Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 216 Guhua world history shocked the emperor's heart

Chapter 216 Guhua world history shocked the emperor's heart

Ancient Hua Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin: "I? What advice do you have from the senior leaders?"

Dahua Sage Emperor Xuanchen: "I can't talk about advice. All historical emperors, this old Zhao is amazing. The Great Song Dynasty where he lives is prosperous in literature, but he is willing to ruin the road of literature and education for the well-being of future generations, and completely seal the land!"

Dahua Saint Emperor Xuanchen uploaded "Ancient Huajie, Chinese History Video"

Dahua Shengdi Xuanchen: "It's hard to say about this matter, you should look at it first, as for the prehistoric and conferred gods, it will be announced later."


Emperors from all walks of life turned on the video one after another.

In the video, the three emperors established the country, the five emperors established the borders, the human emperor Xin expelled the immortal clan, and the human emperor's fruit position fell, and then the human king Yingzheng brought all the tribes, land only, warlocks, Confucian scholars, and warriors to fight against the gods, and finally expelled the gods... …

After the Great Qin Dynasty, no one from the Wan Clan could suppress it. I have to say that Brother Zheng is really awesome, and the Wan Clan can be ordered by other groups!

Because of this, the ten thousand races stared at China, the human king Liu Che exterminated the ten thousand races that invaded China, five random chaos in China, the ten thousand races invaded, and the human king Yang Jian went on a campaign to expel the ten thousand races!
Li Shimin, the king of the people, oppressed the world, and the overall situation was arranged in a cycle of reincarnation. When the Tang Dynasty perished, the ten thousand races followed the trend. Although they didn't slaughter the human race like Wu Huluanhua, it was almost the same.

And it was also during this period that the Chinese watchdog only bit its master...

The land, to put it bluntly, is the god of the earth, the land, the god of the mountain, etc. In the world of Guhua, these lands have been born with China since the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in ancient times!
But because of this, I have been serving Huaxia, obeying the orders of the kings of various dynasties in China, and the kings of all dynasties also regarded them as subjects of Huaxia. Unfortunately... After the Tang Dynasty, all races set foot in China at will, and only these watchdogs of China... Turn around and bite the master! !

Because of this, the kings of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms played a big game of chess. The kings of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms designed ten thousand clans to kill and injure hundreds of millions, and many lands died. Those who survived were forever restricted to the mountains in various places. .

However, Zhao Kuangyin and contemporary great Confucians are unwilling to keep these so-called "gods" for future generations. Who knows when they will jump out and bully future generations at will?

Of course, there are also people who are afraid of future generations who learn Wen Dao, which leads to the creation of China. Look at the Ming Dynasty. If the literati learned Wen Dao at that time, what would the Ming Dynasty be like? ?

Needless to say, it must be a hundred times worse!
Confucian scholars in the Ming Dynasty are not considered Confucian scholars, but real Confucian scholars have the pride of literati!
What is literati pride?Get on the horse and carry the gun to conquer the world, get off the horse and carry the pen to rule the world!

A true Confucian scholar should set up his heart for the world, establish his life for the living beings, inherit the unique knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations!

What about the literati in the Ming Dynasty?Hongwu, Yongle, and Hongxi Xuande count, but not after that, especially in the last years...

Therefore, these great Confucians are afraid that the future generations will learn Wen Dao and bring serious damage to China. They want to abolish Wen Dao and use the power of Wen Dao to suppress the land!

Therefore, contemporary great Confucianists brought millions of Confucian scholars to plead with Zhao Kuangyin. They are willing to give up hundreds of years of life, but also to leave a peaceful world for future generations!

Zhao Kuangyin agreed, and he even said in front of millions of Confucian scholars and hundreds of millions of people, "The Song Dynasty can be destroyed, and I can die, but China cannot be destroyed, and the Huaxia ethnic group cannot die!"

In the end, the Great Confucianism and millions of Confucian scholars worked together to completely suppress the sealed ground with the power of Wen Dao. This is a seal that combines the power of Wen Dao, and the ground is completely indestructible!

The video is still going on. After the Great Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty invaded... The extraterrestrial demons rose up and helped the Yuan Dynasty attack China. Millions of warriors and warlocks in China died in battle... Unable to resist...

But at this time, a great warlock stood up. His name was Fang Han. With the blood of all beings in China as the tip of the sword, his own flesh and blood as the sword body, and the luck of China as the hilt, he completely cut off the fate of the Yuan Dynasty with one sword!Therefore, the life span of the Yuan Dynasty was only a hundred years!
Afterwards, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang forbearance and development brought a generation of national teachers, first-rank great magician Liu Bowen, brought millions of warriors, and millions of warlocks completely wiped out the unknowingly few extraterritorial demons. !
During the Yongle period, the ten thousand races were about to move, and the Emperor Yongle conquered the ten thousand races. In the end, Liu Bowen led the fate of the Ming Dynasty, and all the people were lucky. Self-proclaimed interface, Liu Bowen... also died in this battle...

Afterwards, there were fewer and fewer warriors, and so-so warlocks. Ten thousand races still did not dare to step out of their own world. After all, countless sages killed ten thousand races, which completely cast a shadow over the Huaxia race!
The picture also came to the modern age, and finally came to an abrupt end...

"Huh... this... is this Huaxia in another world..." Liu Bang looked at the projection in front of him and let out a deep breath, it was so shocking...

From the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the Huaxia of the human race has been fighting endlessly. Even if they are weak, the sages desperately created their own path for the human race!

And after having his own path, from the beginning of the Human Emperor Xin's rebellion against the Immortal Clan, to the end of the Daming Yongle's suppression of the Ten Thousand Clans, the Human Clan Huaxia has been fighting and never stops!
They told these emperors, what fairy god?Immortals are not worthy of being superior in front of Huaxia!
Isn’t that land only God?Born in Huaxia, he has a long lifespan, but isn't he being regarded as a watchdog by Huaxia?

The watchdog is disobedient?Bite?What use is that to you?Suppress them all!
"I have to say... no matter which world of Huaxia, Brother Zheng will always be so awesome!" Liu Che said with a laugh. He could see that Brother Zheng in the video dared to command even ten thousand races, but after the fall of the Great Qin, the ten thousand races began to fight. Invasion of China...

It can be said that Wanzu is very afraid of Guhua Yingzheng, no matter which world he is in, he is the existence of suppressing an era by himself! !
What TM is deterrence?This shit is a deterrent! ! (Tactical back)

"However, the Confucian scholars in the Song Dynasty were not bad. For the sake of their descendants, they would rather give up hundreds of years of life, but also abolish Wendao, and use Wendao to suppress the land! This is the real Confucian scholar! This is the real literati!!" Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously , the other emperors nodded.

The emperors actually did not reject Confucian scholars, but they just hated those rotten Confucians!

If all Confucian scholars were like this, they would be very happy.

"Li Shimin from the ancient world is really awesome. He played a huge game of chess." Zhu Zhanji swallowed and said, damn... this Li Shimin is really good, and he actually wants to let someone who has passed away not know how long The sages are back!

He actually wants to start reincarnation!

"Xuan Chen, is that to help Zhao Kuangyin reincarnate?" Li Shimin looked at Chen Xuan and asked, the history of the ancient world is shocking, they are all running for the righteousness of the clan, so Li Shimin does not intend to tell Zhao Kuangyin about opening "Lucky Dynasty", But to help Zhao Kuangyin reincarnate!

Li Shimin is sure that if he told Zhao Kuangyin to use "Yun Chao", Zhao Kuangyin would definitely disagree. After all, Zhao Kuangyin said that he could destroy the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Kuangyin could die, but China could not be destroyed, and the Chinese nation could not die! !

Zhao Kuangyin originally inherited the will of Guhua Li Shimin and let the sages come back. How could he give up hundreds of years of planning for his own selfishness?
(End of this chapter)

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