movie world adventurer

Chapter 124 Attack and Defense of Submarines

Chapter 124 Attack and Defense of Submarines
There was silence in the cockpit, and the atmosphere was a little weird.Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, and you always feel that something is wrong.

"Ahem." Lin Tian cleared his throat again, bringing everyone back to their senses and concentrating.

Then, Lin Tian issued an order.

"Order, No. 1 submarine, launch two torpedoes towards enemy No. 1 warship."

"Order, No. 2 submarine, fire two fish at enemy No. 2 warship."

"Order, submarine No. 3, launch two fish towards enemy warship No. 3."

"Submarine No. 4 and No. 5 are always searching the nearby waters to prevent sneak attacks by enemy submarines."

"Command execution counts down for 1 minute, launch on time!"

Order after order was communicated among the five submarines.

Lin Tian's order made the atmosphere in the submarine tense immediately.

"Submarine No. 1 is ready for launch, and the target is locked!"

"No. 2 is ready, the target is locked!"

"No. 3 is ready, the target is locked!"

"No. 4 sonar searched in all directions, and found no suspicious targets."

"No. 5 sonar searched in all directions, and found no suspicious targets."

All reports are densely aggregated.

Lin Tian was engrossed and concentrated.Who would have thought that he, a college student who just graduated, would be able to enter the world of "Captain America 1", and he would also only have the most advanced submarine force in the world.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

A countdown of seconds begins.

When the countdown reached zero, Lin Tian's heart swayed, and he spit out two words: "Launch!"

It was as if the sound of sea water vibrating entered the ears.

Everyone held their breath.

The sonar hand suddenly reported: "Report, the enemy found fire locking."

"Report, three enemy warships are doing emergency evasion."

"Report, there are two enemy submarines on the left rear side of the island, the target distance is 6000 meters. Request fish attack."

Hearing that the three warships found themselves being locked by firepower, Lin Tian was nervous, afraid that they would not be able to hit them all at once.Hearing two submarines appeared on the left rear side of the island, Lin Tian's heart thumped.


Lin Tian's No. 1 submarine received the order and dived immediately!

The operator, Bieber, set the diving speed to the fastest, the whole submarine's head tilted downward, and the hull soon made a creaking sound.

"The two fishes on the 4th have been launched."

"The two fishes on the 5th have been launched."

"The dive depth is 200 meters, 210 meters, the submarine is about to bottom out!"

There was a trace of cold sweat on Lin Tian's forehead, and he was nervous: "Steady the speed and lightly touch the bottom of the sea. All the sonars are turned off and enter a state of silence. All crew members are not allowed to move around or make noise. After 10 minutes, turn on the power to report the situation .”

The sound of the hull colliding with the bottom of the sea caused the entire submarine to vibrate.

The shock dissipated quickly.

The air in the cockpit was very hot and dry.

Everyone's hearts beat faster, but they didn't dare to act rashly, and they didn't even seem to make any moves.Because in the offensive and defensive battle of the submarine, any vibration may generate water waves, and the vibration of the water waves is also an important basis for the enemy submarine to capture itself.

Time, a minute and a second passed.

Everyone listened carefully to the sound above the hull.

Soon, three violent explosions seemed to come from the sea, and everyone in the Lin Tian Fleet could clearly feel it.

The explosion and vibration showed that the three warships of the RB fleet did not escape the bad luck of being destroyed by fish.

Immediately after the explosion of the three warships, two more violent explosions came from the water.

This time the explosion produced huge underwater fluctuations.

Lin Tian felt the shaking of his submarine.

These so-called most advanced submarines in the United States did not disappoint Lin Tian.At least, their sensitivity and their firepower strike capability are beyond the reach of these RB warships and submarines.

"Lin, they all seem to have been hit. Can we go up?" A Stark Industries engineer was too nervous and asked Lin Tian.

"Don't talk." Lin Tian growled to stop, and all the sailors also took a look at the engineer, who was an idiot for attacking and defending submarines.

If you go up now, you may be sunk immediately.Because Lin Tian didn't know whether there were other submarines behind the island.

What's more, you can't fully confirm that the two submarines and three warships have been completely destroyed.

Time seemed to stand still.

Two and 10 minutes later, the five submarines turned on their communication equipment and operated with low power.

"Report, No. 5 is normal."

"Number 4 is normal."

"Number 3 is normal."

"Number 2 is normal."

No. 1 where Lin Tian is located is also normal.

"Command, No. 4 ascends slowly, head towards the island, search the battlefield, and run the sonar at low power."

"Order, No. 5 ascends slowly, the direction deviates from the direction of the island, searches the battlefield, and the sonar operates at low power."

"No. 2 and No. 3 are on standby silently."

The current situation is more optimistic, Lin Tian dare not be careless.

Fortunately, about half an hour later, No. 4 and No. 5 reported the situation on the battlefield: RB's three warships were wiped out.Two submarines were sunk.No other unknown warships or submarines were found around the island.

At this moment, the setting sun slowly sank into the sea.The sky began to darken.

Lin Tian's five submarines were scattered in five directions of the island, forming a ring and surrounding the island.Submarines are always on the alert.

On the east side of the island, beyond a beach suitable for landing, a dark submarine suddenly raised its head, like a dragon coming out of the water, breaking into a wave.

This submarine is the No. 1 boat where Lin Tian is.

The RB soldiers on the beach were very busy. They had fortifications, and their officers shouted wildly, ordering their soldiers to get ready to resist Lin Tian's attack.

No. 1 submarine, suspended in the sea.

Lin Tian stepped out of the boat and looked at the RB soldiers on the beach.Moments later, he gave the order: bombard the RB Beach Troops.


In the western Pacific Ocean, in RB's country across the sea from China, the RB emperor held the telegram in his hand, his face livid.

"Bastard! Shameless Americans, they even attacked!" the emperor roared.

On both sides of the strip conference table, all the officers lowered their heads.

Depressed atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, we can only confirm that it was the latest American submarine that attacked us. As for whether it was the actions of American soldiers, we are still not sure." His Majesty's staff analyzed.

The other officers and staff were lost in thought.


In the White House, the President urgently summoned important military personnel: "The latest news is that Lin drove the submarine we gave him and attacked an important island of RB in the Western Pacific. Should we take the blame for this?"

 A new day is about to ask for a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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