Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 215: The Cultivation Method Leading to Daoist Rules, Created by the Supreme Rules

Chapter 215: The Cultivation Method Leading to Daoist Rules, Created by the Supreme Rules

It must be known that Di Jun and the others are all figures at the top of their own world pyramid, and they are all extremely arrogant.

The same is true for Empress Pingxin. Don't look at Empress Pingxin treating Chen Xuan like this. It is because Chen Xuan is mysterious and powerful. If Chen Xuan is just an ordinary mortal, do you think he is a bird or not?

Because of this, when they knew that they were just the projections of the powerful in the supreme world, their hearts of hundreds of millions of years couldn't help trembling, okay?

Honghuang demon emperor Di Jun: "How is it possible!! How can this emperor be a projection? (Crazy)"

Emperor Honghuang Fuxi: "Senior group master... this matter must be wrong?"

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "This matter is uncertain. After all, this is just a secret legend in the heavens and worlds. Many chaotic and even great powers in the Dao world may not know the existence of this supreme being... "

Fengshen Emperor Xin: "How...how is this possible? If we are all projections, then wouldn't what we know and see be all fallacies?"

Honghuang Demon Emperor Di Jun: "Di Xin's words are justified. If we are all projections...then what we know and see is all falsehood? It's not real? Then why do we have a physical body and primordial spirit?"

Qi Luck Fengshen·Tang Huang: "Emmmm... According to ancient records, that Lao Tzu was conceived in the womb of a human woman for more than 80 years before he was born, and he turned white when he was born. disappeared..."

Luck Conferred God·Tang Huang: "In this way, is the Lao Tzu recorded in ancient times true or false??"

Immortal Emperor Wan Gu Nine Tribulations: "The story of Lao Tzu going east to Hangu Pass has been circulating. According to Hong Huang, he should be one of the three corpses!"

Luck Fengshen·Tang Huang: "That's right, a sage can arrange the lower realms of the three corpses at will, which is true. Why can't the bosses say that the supreme world can project the lower realms at will? Note, before I go to Hangu Pass I still don't know that I am the Three Corpses."

Journey to the West Lao Li's words completely crushed Dijun and his last hope.

Yes, saints can arrange the three corpses to go to the lower realm at will. After the three corpses are born, can they know that they are three corpses?

Look at Fuxi, after reincarnation, he has not proved the Taoism of the Emperor, nor does he know that he was Fuxi the Demon Emperor?

Even their world can do this, why can't the supreme being mentioned by the leader Chen Xuan project the lower realm?What does the supreme represent?That is the ceiling of the heavens and worlds!They are truly the strongest group of people in the heavens and the world!

In the heavens and myriad realms, they are at most considered secondary school combat power, not even high-level combat power, let alone spying on the strongest and most powerful...

In the emperor chat group.

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "Well, this matter is just a legend. Even if it is a true projection, why can't I be the main body? He projects, and we swallow it. You must know that the same people from all walks of life have the same origin. Yes, as long as it is devoured, it will become stronger, and it is not certain who will be the supreme power at that time."

What Chen Xuan said made everyone's eyes shine, right!What's wrong with Supreme?You project us to devour, and when we reach the top, it is not certain who is the main body!

Great Qin Immortal Emperor Qinhuang Zulong: "Then... we are also projections??"

Emperor Gaozu of the Great Han Dynasty Liu Bang: "Brother Zheng, you think of us too highly, don't you? We were all mortals with a lifespan of less than a hundred before, how could it be possible to project us??"

Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty Hong Wu: "That's right, if we didn't have chat groups before, we wouldn't know that the world is so vast, and there are heavens outside the world..."

Tang Emperor Tang Zong: "We should not be projections, because...we are not worthy..._(ω"∠)_"

Luck Fengshen·Tang Huang: "Emmmm... I should not be a projection. The group leader didn't say it before. I am a world created by the great powers of the heavens according to Zhu Xia Lao Li's original plan."


"Fellow Daoist, if I devour the descendants of Dijun's space-time world, wouldn't I cause them trouble?" Empress Pingxin frowned, devouring?This method can be used, but...if it is swallowed, wouldn't Di Jun become a controlled person again?
"Actually not!" Chen Xuan shook his head with a chuckle, and said, "If you devour the back soil of Dijun's space-time world, or become the peace of reincarnation, then Journey to the West will merge with that world. Journey to the west with peace of mind, also for the future of the prehistoric world!"

"I understand, but... Swallowing..." Madam Ping Xin hesitated to speak, did she think that Swallowing was too cruel?
It's okay to treat foreigners, but to devour another self... She seems really unwilling to do so...

"Hahahaha, although it is devouring, it is really fusion!"

Chen Xuan laughed, and said: "As long as you set foot in Dijun's space-time world, the peace of that world will merge with you, but it's not necessarily the case for other people."


"Because you are the authentic spokesperson created by me, and I have the most precious chat group in my body, the breath of the chat group is in my body, as long as you step into that world, the peace of that world will merge with you, just like the three corpses Melt into itself!"

Chen Xuan explained slowly: "I guessed the Zhibao chat group a long time ago, and guessed that it is the supreme rule, and if there is a breath of rules, there will be a trace of supreme aura. But she can't let me return to myself!"

That's right, when Chen Xuan got "Emperor" and "Tao", he guessed in his heart that this chat group even has the skills of the real emperor. Could it be that he was created by a strong man?

However, after Chen Xuan set foot in Hunyuan, he dismissed this idea...

Because the "Emperor's Way" after the fusion of Chen Xuan's "Emperor" and "Tao" is not the real three thousand way, but involves the rules of the way! !
Do you still remember the inexplicable Taoist rules in Chen Xuan's body?It was cultivated by the "Emperor's Way" technique!

The way of the emperor is the method leading to one of the ten rules of the world, the imperial prestige of the worlds!Therefore, when Chen Xuan set foot in Hunyuan, he had a trace of Taoism!
Only then did Chen Xuan know, what was built by a strong man?Who TM can create this kind of chat group? ?
Either it is the Supreme Sanqing, the three of them are the existences that opened up the heavens!

If it weren't for them, then only the true fusion of supreme rules could form a chat group!
Because of this, Empress Pingxin, who is infatuated with the aura of the highest rules, doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to set foot on that boundary, and Pingxin in that boundary will feel the aura of her own body and automatically merge!

To put it bluntly, it is to pretend to be the supreme body and directly fuse the projection. This is the benefit of the supreme body. If you don't do anything, the projection will fuse itself. Isn't it beautiful?
"I understand." Empress Pingxin thought for a long time, and finally smiled.

"The last one is missing now." Chen Xuan stretched his waist, and said in the chat group: "Okay, now the ancient Hua Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin is missing!!"

(End of this chapter)

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