, and now the senior is warning you!"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Dijun: "What? How is it possible?? The human race is so weak, how can I slaughter the human race??"

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "That's because the blood of the human race is effective for the witch race! Even if only one person's blood stains the sword, it can break the flesh of the witch race. Therefore... I began to slaughter the human race to refine the witch-killing sword... Eight out of ten of the human race People were slaughtered..."

"Boom boom boom...!!!"

After Fuxi finished speaking, the evil spirit became stronger again! !
Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen: "How? Fuxi is a person from the time and space after the Lich's calamity, so what he said is naturally true, Er...but you still want to slaughter the human race? Refining the so-called witch-slaying sword??"

When Chen Xuan spoke, no one else dared to say a word. Everyone knew that Chen Xuan was not joking at all!

If the Demon Emperor Jun dared to say that he still wanted it, he would definitely go directly to Honghuang and slaughter the entire Demon Court to prevent future troubles!
Wild world.

"The blood of the human race... the witch-slaying sword... Fuxi is the emperor? Is it a human race now?? Then... my monster clan has lost??" Di Jun was under tremendous pressure, trembling all over, and carrying the terrifying evil spirit with chills murmur.

"If the emperor slaughters the human race, this senior will definitely not let the emperor go. When the time comes, the senior will come in person... a hundred Hunyuan... How can Daozu Hongjun hold it?"

"Even if we can bear it, the demon court will be sacrificed by Daozu Hongjun, and then there will be no demon clan in the world..." Di Jun thought in his heart.

If Chen Xuan really came, he would definitely do his best to kill the Demon Court. At that time, nearly a hundred Hunyuan would come, Dao Ancestor might be able to bear it, but in the face of such a powerful senior, he might sacrifice the Demon Court!
"No! You can't kill the human race, but...how can you break the body of the witch race without slaughtering the human race? And...senior!!" Di Jun murmured madly as if grasping at a straw.

(End of this chapter)

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