movie world adventurer

Chapter 123 Base Camp

Chapter 123 Base Camp

The second day after the submarine stopped at the U.S. military port, Stark secretly met with Lin Tian, ​​and he brought 30 people to Lin Tian.

These 30 people are all retired submarine operators from the United States.Under Stark's enlightenment and temptation, they joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Lin, I'm Bieber, the submarine operator. It's a great honor to be here to fight with you!" A mustache veteran suppressed his excitement and stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Tian.

Lin Tianqian shook hands with Bieber and patted Bieber's shoulder: "Bieber, welcome to join S.H.I.E.L.D. We will be comrades in arms from now on."

"Yes, we are comrades in arms!" Bieber nodded heavily.

"Lin, I'm Justin, and I repair submarines. Can you tell me your story? I adore you!" The middle-aged man Justin's tone trembled and his face turned red.

"Enter S.H.I.E.L.D., we have plenty of time to drink and chat."

"Haha, it's great!" Justin plucked up his courage, and suddenly gave Lin Tian a big hug.From then on, he had the capital to brag and show off to his comrades in arms.He hugged Lin!

Lin Tian smiled.He shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with everyone who showed up in the secret basement.

Half an hour later, Lin Tian was in high spirits, and gave the first order to these S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits: "Everyone, we are soldiers. Our purpose is to maintain world peace. We are going to eliminate Hydera and the Communist Party. Now, your President My husband wants to see my jokes, he thinks that I can buy a submarine, but I can’t see it away, you dare to join me in driving these five submarines to the old lair of S.H.I.E.L.D.?!”

"Go to the lair of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" The 30 submarine sailors were shocked. Can they go to the lair of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Even Stark, who was present, also had bright eyes.He also hadn't seen the S.H.I.E.L.D. lair.

"Of course, why don't you dare?!" Justin, the submarine repairman, roared, his blood boiling.

The other 29 submarine sailors also echoed.

Operator Bieber joked: "Who is the President of the United States? Have you heard of this guy? Hell President, let's slap him in the face!"

"Haha!" Everyone roared with laughter.

Subsequently, under the escort of Lin Tian, ​​30 submarine sailors came to the US military port.

20 engineers and scientists from Stark Industries were secretly given to Lin Tian by Stark.

On this day, the 30 submarine sailors were nervous because they had never driven such a beautiful, domineering and powerful submarine.This is America's most advanced submarine.

On this day, the people around the military port bowed their necks, wanting to see the hero forest.Many American girls screamed, hoping that Lin Tian could give them a hug and a kiss.

On this day, the face of the President of the United States who was seeing him off in the military port turned green. He did not expect that Lin Tian dug up these veterans in the United States.It was tantamount to slapping him across the face.

"This guy Stark, doesn't he want to cooperate with the United States anymore? He doesn't want orders from the United States anymore? Is it possible for his Stark Industries to collapse?" The president became a little annoyed and yelled at the cronies beside him. A few words.

"Mr. President, I think he will have an order from S.H.I.E.L.D. Oh, he must feel that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be his backer. He believes that with the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D. Stark Industries." The cronies seemed to say it casually, but in fact, he was reminding the president that Stark had nothing to fear.

The president's face twitched, and he understood the meaning of his cronies' words.

"You bastard, you are a wolf-hearted dog, and the seller seeks glory! The wicked capitalist, who makes money, even sells the country!" The president cursed a series of words, and the cronies beside him were stunned and gained insight.


In the western Pacific Ocean, eastern China, on an island controlled by the RB Empire, the horns and roars of warships could be heard.

Under the surface of the sea 3000 meters away from the island, five dark submarines spread out, slowly sneaking in attack formation.

The sound of the waves of the sea concealed many dangers.

The five submarines are like ghosts, no sonar can detect them, they are currently the most advanced submarines in the world.

Inside the leading submarine, six sailors, four engineers and scientists from Stark Industries, watched the various instruments very calmly.

"The depth is 153 meters."

"The speed is 10 knots."

"3000 meters from the island."

"Three warships were detected. The combat power of the warships is unknown, and the country of ownership is unknown."


Sonar hands and instrument monitors reported various data one after another.

Lin Tian sat on the captain's seat, thoughtful.

The serious atmosphere was suddenly broken by Justin, a submarine maintenance worker: "Hey, Lin, I heard that you tamed a little girl named Monroe, and it was rumored that she was underage. You put her to sleep? Oh God, hero's The treatment is different, that kind of beautiful girl will only call me a pervert, and call me like a piece of shit!"

"Haha." There was a roar of laughter in the cab.

Lin Tian was ashamed, he didn't expect that the matter between himself and Monroe would become known so soon.The trouble was, everyone thought he had put Monroe to sleep.It seems that everyone agrees with him that old cows eat tender grass.

"Ahem... Justin, don't think about everyone driving. Monroe and I are innocent, innocent..." Lin Tian explained, but he felt that the description was getting darker, so he added, "In the future, she will basically Won't stay with me, she's stateside, she's going to be a big movie star."

"Oh, you are innocent? God, do you believe Hero Lin's words?" Justin asked God with a very devout look.

Bieber joked: "Justin, God told me to tell you that he believes in Lin. He said that Lin's plan is to accept Monroe after she becomes famous and grows up. Haha."

"Ahem...serious!" Lin Tian couldn't continue listening. Once these American soldiers talked about dirty jokes, they would be more ruthless one by one. They especially like to make dirty jokes about celebrities, "Report the data!"

"The depth is 180 meters."

"The speed is 8 knots."

"2800 meters from the island."

"The three warships did not leave."

"Excuse me, Captain, is the island in front of you the headquarters of our S.H.I.E.L.D.? Are those three warships friendly forces?"

A sailor asked.

Lin Tian nodded very seriously: "Yes, the island in front of you is the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. The three warships are not friendly troops, but enemy troops."


what's the situation?
Everyone is puzzled.

Could it be that the base camp of S.H.I.E.L.D. was surrounded by enemy troops?
Everyone cheered up immediately and drove the most advanced submarine in the world. They were arrogant and murderous: dare to surround the base camp of S.H.I.E.L.D.?court death!
"Excuse me, Captain, are there any casualties among the S.H.I.E.L.D. comrades on the island? Do we need to attack immediately?"

"Wait, don't attack yet. Oh, that... there are no S.H.I.E.L.D. comrades on the island, have you heard of RB imperialism? This island is full of RB soldiers." Lin Tian responded.

"RB soldiers? Could it be that the base camp is occupied by RB?" Someone's face changed drastically.

"No, no, this island was occupied by RB from the beginning, we are going to attack this island."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, everyone was puzzled.Everyone racked their brains to think about it, and then someone suddenly understood and shouted: "I'm going! Lin, what do you mean, we are here to rob? Are we here to rob this island and use it as a base camp?"

"Uh, so to speak... say."

(End of this chapter)

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