Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 248 Emperor Ku is divided into 4 seasons and 24 chapters, the humanity of all worlds is eter

Chapter 248 Emperor Ku Divides Seasons into 24 Seasons
Fuxi has another idea, Dahua is a human race, but now the time and space of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the human nature is slowly exposed, and he can't deal with Hongjun, so he can only ask the group leader for help...

but!Joining Dahua is also a good way, the human race can strengthen itself faster, and after understanding the law of national destiny, Fuxi is sure that if he joins Dahua, he will be all human race and Chen Xuan's people at that time!
Chen Xuan will definitely love him!

"Well, after this matter is over, I can discuss it with the group leader Xuanchen." Fuxi murmured to himself.

Brother Zheng and the others looked at Wu Zetian at this moment...

After so many years, they all knew that Wu Zetian wanted to be the empress of Emperor Hua, why didn't she speak up?

Wu Zetian smiled and didn't speak, but she was thinking in her heart, use her whole world as a dowry to give to Chen Xuan! !

And the next moment, after Chen Xuan recovered, the world in front of him turned again, the annihilated area recovered, and the magnificent sound sounded again.

"During the reign of Emperor Ku, the human world flourished again. However, there are immeasurable human races in all realms. Although there are strong ones who give birth twice, but all the gods and mortals only know how to work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Their productivity is low, and they often cannot eat enough. , naked..."

"Emperor Ku felt this, and divided the world into four seasons, and ordered the gods of the four seasons to guard the four seasons and the four seasons, each in charge of the six festivals, which together form 24 solar terms!!"

"At four o'clock, the solar terms are fixed, and the people of all realms farm in an orderly way, and farming and animal husbandry have their own time, and the human race has been stable and prosperous since then!!"

I saw that in that world, various pictures changed with the magnificent sound, although many powerful people were born in the immeasurable human races of all realms.

But those billions of people living in all realms who don't know how to practice still live in a very difficult life.

The supreme divine emperor, although transformed into the yang of hundreds of millions of worlds, and the moon of hundreds of millions of worlds, divided day and night.There are billions of people living in all worlds, but they only know how to live and work according to the law of sunrise and sunset.

However, as the various ways circulate, there is not only a difference between black and white and two days between heaven and earth, but there are also differences between seasons and seasons.

If you can't live and work according to the laws of Tao, you will get twice the result with half the effort. When it is time to sow, but do nothing, and when it is time to grow, you have to forcibly harvest.

The world is chilling, but the season of rest and recuperation has to be forced to work. In this way, farming and animal husbandry will naturally not have a good harvest.

People in all worlds will still live in great hardship, without enough food and clothing to cover their bodies.

Afterwards, the Human Race Heavenly Emperor Ku's eyes dropped, as if he could see everything in his eyes, he seemed to see all this in his eyes, so he sat on the top of all realms, and his endless and magnificent voice spread throughout the immeasurable realms! !
"The heaven and the earth have been divided, the yin and yang are orderly and the sun and the moon are born. However, the people are ignorant and do not know the time of the sky. I want to divide the four seasons into 24 solar terms, and give the laws of the sky and the earth to all the people."

"Four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter!!"

"Spring is under the palm of Dongfang Jumang, the god of spring!"


Di Ku's voice fell, and in the east of the Hengsha realms, a statue as green as green bamboo, with a bird's face and a human body, riding on the shadows of two dragons' stalwarts appeared.

The endless breath of good fortune and vitality emanates from his body, as if it contains the boundless breath of life, which makes all worlds flourish!
This stalwart existence is the God of Spring in the East! !
When feeling the boundless vitality of spring, the billions of billions of living people in all worlds suddenly have a clear understanding in their hearts, this is spring! !

"Xia Zhe, under the palm of Nan Zhu Rong, the god of summer!"


After the words fell, an endless and magnificent existence appeared in the south of the Hengsha Realms.

He has a human body with the head of a beast, wears red scales, wears a fire snake in his ears, and steps on a fire dragon. He is the god of summer in the south, Zhu Rong!
When the shadow of Zhu Rong appeared, the immeasurable worlds were filled with endless heat of the vast and stalwart.

"Autumn, under the palm of the God of Autumn, Western Rushou!!"

In the west of the constant sand worlds, there is also a stalwart existence!
He has a human face and a tiger body, with golden scales on his body, wings growing from his ribs, his left ear piercing a snake, and two dragons on his feet, giving birth to the Western God of Autumn!

"Winter, under the control of Bei Xuanming, the god of winter!"

The voice fell.In the north of the Infinity.

There is also a supreme being manifested.

He has a human face and a bird body, with green snakes on his ears and two snakes on his feet. He is Xuanming, the god of winter in the north!

When the shadow of Xuanming appeared, all worlds were immediately surrounded by a sense of desolation and indifference!

Just like the endless winter is coming, the snow is full of gods!
The God of Spring in the East!

Zhu Rong, the god of summer in the south!

Harvest, the god of autumn in the West!

Xuanming, the god of winter in the north!

Four ancient gods, respectively controlling the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, are the gods of the four seasons!
When these four ancient divine mansions emerged one by one following Emperor Ku's words.Di Ku continued to say: "The four seasons have been divided, and the festivals should be established!"

"The god of spring in the east, Mang, the six seasons of spring at the beginning of palm, stinging rain, vernal equinox, Qingming, and grain rain!"

"Zhu Rong, the god of summer in the south, controls the six seasons of Lixia, Xiaoman, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, and Great Heat!"

"The god of autumn in the west, Harvest, holds the six seasons of the beginning of autumn, the end of heat, white dew, autumnal equinox, cold dew, and frost!"

"Xuanming, the god of winter in the north, controls the six seasons of Lidong, Xiaoxue, Daxue, Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, and Great Cold!"

"Boom boom boom...!!!"

Following Di Ku's words, all worlds and myriad realms trembled, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the gods of the four seasons, each in charge of the six seasons of the heavens!
At the same time, the sound of grandeur rang again.

"Emperor Ku divides the four seasons and established 24 seasons. So far, the Hengsha realms and billions of people live according to the seasons. Farming is orderly, livestock is timed, and the human race is stable and prosperous!!"

Among all the emperors' worlds, after Emperor Ku divided the 24 seasons, the human races of all realms finally had a code of conduct to rely on.

Sowing in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter.

There are ways in four seasons, and orders in every festival!
So far, the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the Hengsha realms have finally gradually become prosperous.

Among the worlds, the human race masters the way of seasons, lives in order, and harvests in order!
Emperor Ku divides four seasons into 24 seasons.

At four o'clock, when the seasons begin, the bottom of the human race will have a better development and life, and the number of human races will also increase greatly.

Correspondingly, among the human race, more powerful people will be born.

How did the strong come from? Only when there are more low-level creatures, will more arrogance be born from them.

And the more arrogances there are, the more powerful people can be born in the end, and from these arrogances, more powerful people will eventually emerge from them!
This is the supreme merit of all generations of Fuze Human Race.

The effect is not visible in a short period of time.

But even so, Di Ku's merit is still immeasurable! !
(End of this chapter)

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