Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 249 Joining Dahua, the Emperor's Department Hastily Strikes

Chapter 249 Joining Dahua, the Emperor's Department Hastily Strikes

Seeing this, Chen Xuan, Ying Zheng, Liu Che, Di Jun and other emperors sighed in their hearts.

Worthy of the incarnation of the concept of the mythical Supreme Emperor Jun, with such a huge and immeasurable merit, it is no wonder that he is the Emperor of Heaven! !
Dijun is the Emperor of Heaven, and the conceptual projection of his incarnation is also the Emperor of Heaven, and the emperor of the wild is also the emperor. It is conceivable that from a certain perspective, the mythical Dijun, no matter how many projections he incarnates, is the emperor in his world By! !

"Dijun, take a look at him. You are also the incarnation of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor Jun, and you can also order Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming and others to be the gods of the four seasons. Let's look at you again..." Fuxi looked at Dijun's envious eyes, Staring at Di Ku in the world without blinking, he joked.

"Hmph, you're just like me, why are you making fun of me?" Di Jun rolled his eyes and said.



Afterwards, before Fuxi said anything, a buzzing sounded like a real "Tao".

Afterwards, many emperors returned to their own worlds...

The space-time world of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns.


In the Palace of the Emperor, Fuxi opened his eyes with great emotion. Although he was a little upset by being teased by Emperor Jun, what people said was indeed true.

Even the seniors of the group masters have said that Fuxi also exists in mythology, just like Dijun, he is supremely powerful, but what about him?
If there is no chat group for the emperor... I am afraid that he will be confined in the Huoyun Cave all the time, the so-called guarding the luck of the human race, right?

"There is a long way to go... It's a pity, the aura of humanity can't cover it up..." Fuxi looked at his chest, where white light was shining from the pit of his chest!

This is the human nature of the space-time world of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns! !
At the beginning, it was designed to cover up the aura of humanity. Now, after more than 1000 years, the aura of humanity has gradually become stronger, but his aura can no longer be concealed...

But the power of humanity is still not as strong as the way of heaven, and now at most one-tenth of the power of humanity can be recovered!

Want to resist Heaven?Absolutely impossible! !

Once the aura of humanity is discovered by Hongjun and Tiandao, it will be wiped out at that time!

Fuxi looked at the white light of humanity and fell into deep thought...

I don't know how long it has passed before Fuxi's eyes became firm, and he murmured in his heart: "You can also join Dahua, they are all human races, and I can enter Dahua Ditian and guard the human race!!"

He could see the strength of the group leader Chen Xuan. It was just a palm, and hundreds of millions of areas were annihilated. It is safest for the group leader Chen Xuan to take over the world.

Why not let Di Jun?
Di Jun himself said that he can't do the way of heaven, and can only rely on the tunnel to draw a tie. After all, he fits the way of the demon with his body, which is completely incomparable to the way of heaven.


The time and space world of the prehistoric lich.

In the Demon Court Great World.

Dijun's golden eyes looked at the chaos outside Lingxiao Palace, and he murmured in his heart: "My root gene, Hongjun, is damaged, and it is not easy to go further, even if there is... the supreme emperor Junci Fu, nor can it be compared with the senior leaders of the group."

"If you want to go further, you must join Dahua, otherwise...the foundation is not stable, and maybe you will die because of it in the future...It will be beyond redemption."

Di Jun thought about it, his genes were damaged by the way of the three corpses passed down by that fellow Hongjun!
It should be noted that it is impossible to prove Hunyuan by the way of the three corpses, even after the three corpses are united, they can only reach the peak of the saint and not enter the Hunyuan!

Because of this, Dijun's foundation was damaged because of the way of the three corpses, and it was difficult to go further. Even the "Sun Xuan Dao Sutra" blessed by the mythical Tiandijun could not repair the foundation...

"Sun Xuan Dao Jing" is the supreme skill, which is most suitable for Dijun, but... the foundation has to be relied on by himself. After all, the mythical Tian Dijun did not help him restore his foundation, but only improved his strength.

"The group master once said that in the future, in the prehistoric world, I will bring hundreds of millions of demon clans from the demon court to Dahua, and I will enter Dahua Ditian, sit in the demon way, and guard the demon clan!!" Di Jun murmured again in his heart.

He has even thought about what will happen after he joins Dahua. If he wants Chen Xuan to know that his mother is not smiling?

Originally, Chen Xuan planned to take over this world, and let the demon court and even the prehistoric hundreds of millions of living beings join Dahua, otherwise they would all die.

Now Di Jun is already thinking about how to be more tactful when Chen Xuan comes, and tell Chen Xuan to join Dahua?

The emperors of other worlds were deeply moved. It turns out that this is how the four seasons come...

The Emperor of Heaven thought that the heavens and the human race could not eat enough to eat, so he divided them into the gods of the four seasons, and divided them into winter, summer, autumn and winter.

Not only the human race, but also all the heavens and all races have gained the benefits of the division of heaven and earth. Therefore, the Heavenly Emperor Ku has immeasurable merit and virtue, and he has been awarded the innate sacred position!

Only then did all the emperors understand that the emperor sees all living beings, and all living beings are the emperor's subjects. No wonder there is a taboo in "Yunchao", which prohibits harming the subjects at will, and even officials do not shame, suppress, bully, or humiliate the subjects, otherwise The fate of the country is back!
However, this is normal, after all, the people are the foundation of a country, officials?The most indispensable thing in the world is officials. Some local officials in mountainous areas in ancient times were even inferior to dogs.

But Cao Cao, Li Longji, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Youjian and other emperors did not. Instead, they pushed the whole world across the speed, and then waited for Chen Xuan to take over their world, so that they could rest and sit in Ditian.

Xuanzhou World.


In the imperial palace, sleeping hall, and the vast world created by Chen Xuan.

The Supreme Palace is suspended in the sky and the earth. In the palace, Chen Xuan opened his purple golden eyes, sighed, and said: "The myth...is really powerful. Whether it is the Supreme Emperor or the incarnation of his concept, every word and deed has a great way. all in one..."

"I still have a long way to go... Sure enough, as the ancients said, the road is long and long, and I will search up and down."


Afterwards, Chen Xuan raised his arm, bent his palm, and four terrifying forces condensed in his hand!

When this terrifying and strange power gathers, the world of Xuanzhou trembles like fear! !
"This is……"

On the side of the Eastern God Emperor's Palace, in a mansion, the Master Tongtian, who was still comprehending the law, looked at the Emperor's Palace in shock!

He only felt that in the imperial palace, there were four incomparably powerful and invincible forces, that forces...

"It's the strange power of Teacher Annihilation and the two brothers!!" Master Tongtian exclaimed.

That's right, he felt that one of the four powers in the imperial palace was the power to annihilate his teacher Hongjun and his brother!

Now it is more than a billion times stronger, one can imagine how terrifying it is? !

"Tongtian, all the members of the Emperor's Department come to Shengxuan Hall to meet the Emperor."

Then, a magnificent voice spread throughout the Xuanzhou world!
The Master Tongtian got up immediately, and immediately went to the mansion, and thousands of members of the Emperor's Department in Xuanzhou Tiandi, no matter where they were, came towards the Emperor's Palace, tearing apart the space!

In less than three breaths, one person sits cross-legged on the top of thousands of mountains in the great world of the Holy Profound Palace. If you take a closer look, you can see that each person is surrounded by one or more laws, and one of them has reached the perfect palm. point!
Thousands of people are all Hunyuan! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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