Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 263 The Great Emperor Jun of the Demon Dao, the Good Fortune Empress Nuwa

Chapter 263 The Great Emperor Jun of the Demon Dao, the Good Fortune Empress Nuwa
Let's look at the Dahua Emperor's Palace, inside the Shengxuan Palace of the Hundreds of Thousands Great World.

Chen Xuan sat high on the throne, and the powerful eyes below him were full of light, as if waiting for Chen Xuan to speak.

"Di Jun, step forward and listen to the seal!!"

At this time, Chen Xuan spoke again, ten thousand ways moved with the emperor's voice, and the three thousand laws followed the emperor's voice to emerge in the sky and the earth.

Thousands of ethnic groups in Xuanzhou Continent, trillions of millions of creatures are now stopping everything, whether it is a war outside the country, or a battle for treasures in the mountains within the country, or merchants selling goods in the city.

Countless creatures now look highly at the Dao pattern in the sky. Although they don't know why, looking at the Dao pattern, their own cultivation seems to be a breakthrough.

"Di Jun, see the Holy Emperor!!"

Then, an incomparably serious voice, mixed with joy, resounded from the imperial palace throughout Xuanzhou.

"This emperor sees you as the demon clan, and also the emperor, the emperor of Xuanzhou's trillions of demon clans. Today, you are canonized as the emperor of the demon way, in charge of Xuanzhou's demon way, and in charge of Xuanzhou's trillions of great flower demons." Clan, bestow: Yaodao Tuge Chaos Supreme Treasure, Hunyuan Taiwu Clock and other 33 Chaos Spirit Treasures, entering [-] Realms and tenth Realms!!"


Chen Xuan held the Great Hua Sage Emperor's Seal in his hand, and when he spoke the Dharma, thousands of Taoist flowers emerged, and endless Taoist rules poured out!
Just a few rules of the Tao can make thousands of ethnic groups in Xuanzhou, hundreds of millions, countless souls tremble with fear, but they yearn for it...


In an instant, among the heaven and the earth, the supreme, supreme, and only 33-level realm opened the emperor gate of the realms again, and the endless way gushed out, heading towards the Dahua Emperor's Palace!

"Hahahaha, really my Demon Emperor!! Lord Demon Emperor is powerful!!"

"Hey! Big idiot, did you hear me? We, the Demon Emperor, sit at the 33rd level, the [-]th level of all worlds!! Even higher than the previous five emperors!!"

"Extremely extreme, our demon emperor is indeed powerful, he can be appreciated by the holy emperor, and sits in the tenth level of the 33 levels of worlds!"

"Cut, what are you talking about? My lord Zuwu hasn't said anything yet, and he will definitely be stronger than your demon emperor at that time, and he will definitely sit before the tenth world of all realms!"

"That's right, our Master Zu Wu is the most powerful!"

"That's right, but I think it's amazing! I can get the canonization of the Holy Emperor~ By the way, didn't you say that the Holy Emperor is going to be drafted? The slaves know everything!!"

"Just you? There are so many beautiful fairies in Dahua, who can sing and dance well, Wen can grind inscriptions for the Holy Emperor, and Wu can fight for the Holy Emperor. How can you compare?"

"Can your focus be normal? The important thing is... Yaodao Tuge and Hunyuan Taiwuzhong... twenty pieces of Chaos Spirit Treasures!!! Poor Dao, the Dao of Heaven... This... This is the treasure of Chaos With twenty Chaos Spirit Treasures??"

"Hiss... Fellow Daoist, I never said, Pindao doesn't know yet!! Isn't the Holy Emperor too generous? Pindao has never seen a congenital treasure in his life... let alone the Chaos Lingbao, the Chaos Supreme Treasure!"

"As expected of the Holy Emperor, the Chaos Supreme Treasure is rewarded at will, and the Chaos Spirit Treasure is like a wholesale..."



While thousands of ethnic groups were chattering, countless Dao rules and endless Dao had already gathered in the Shengxuan Hall, surrounding the body of Emperor Jun!
There was a gleam of purple-gold light above Dijun's head. I don't know how long it had passed before the purple-gold light injected into Dijun's body!
Afterwards, the endless rules and regulations were integrated into Di Jun's mind impressively, allowing him to comprehend! !
In the blink of an eye, Dijun's pressure became stronger and stronger, as if reaching a freezing point...


After a loud noise, Dijun's overwhelming coercion spread from the Shengxuan Hall to all directions outside the Emperor's Palace!

Di Jun!

Successfully reached the early stage of Chaos Yellow Realm! !
As for who is stronger and who is weaker than the leader of the Tongtian sect...you will have to fight to find out.


At this moment, dozens of rays of light fell in front of Di Jun, and the power released from them... was the treasure of chaos! !

"This is Tuge of the Demon Dao?!" Di Jun murmured shockingly while holding a treasure.

The demon way map is like a box, but inside it is the original power of the demon way of all worlds! !

Therefore, the Yao Dao Tuge is higher than the same Chaos Supreme Treasure Good Fortune Jade Disk for some reasons, although it is not as good as the 36th-rank Chaos Qinglian, but the power of its own Supreme Treasure cannot be underestimated! !

And there are twenty Chaos Spirit Treasures!
"Jun, thank the Holy Emperor for the reward!!" Di Jun knelt down on one knee in ecstasy. After all, the Holy Emperor didn't like people to kneel down. This is the etiquette of his subordinates, which is perfectly fine.

"Go, enter the tenth realm." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Yes!" Di Jun got up, bowed his hands again and bowed, and then collected all the treasures, and walked towards the gates of the emperors in all realms by stepping on thousands of steps.

"Nuwa, come forward and listen to the seal!!"

At this moment, Chen Xuan spoke again.

"Nuwa, see the Holy Emperor." Nuwa stood up, her beautiful face had an incomparably holy and elegant meaning, and now the invisible faces of these trillions of creatures were actually smiling, and she was slightly respectful.

"This emperor, Guan'er, used his own power of good fortune to create the human race to prove the way. All the billions of human races in Xuanzhou Dahua need to call you Holy Mother." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"The Holy Emperor's words are wrong." Nuwa smiled again, and everything in the surrounding world of the Holy Profound Palace burst into a powerful anger because of this frown and smile.

"Nuwa created man in the prehistoric times to make up for the lack of heaven and earth. Now that she is lucky enough to enter Dahua, she is a minister of the Holy Emperor. Why would she dare to be honored as the Holy Mother by the people of Xuanzhou?" Nuwa knew very well that this might be the emperor's test!
You know, Dahua is dominated by the human race, and she is the creation of human beings to prove the Tao. The prehistoric human race joined Dahua because of her. If she dares to call herself this, then... I am afraid she will not be far away from death.

Because... Dahua only has one voice!That is the Dahua Holy Emperor Xuanchen!
Everyone has to be under it!Is it inevitable that the body will die and the road will disappear!
This is the dignity of the emperor, the emperor must not be humiliated, and the emperor must not be angry!
When a man is angry, blood splatters five steps, when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses are laid down, when the holy emperor is angry, the heavens will rise and fall! !
So, Nuwa is very aware of this matter, she is already very satisfied to be able to join Dahua and continue to strengthen herself, let alone the dignity of saints, saints have dignity here?
Have!But you have to grasp it yourself, or you can't beat the emperor, not to mention the emperor on the emperor's throne, even the people in the emperor's department.

"That's the case, that book canonized by the emperor!!" Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction, held the emperor's jade seal in his hand and said, "Conferred Nuwa as the lord of good fortune, in charge of the great way of good fortune, and also the empress of good fortune, bestowing: the colorful lotus of good fortune in the heavens The Chaos Supreme Treasure Daohua Qingsu Sword and other 33 Chaos Spirit Treasures entered the [-]rd Realm and the Ninth Realm!!!"

"Thank you, Holy Emperor!!" Although Nuwa's beautiful face was calm, her eyes like the stars in the sky revealed joy, and she immediately bowed down.

After that, she was the same as Emperor Jun, but Nuwa's strength stopped at the tenth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm. After all, she was a Hunyuan Jinxian before, that is, a quasi-sage.

Being able to reach this level with the help of the Dahua National Luck, it can be said that he has enjoyed more of the Great Hua National Luck than Di Jun!
(End of this chapter)

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