movie world adventurer

Chapter 122 Purchasing Equipment

Chapter 122 Purchasing Equipment
After thinking for a while, Lin Tian had to admit that Eisenhower's decision was correct.

If Germany and Hydera join forces again and start building fortifications in Normandy, the Allied forces must launch a general offensive on Normandy before the fortifications are completed.

The geographical location of Normandy is too important. If you want to win the European battlefield, capturing Normandy is the first step.

"General Eisenhower, you are right. The D-Day landing should indeed be brought forward." Lin Tian affirmed Eisenhower's decision.

Several bigwigs at the dinner table breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Rogers had agreed to sneak into Normandy to meet the Allied landing forces before the Allied forces launched a general offensive.As long as Lin Tian agrees to assist the Allied forces, enter Normandy to meet the landing troops.Then the casualties of the Allied forces will be greatly reduced.

The reduction in casualties means that tens of thousands of husbands and sons can return to their families...

"So, you agreed to assist us in the Normandy landing?" The President of the United States needed Lin Tian to clearly state his decision.

Lin Tian has no reason to refuse, it concerns thousands of families: "I agree."

"Very good! Lin, you are indeed our hero Lin! Americans and righteous people all over the world will remember your exploits!" Eisenhower was a little excited.

The French representative looked at Lin Tian with mixed feelings in his heart: it was finally time for the Allied forces to attack France, and the French people had had enough of being enslaved by the German government.

"What about S.H.I.E.L.D.? Will S.H.I.E.L.D. participate in this campaign?" asked the British Prime Minister.This is also a matter of great concern to several bigwigs sitting here.

"Whether S.H.I.E.L.D. will participate in this battle depends on the sincerity of the President of the United States." Lin Tian looked at the President of the United States with a serious expression.

"Lin, what do you mean?"

"At present, most of the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. are just ordinary people. They are also flesh and blood. Although we have powerful weapons and equipment, this is not enough. I want people from S.H.I.E.L.D. to participate in this battle, the United States Fleet, five state-of-the-art submarines need to be sold to S.H.I.E.L.D., plus five 'Constellation' transport aircraft."

"Five state-of-the-art submarines? Five 'Constellation' transport planes?" The US President flicked his wrist and looked at Lin Tian in shock.

Lin Tian's words really scared the President of the United States.First of all, Lin Tian opened his mouth like a lion, and asked for ten pieces of the world's top military equipment at one time.Secondly, how did Lin Tian know about the 'Constellation' transport plane?
The "Constellation" transport aircraft is still an extremely confidential weapon research and development project in the United States. In 1943, the concept machine of the "Constellation" transport aircraft was successfully developed.

The British Prime Minister looked at the President of the United States and Eisenhower. Obviously, the Prime Minister did not know about this weapon research and development project in the United States.

The reason why Lin Tian knew it was because he was also a military fan when he was in college.

"Yes, there are five constellation transport planes." Lin Tian nodded in affirmation.

In fact, Lin Tian is not satisfied with the current US submarines and transport aircraft.Compared with future nuclear submarines and Globemaster transport aircraft, the current US submarines and transport aircraft are simply weak.

However, the current scientific and technological strength of the world cannot be compared with that in 70 or [-] years.

"No, no, no." The President of the United States shook his head like a rattle, and he strongly objected, "Lin, if SHIELD needs advanced submarines to transport personnel, we can rent submarines to you, and we are willing to help. But It's impossible for us to sell five submarines and five Constellation transports to S.H.I.E.L.D. at once."

"Since it's impossible, it's impossible for SHIELD personnel to enter Normandy to die. I can enter Normandy, but Mr. President, don't forget your stinginess today. To be honest, SHIELD still despises you with this equipment Falling behind, it won't be long before the United States will beg S.H.I.E.L.D. to sell powerful military technology."

Lin Tian's eyes turned cold, and the corner of his mouth naturally sneered.Struggles between big countries are often like this, sometimes they are like a family, sometimes they are intriguing, and there are waves of overt and covert means, and the fundamental interests are paramount.

"Lin, are you threatening the United States?" The President of the United States put down his knife and fork, and looked at Lin Tian coldly.

Lin Tian shows no sign of weakness. In this "Captain America 1" world, if he still wants to be a wimp and be suppressed by Western powers, then he will be too sorry for the words "Descendants of Yan and Huang".

"Hey, calm down." The British Prime Minister saw that the situation was not good, and grabbed the American President's arm. "I think Lin's actions are understandable. The S.H.I.E.L.D. is very powerful and we need them. I propose to sell the Give S.H.I.E.L.D. 5 advanced submarines, 5 'Constellation' transport aircraft."

Speaking of this, the British Prime Minister paused, and then continued to add: "It's just that it's a time of war, and we don't have enough personnel to provide technical guidance to S.H.I.E.L.D. This matter needs to be resolved by S.H.I.E.L.D. itself."

The atmosphere at the dinner party suddenly froze.

The President of the United States paused for a while, and the words of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom reminded him: Without technical guidance, maintenance parts, and professional operators, the top-notch military weapons Lin Tian bought would be as good as scrap metal, and would even fail to start. Disaster.

"If S.H.I.E.L.D. insists on a stalemate on this matter, the United States can make concessions for the victory of the Allied Forces and world peace. But, as the Prime Minister said, it is a time of war, with tense personnel and spare parts. SHIELD provides personnel and technical support."

The President of the United States has calmed down a lot, and there is even some jokes on his face: "In addition, during the war, military equipment is also extremely tight. If S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to buy these equipment, it needs to pay three times the price, and pay in cash in one go .”

Lin Tian slowly cut the steak and put a piece of steak into his mouth.After chewing the steak and swallowing it, he replied unhurriedly: "Yes, all the submarines, one-time delivery, you just hand over the active submarines to us. As for the constellation transport plane, it will be delivered within three years."

Seeing Lin Tian being so decisive, the President of the United States hesitated instead.

However, the negotiations have reached the final stage, and the US president has no reason to suddenly repent: "Deal."


The White House dinner lasted until midnight.This is the longest dinner the president of the United States has had since taking office.

After the negotiation, Lin Tian directly transferred 30 billion US dollars to the United States, and all the funds were paid in one lump sum.

It took the White House a week to withdraw 5 submarines from the Pacific Fleet and drive them to the coast of the United States to watch how S.H.I.E.L.D. drove the submarines away.

(End of this chapter)

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