Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 262 Five Emperors Enter the Heaven of Emperors, Guess the Next One

Chapter 262 Five Emperors Enter the Heaven, Guess the Next One

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Li Longji, Liu Bang, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Youjian, Bai Ze, Zhulong, Caifeng (Phoenix Clan), Youlan (Kirin Clan), Bai Xuan (Ten-Tailed Sky Fox) )Etc., etc……

All the great powers looked at Cao Mengde in front of them...

Just now, the miscellaneous hair was only at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, but... at that moment, he directly broke through the Hunyuan Jinxian, then the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then... the heavenly realm!
I Nima...

What about playing? ? ?Let's play! ! !
Heavenly Dao Realm coming directly?Make wool? ?

Playing with snakeskin, oh my god, Ditian... so NB? ?
But it's also me, Ditian Ditian, that is a unique space that only emperors can enter, his status is second only to the Holy Emperor, isn't it awesome?

It is also because of this that the Dahua luck you enjoy is huge, and the Dahua luck has already broken through the sky, okay?That's why Cao Mengde was able to be surrounded by thousands of laws in an instant, and endless understanding of laws could be injected into his mind.

It's like putting the answer in front of your eyes, you can't turn your head, your eyeballs can't move, you can't even look at it!
However... the Imperial Department used to be the most powerful Dahua luck under the Emperor Xiangsheng, but now it is squeezed out. Although the officials of the Imperial Department are unwilling, they dare not say anything, so they have to practice crazily, hoping that one day they can enter The gods of the worlds! !
"Thank you Holy Emperor!!!"


I don't know how long it has passed before Cao Mengde slowly opened his eyes, and a monstrous coercion instantly spread from the Holy Profound Palace to all directions outside the Imperial Palace!

Heaven Realm! !

Beyond the power of the Holy Land!

Now, he Cao Mengde has become! ! !
"Go." Chen Xuan smiled and waved his hand.


All of a sudden, from the supreme heaven, all the powers of the emperors of the various worlds exploded, and the immeasurable laws and regulations turned into thousands of steps, coming to welcome Cao Mengde.

This scene shocked the thousands of living beings in Xuanzhou, including all the great powers in the Shengxuan Hall!
The supreme ladder transformed by ten thousand ways is the ten thousand ways and principles of the true Erbajing! !

Take Master Tongtian as an example, he has just broken through the early stage of the chaotic yellow realm, but...seeing the supreme ladder transformed by the myriad ways, he seems to have an epiphany...

He is a chaotic realm! !One can imagine how powerful this ten thousand steps are! !


Afterwards, Cao Mengde stepped up the steps and headed towards the Emperor's Gate of the Realms, and all spirits looked at his back until... Entering the Emperor's Gate of the All Realms, the ten thousand steps turned into stars and fell on the earth, and the Emperor's Gate of the All Realms once again closure……

"Li Longji stepped forward to listen to the letter!!" At this moment, Chen Xuan's voice recalled again, and only then did he pull back all the creatures who had been caught in Wan Dao's comprehension.

Li Longji stood up without hesitation, and shouted in excitement: "Li Longji sees the Holy Emperor!!"

TMD, can you not be excited?

Take a look at Lao Cao, as in today's Dao realm, he sits in the Ghost Dao, is the Great Emperor of Ghost Dao, and enters the 33rd Realm of the Emperor's Heaven! !

And he, Li Longji, will also enter Ditian!This is what the Holy Emperor promised! !
"Guan'er's great achievement of the divine way is the god emperor, the great emperor of the divine way enshrined by thousands of living beings. Today, I canonize you as the master of the divine way, as the emperor of the divine way, in charge of the divine way of Xuanzhou, and bestowed: the seal of the gods! Enjoy the great fortune and enter Ditian 32 Realms!!"


It was the same roar again, and the same comprehension of the law of infinity!
Li Longji is also in the realm of heaven!The gates of the emperors of the worlds opened again...

"Liu Bang stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"Bang, see the Holy Emperor!!"

"Guaner's Dao of Chaos is the great emperor of Chaos who has been comprehended by thousands of living beings. Today, I canonize you as the Lord of Chaos, as Emperor of Chaos, in charge of Xuanzhou's Chaos Avenue, and bestow, Hunyuan Dao Spear! Enjoy the great fortune and enter Di Tian 31 Realms!!"

"Zhu Youjian stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

"Chongzhen sees the Holy Emperor!!"

"Guan Er, who has achieved great martial arts, is the emperor of thousands of warriors! Today, I canonize you as the master of martial arts, as the emperor of martial arts, and in charge of martial arts in Xuanzhou, bestowed on you, the chaotic map of true martial arts! !!"

"Zhu Zhanji stepped forward to accept the seal!!"

"Xuande, see the Holy Emperor!"

"Guan'er Array Dao is the emperor of the Xuanzhou Array Dao! Today, I canonize you as the Master of the Array Dao, as the Emperor of the Array Dao, in charge of the Xuanzhou Array Dao, and bestow, the heavens and thousands of array brushes! Enjoy the great fortune, enter Ditian 29 Realms!!"


The five emperors have been canonized successfully, and the 33-fold world has already entered the fifth place. The eyes of other great powers who are already envious are almost blind!
No way, five! !
Among the five Da Luo Jinxians, one is even a Taiyi Jinxian... Now they are all in the Dao Realm of Heaven!

Moreover, they are not inferior to those in the Heavenly Dao Realm of the Emperor's Ministry! !

Although Dahua luck has advantages and disadvantages, as long as you don't harm the people and don't violate the laws of Dahua, then everything is beneficial to you!

So, seeing with one's own eyes that the person who was once weaker than himself is now standing on top of them, how can this be tolerated? ?
And all the spirits are almost in a pile, those of the witch clan, the monster clan, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, the unicorn clan, the Qingqiu fox clan...

Are you guessing who's next?
You know, although these five emperors look weak, the Holy Emperor really cares, just based on where they stood before...

That place is Daluo Jinxian, can Taiyi Jinxian stand there?Even Bai Ze, Zhulong, and Donghuang Taiyi are all quasi-sages, right? ?

Even Caifeng and Youlan, Baixuan, the phoenix, Qilin, and members of the Qingqiu fox clan are not qualified to stand behind those powerful people, okay?
And they can!
Therefore, it is incomparable that the Holy Emperor cares about these emperors.

"I guess the next one must be our Master Zuwu!!"

"No way...the Holy Emperor named that Supreme Heaven Ditian, so he must be called Emperor."

"That's right, that's right, look at the five before, they are all dressed in imperial robes, obviously they are all emperors"

"That's right, our Emperor Xuande Wu is the emperor who is second only to the Holy Emperor, and!! Why are you running around like a little fox?"

"Just blow it up, it was so weak before, it's far worse than my Monster Race Monster Emperor, besides, even if it enters the Godless Heaven now, it's barely the same as the Monster Emperor!"

"That's right, I've heard the Twelve Demon Gods say that our Demon Emperor's ability to be able to be today is all done by the Holy Emperor! In terms of the relationship between the Holy Emperor, it must be our Holy Emperor!"

"Fart! Our ancestor witches are the ones that the Holy Emperor likes the most! How could the old man Di Jun be liked by the Holy Emperor?"

"But having said that... why doesn't the Holy Emperor have an empress? I once heard from the demon god that the demon emperor wanted to marry two goddesses on the Lunar Star, and they are now in Dahua!"

"Indeed, our Dahua is still short of an empress. For more than 1000 years, so many women wanted to enter the imperial palace to serve the Holy Emperor, but the Holy Emperor didn't even get drafted!"

"What? Draft??"

"You don't know, do you? Our human race was also very weak before, with a lifespan of only a hundred years. It is because of the Holy Emperor that we are today, and because of this, we can retain the state we once were. Isn't it normal to be drafted into the palace and become the concubine of the Holy Emperor? "


(End of this chapter)

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