Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 279 Supreme Holy Emperor, Black Emperor died

Chapter 279 Supreme Holy Emperor, Black Emperor died

Moreover, each piece of scales actually shone with dark rays of light, the rays of light were extremely strange, extremely gloomy and terrifying.

Then, I saw the dark energy around the Black Emperor surging, forming one after another black vortex to cover the Black Emperor. No matter the boundless Three Thousand Ways bombarded on those dark vortexes, it was all caused by the dark vortex. If it is swallowed up, it won't hurt the Black Emperor's true self in the slightest!
In the dark vortex evolved by the Xuming Taoist Rules, there were bursts of fearful roars.

And the Heihuang's body was covered with billowing emptiness, and the boundless black mist enveloped the whole body of the Heihuang. The Heihuang seemed to have turned into a black monster. The sense of danger and bloodthirsty!

And the howling sound from the dark vortex made the Heihuang tremble even more. The terrifying sound seemed to come from the Nine Nether Abyss, making one's hair stand on end! ! !

The Black Emperor no longer holds back, and must quickly open the enchantment evolved by the Daoist Rules of Time and Space!
Others can't understand it, but the powerful in the Chaos Realm know that this vacuum area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles is all evolved from the rules of time and space!

If you don't break the barrier of time and space Taoism, it's completely idiotic to want to leave! !
"This is."

"That's the fusion of the Black Emperor's self-origin and Xu Ming!"

"How is this going?"

At this time, on the stairs of the Supreme Palace, Dahua Immortal Emperor Zulong and Cao Cao were astonished!

Self-origin Every living being in the heavens and all realms has an origin, even a small mortal has an origin!

In particular, the origin of the human race is fused with itself, and because of this, the human race is called the innate Taoist body, and it is innately close to the Dao!
It will be regarded as meat by the monster clan. After eating it, it will not only fill your stomach but also improve your cultivation. Why not do it?
But... the origin of the Black Emperor is strange, it actually contains endless devouring power, as if it can devour the heavens and worlds!
"Whoosh whoosh...!!!"

In an instant, a figure flew out from the place where the Supreme Palace Jue stood, it was the demon emperor Dijun!

Di Jun let out a low cry, and with a swipe of his palm, a huge pitch-black box appeared out of thin air, and then the immeasurable demonic energy in the box gushed out, turning into countless chains that directly penetrated the body of the Black Emperor, restraining the Black Emperor live!
Then Di Jun waved his hand and included the Black Emperor in the Demon Dao map!

It has to be said that it is very difficult to kill someone who has reached the level of Chaos Realm, unless he is one level higher or someone who is strong in the Dao Realm can kill it. Others who want to kill the Chaos Realm...that is completely impossible!
Even Di Jun relied on the four of Bai Qi's joint efforts to perform the Three Thousand Dao Laws, and only during this period urged the Chaos Supreme Treasure Demon Dao Tuge to accept the Black Emperor.

Otherwise, Di Jun may not be able to keep the Black Emperor!
"The army continues to move forward!" Seeing this, Di Jun said, "Bai Qi and others rest and recuperate."

"We receive the order of the demon emperor!" Bai Qi and others received the order, and then entered one of the millions of warships. As for the demon emperor Dijun, the immortal emperor Zulong, and the ghost emperor Cao Cao, they all entered the supreme warship again. Gong Jue Nei.

"Holy Emperor, the Black Emperor is here."

In the thousands of great worlds, Emperor Jun bowed to Chen Xuan, holding up the demon figure with black light in his hand.


As soon as Chen Xuan waved his hand, the Yaodao Tuge came into his hand, and then smiled at the flickering black light in the Yaodao Tuge in his hand.



In an instant, Chen Xuanyan came out, and the Heihuang suddenly appeared in this world, and the Heihuang looked around in confusion, showing a puzzled expression.

He is being absorbed all the time in the Yaodao Tuge. If he successfully absorbs it, maybe the Yaodao Tuge can reach the level of a half-foot soldier!

"Wait...you wait..."

After the Black Emperor came to his senses, he looked around and trembled!

The surroundings are all in the Dao realm of heaven, and there are several chaotic realms, and...and the person on the seat of Godless in front...is even more terrifying! !

That supreme, unsurpassed, and unique aura made the Heihuang unable to resist, as if... this person was born like this, with hundreds of millions and countless living beings under his rule!
That godless king made the Black Emperor tremble all over, and his heart tremble!

The next moment, for some reason, the Black Emperor knelt directly below, his scarlet eyes were full of horror, he didn't even know why he had to kneel down to the emperor...

He is the servant of Emperor Xuan of the emperor of the universe, the slave of the emperor!
Among the emperors of the universe and even the heavens and myriad realms, he worships Emperor Xuan the most and is a slave of faith!

Now it is a great shame for the Black Emperor to kneel down towards other emperors, but...he was trembling all over, at a loss for what to do.

Sitting on the Godless Seat, Chen Xuan looked at the trembling Heihuang below, and the purple gold emperor stared at the body of the Heihuang, and he could already see everything in the past of the Heihuang in his body!
Although Da Luo Jinxian transcends the long river of time, jumps out of the long river of time, and does not exist in time and space, Chen Xuan can still see through this person's past at a glance!

This is the Dao realm!
It is not too easy for a strong Taoist to obliterate the Chaos Realm. If Chen Xuan is willing, with one look, the Black Emperor will be instantly annihilated, and nothing will exist!

At the next moment, before Chen Xuan opened his mouth, the Black Emperor trembled, and the roaring sound came from his purple mansion, followed by the spirit platform of his mind, his body...

In an instant, the scarlet eyes of the Black Emperor fell silent, and his body gradually dissipated, turning into a uniform black smoke, annihilated in the court.

"Go on." Chen Xuan closed his eyes again, sat sideways on the throne, propped his head on his arms, and seemed to be dozing off.

The others stopped talking nonsense, and sat quietly on the gray futon that contained the Three Thousand Ways and the Ten Great Ways, quietly waiting for the army to arrive at the Huanyu Emperor.

As for the Black Emperor, no one mentioned it, and no one thought about it again. It was like a dead ant, unable to attract their attention.


Star map world.

Huanyu Emperor, inside the palace.


Dixuan, who originally sat quietly to understand Taoism, suddenly opened his golden eyes, and looked in one direction of the world in shock!
He had a feeling in his heart that his servant, the Black Emperor... had died and disappeared, no longer existed! !
how is this possible! ! !

The Black Emperor is a strong man in the Chaos Realm, and he is also a strong man in the Profound Chaos Realm! !

Even in the Huanyu Emperor's court, there is no one who can beat the Black Emperor, except him!

Unless it is the Qin Wang, Xing Wang, and Chen Wang of the Huanyu Emperor, they can trap him, seriously injure him, or even kill him!

But this time... the Black Emperor was truly annihilated, and he couldn't even feel the existence of the Black Emperor! !
The Black Emperor is his servant, but he receives the power of the Black Emperor's faith every second, and now... cut off, so the Black Emperor must be in danger! !
Could it be... the invading enemy is extremely powerful? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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