Xuanhuan: Why did you come to the Emperor Group?

Chapter 280 The Emperor's Order, 2 Kings Talk

Chapter 280 The emperor's order is issued, and the two kings talk

Thinking of this, Di Xuan's heart sank.

Originally, he planned to let the Black Emperor arrest the so-called emperor to break through the chaos for his daughter Xuanxi, but he didn't expect... this person is so strong!

Maybe it's not lower than his Huanyu Dynasty, and it's already on the same strength as the Huanyu Dynasty!
Now that the enemy is coming, he has no choice but to announce it to the world!

"Pass down this Emperor's Order!!!" Di Xuan shouted loudly.

"Emperor's order?"

"Emperor's order?"

"Emperor's order?"

Hearing Dixuan's words, within the Huanyu Emperor's court, the people, officials, generals, monks, sects, etc., all the people, officials, generals, monks, sects, etc., who were originally full of vitality and peaceful, all showed signs of panic.

Emperor order?
This is the emperor's decree personally spoken by Di Zunxuan, the supreme ruler of the imperial dynasty in the universe!

And this emperor's edict has not sounded again for an unknown number of years...

The generals of the three armies, the five-star army, the beast regiment, and the commander of the World Extermination Army immediately went to the palace where Emperor Zun lived.

I don't know that, there are various officials, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Industry, the Six Departments of the Military Department, and hundreds of civil and military officials who have gone to Gongjue.

Most of these officials are high-level officials in the area under Emperor Xuan's jurisdiction.

At this time, all the powerful groups and forces of the Huanyu Emperor Dynasty have already started to act.

Not only here, other cultivation sects also started to act.

"Emperor's order?"

"Isn't this emperor's order already useless?"

"Yeah, this has been useless for hundreds of thousands of years, why did it suddenly sound? Could it be that Lord Emperor Zun wants to call all forces?"

"It shouldn't be, isn't Lord Emperor Zun always practicing in seclusion? How could it be possible to call all forces at this time?"

"I can't say for sure about this. After all, Lord Emperor Zun is a peerless figure of a generation. No one can tell what level he is now? Maybe he is in retreat now, but he has not been disturbed by the outside world?"

"That's right, so which power will be unlucky this time? I really hope that I can go to watch the ceremony quickly. Whether it is Lord Emperor Zun or the Emperor's Order, seeing Lord Emperor Zun make a move is also something worth showing off for a lifetime. "

"Perhaps some unlucky bastard who didn't have long eyes angered Princess Xuan Xi? Otherwise, how could the emperor's order appear?"

"It is possible that the Emperor's Order dates back to 10 years ago. The Eternal Grand Sect wanted to imprison Princess Xuanxi as a slave, and finally provoked the Emperor's Xuan Order. The entire star map world has hundreds of millions of monks, thousands of ethnic groups, tens of thousands Hunyuan, hundreds of heavenly realms, even King Qin, King Xing, and King Chen all appeared, and together they destroyed the Eternal Sect. Millions of elders, disciples, etc. of the entire sect were all dead, their souls scattered, and finally No one left!"

"That's not necessarily true. It's nothing unusual for the three kings to take action. It's just that the emperor's order is very rare, and the emperor's order is still very important information. , King Xing, and King Chen can't command billions of forces in the universe!"

"You're not talking nonsense!"

"Hehe, I'm just guessing casually, you really take it seriously!"


In the star map world, in an outer palace, a man frowned and opened his eyes, looking at the court in the immeasurable starry sky, he said dissatisfiedly: "This king is already using the emperor's order during the breakthrough?"

"Hahahaha, King Qin, now that enemies from outside the star map are attacking, Emperor Xuan has no other choice."


At this time, the space in front of King Qin was torn apart, and a man laughed loudly, and his voice spread throughout the palace.

"Foreign enemies? The world of this king's star map is constantly under pressure and shakes the heavens. How can there be a foreign enemy? The star king should not spread rumors at will." King Qin frowned, and his divine sense instantly searched the entire world.

"The king of Qin didn't know anything about the retreat just now. This time the foreign enemy was attracted by our niece."

Xingwang smiled and said: "Before this, I didn't know, but after the black dog died..."

"What did you say? The black dog is dead??!" Before King Xing finished speaking, King Qin said in shock: "Even if the three of us work together, it is impossible to really kill the dead dog. How could it die like this?"

"It can only be said that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky." Xing Wang turned and looked at the immeasurable Xinghai outside the palace and said, "As far as I know, that girl Xuanxi crossed the border to find a breakthrough foundation more than 1000 years ago, but in the end she met that girl." The two broke up unhappy, and now the one who crossed over to conquer the star map, the Black Emperor...that is, the black dog was the first to be wiped out!"

"No one can stop that person from coming now, so this king can know, otherwise... the Emperor Xuanxuan is still in the dark."

"Thus, when that person came, Emperor Xuancai had no choice but to sound the Xuan Xi's exclusive order... the emperor's order!!"

Listening to King Xing's words, King Qin fell into deep thought...

Indeed, before Chen Xuan, Emperor Ling could be said to be Xuan Xi's exclusive Ling Yin, after all whoever provokes her will only be exterminated by the Emperor of the Universe!

But now who dares to provoke Xuan Xi?She is a great power in the twelfth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm!

Therefore, the emperor's order has been silent for more than 10 years, and now Emperor Zunxuan has to "ring" the emperor's order again.

"Then what do you want?" Qin Wang looked at Xing Wang and asked, he didn't believe that this "old friend" would be so kind to tell him the matter, logically he should go to Emperor Xuan Palace to die quickly.

"King Qin, there are billions of worlds in the Emperor Xuanba's astrological map, and his immeasurable luck has lasted for so long, so that you and I are only in the late stage of the Primal Chaos Profound Realm. Don't you want to use it..." Star King said There is no text.

But how could King Qin not know the deep meaning of his words?

"If you do that, you will be cast aside, ostracized, or even... expelled by Xingtu!" King Qin frowned and said.

"What's the matter? If that one destroys the world, this world will also become a plaything in his palm." Xing Wang sneered, and said, "My future... your cultivation and my cultivation will definitely be improved because of that one's attention!"

King Qin once again fell into deep thought...

Being able to annihilate the black dog, that is, the existence of the black emperor, is definitely not inferior to Emperor Zunxuan!

If they help that person, they will definitely be valued by that person and bestowed with supreme luck!
Luck is very important!
Look at Di Zunxuan, the master of the star map world, occupying billions of star map worlds, with immeasurable luck for countless years, that's why he comprehended the Taoist rules so quickly.

If they help that...

"What does King Chen mean?" King Qin asked.

"What is the relationship between Xuan and Chen, why do you need to ask?" Xing Wang sneered.

It is said that King Chen also started at Weimo, but in the end he was obliterated by Di Zunxuan to kill all his relatives. Otherwise, he would have been lucky, or he would have died. Until now, King Chen has not given up the idea of ​​killing Di Zunxuan!

"I will consider this matter on my own, but...the time is not long!" After Xing Wang finished speaking, he tore open the space again, and headed towards Emperor Xuan Palace, leaving the thoughtful King Qin in silence for a long time...


(End of this chapter)

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